Chapter 264: Demons second! Global silence! (Please subscribe, please

Chapter 264 Human and devil second! Global silence! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

"not good!"

Huangfu Dongjun, Huangfu Jingming, and Huangfu Chongshan discovered that the purpose of Chu Zhou and the Golden Eagle Emperor was not to attack them.

Instead, they were separated from Huangfu Tianyang and Huangfu Guihai.

They knew right away that something was wrong.

They wanted to reunite with Huangfu Tianyang and Huangfu Guihai.

But before they could act, Chu Zhou's 'Nine Layers of Hell Domain' enveloped him.

For a while, Huangfu Dongjun, Huangfu Jingming, and Huangfu Chongshan all fell into the nine layers of hell.

Nine levels of hell, divided into nine levels, each of which dominates an extreme emotion.

The first level, anger hell.

Second level, sad hell.

The third layer, fear of hell.

Fourth layer, hate hell.

Fifth layer, resentment hell.

The sixth level, hate heaven and hell.

The seventh level, sinking into hell.

Eighth level, **** of despair.

Ninth level, killing hell.

Once trapped in the Nine Layers of Hell, the nine extreme emotions hidden in the depths of the soul will be pulled out by the order in the Nine Layers of Hell, and repeatedly pulled and detonated.

If the will is not firm enough, the spiritual consciousness is likely to be directly annihilated in the repeated pulling and torture of such extreme emotions.

Even if a person who enters the Nine Hells is determined enough to survive in the end, he still has to go through a lot of painful torture.

Actually, different people, after comprehending and mastering the mysteries of the Nine Layers of Hell, have different powers.

Chu Zhou has killed more than 40 million creatures, and also slaughtered many kings and warrior gods, and also resisted the extremely cruel beast tide...

He can be said to have been killed all the way here, and he is a real **** of killing.

He has experienced the anger, sorrow, fear, disgust, resentment, hatred, unwillingness, despair, madness and other extreme emotions of countless living beings at the time of life and death.

The murderous aura accumulated on him was as vast as the sea.

In his situation, it is undoubtedly a privilege to practice the Nine Hells.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why he chose to practice the Nine Hells.

He integrated the extreme emotions he had experienced, as well as the vast murderous aura on his body, into the Nine Hells.

This also made the power of the nine hells reach a thrilling level.

At this moment, Huangfu Dongjun, Huangfu Jingming, and Huangfu Chongshan are all in the first level of hell, anger hell.

Phantoms of countless dead souls roared angrily beside them.

The extreme anger suddenly turned into a blood-colored wolf smoke, gushing out from the phantoms of countless dead souls.

The entire domain space was rendered bloody.

The three of Huangfu Dongjun felt the anger in their hearts in an instant, and were inexplicably stimulated and provoked.

At this moment, all the angry scenes that they have experienced in their lives are emerging in their hearts one by one.

Anger spread rapidly in their hearts like wildfire.

Their bodies trembled uncontrollably, their hands suddenly clenched into fists, and their eyes opened angrily, as if they were going to fight their enemies desperately.

"No, why am I suddenly so angry?"

"Is this a spiritual field of emotional manipulation?"

"It's really a terrifying field. Unknowingly, it detonated the anger deep in my heart."

Huangfu Dongjun and the other three are warrior gods after all, so they soon came to their senses.

They all looked in shock at the **** field in front of them, at the countless angry and roaring dead souls.

They didn't expect that they would be affected by this scarlet field so quickly.

"The spiritual field has always been very weird, we have to be careful."

Huangfu Dongjun spoke to Huangfu Jingming and Huangfu Chongshan.

The latter two nodded solemnly, they had already felt the weirdness just now.

Then, they all quickly mobilized their domain order, suppressing and expelling the weird anger that had spread into their domain.

Chu Zhou is busy dealing with Huangfu Tianyang now, and has not presided over the Nine Hells himself.

Therefore, Huangfu Dongjun and the others quickly expelled the anger that had spread into their domain.

Next, they experienced the feeling of being detonated with extreme emotions such as sorrow, fear, disgust, resentment, hatred, unwillingness, despair, and madness in their hearts.

One by one experienced the remaining eight hells.

Especially the triple **** of the final sinking hell, despair hell, and killing hell, which made them sweat even more.

It was too scary. It was full of unwillingness, despair and madness, which almost made them lose control of their mentality and fell into it.

Fortunately, Chu Zhou did not personally preside over the Nine Layers of Hell, but the Nine Layers of Hell was running instinctively.

Otherwise, they don't even have the confidence to survive the repeated pulling and torture of those extreme emotions.

And when the three of Huangfu Dongjun were suffering from various mental tortures in the Nine Layers of Hell...

Chu Zhou also stepped on Huangfu Tianyang's head neatly, directly crushing it to death.

Summoned a black hole again, devouring Huangfu Tianyang's body.


Chu Zhou didn't seem to feel the pain, only the upper body remained, and after turning indifferently, he punched violently again.

Like the ancient **** who contained endless anger, bursting out with a blow to destroy the world, the punch smashed the frightened Huangfu shrewd into pieces.

Then, without waiting for the lower body to reorganize, he rushed to Huangfu Chongshan who was chasing and killing the Golden Eagle Emperor, and joined hands with the Golden Eagle Emperor to suppress Huangfu Chongshan.

"Spicy bastard, I told you to chase and kill me, and now I will let you know that I am the real beast emperor!"

The Golden Eagle Emperor with only one wing left, waved the remaining wing fiercely at Huangfu Chongshan, and when the wing approached Huangfu Chongshan's body, it directly detonated the wing.

With a loud bang, Huangfu Chongshan was seriously injured by the wings of the explosion.

At this moment, Chu Zhou charged over from the other side, chasing the seriously injured Huangfu Chongshan and violently fought.

Chu Zhou, who was seriously injured, finally smashed Huangfu Chongshan after another arm.

However, even if the bodies of Huangfu Dongjun, Huangfu Jingming, and Huangfu Chongshan were all smashed by Chu Zhou, they are still not dead.

The king, as long as the brain or the heart is still there, can reorganize the body.

Not to mention the Valkyrie whose vitality is much stronger than that of the king.

The bodies of the three of them are all undergoing rapid reorganization.

Chu Zhou and the Golden Eagle Emperor paid a heavy price with injuries and wounds, and managed to kill the three of them completely.

Chu Zhou also successfully summoned a black hole and devoured their bodies.

This battle was the most tragic and dangerous in Chu Zhou's history.

When the battle was over, all he had left was a scarred head.

The Golden Eagle Emperor was even worse, leaving only one golden eye that rolled around.

It can be said that this time, they were really on the verge of life and death, and they were completely dead just a little bit away.

Fortunately, when they fought fiercely with Huangfu Dongjun and other three Martial Gods just now, the aftermath of the energy that erupted wiped out all the creatures within a hundred miles around.

Otherwise, their current situation is very dangerous.

Of course, although this battle was tragic, the result was unimaginably brilliant.

After 500 miles of experience like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, they unexpectedly killed the five gods of war with serious injuries.

If such results are spread, it will definitely cause a worldwide sensation.

Therefore, Chu Zhou's head and the eyes of the Golden Eagle Emperor looked at each other, and then both of them laughed heartily.

With such an experience of living and dying together, Chu Zhou's impression of the Golden Eagle Emperor has also changed a lot.

Not only regard the other party as a mount, but also as a friend.

"Let's summon our broken body and blood as soon as possible, and then get out of here!"

Chu Zhou said, with a thought, he immediately summoned the pieces of meat, bones, etc. scattered on the battlefield after his body collapsed, as well as his own blood that permeated the void.

In an instant, a large amount of flesh, bones, and wisps of blood flew towards his head from various positions on the battlefield.

At the same time, the eyes of the Golden Eagle Emperor were doing the same thing.

Although, even if they don't call back their former bodies and blood energy, they can still reorganize.

But there is no doubt that after summoning the body and blood energy back, the recovery speed is faster.

After they almost summoned their broken bodies and blood energy back.

Chu Zhou immediately asked Qian Xing Teng to take them away from under the ground.

About half an hour later, a group of warriors from many families who had defected to the New Moon Organization appeared on the **** road that spread for five hundred miles.

They marched along the five-hundred-mile **** road in shock, and when they crossed the five-hundred-mile **** road and appeared on the battlefield of the five great warriors, including Chu Zhou, Jin Diaohuang, and Huangfu Dongjun, when they saw the scene of the doomsday battlefield , they were all dumbfounded.

"Have the five Martial Gods of the Huangfu family also died? This time, the world will be turned upside down!"

A martial artist, talking in a daze.

"Yeah, this time we suffered a heavy loss. After Chu Zhou and the Golden Eagle Emperor appeared, we ambushed them from all sides, dispatched seven beast emperors, six warrior gods, and dozens of Master Wan went to ambush him...but he was killed by them."

"Forget it, there are five Martial Gods of the Huangfu Family to guarantee the bottom line. I thought that they, who were exhausted and seriously injured, would surely die under the hands of the five Martial Gods of the Huangfu Family."

"Who would have thought that they would actually kill the five Martial Gods of the Huangfu family in such a desperate situation today."

Another martial artist said in a trembling voice, with a hint of fear and disbelief on his face.

"What a monster, how did he do it? Don't say that he is just a king now, even if he is a warrior god, facing such a situation, he should die without life!"

There were also people who were bloodless and said.

"We have been trying our best to overestimate him...but we still far underestimated him." A Valkyrie who had been silent for a long time, sighed quietly, "We have been trying our best to strangle him to prevent him from becoming a second human monster...but now, he Has become the second demon."

The glorious achievements of Chu Zhou and the Golden Eagle Emperor were quickly passed back to the three major organizations, and also to the top management of the monsters, and it was also spread all over the world.

The three major organizations are silent!

The top monsters are silent!

The three major martial arts gyms and the human alliance are silent!

Global Silence!

No matter which side they are from, everyone is frightened by the brilliant record of Chu Zhou and the Golden Eagle Emperor.

At the same time, the saying that Chu Zhou is the second devil is also spreading like wildfire.

Many powerful forces and powerful people, when they heard the phrase "human devil second", instinctively thought of the figure that once made them tremble and fear in their hearts.

Now, is another such a terrifying existence born?

This chapter is five thousand words! Recently, Heiyan, in the sci-fi combat power list, is basically ranked in the top ten in terms of code words, and often in the top five. After working so hard, everyone, big guys, please vote for the monthly ticket!
