Chapter 275: Attribute points reached 4 billion! (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass

Chapter 275 Attribute points reach 4 billion! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

The news of Chu Zhou's return to the Guangdong base city spread quickly.

The top three martial arts gyms and the Human Alliance, after learning that Chu Zhou had returned, immediately ordered the "retreat".

On the fringes of various human cities, the human warriors and armies who were confronting the warriors of the Earth Organization and the New Moon Organization began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The Valkyrie elite team that entered the depths of the wilderness to search for Chu Zhou also returned to the human city.

The three major organizations and the monsters had no choice but to withdraw their troops when they learned that Chu Zhou had returned to the human city.

During this period of time, the "cloud of war" that had been hanging over the world suddenly dissipated.

Countless people breathed a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that during this period of time, the three major martial arts gyms and the human alliance have done so much for me..."

Tomahawk Martial Arts, Villa No. 3, in the garden, Chu Zhou was lying comfortably on a recliner, bathed in the sun, opened the webpage, and read news and news.

Through these news and news, he has a deep understanding of what the three major martial arts gyms and the human alliance have done for him during the period when he was hunted down by the three major organizations and monsters in the wilderness area.

For him alone, countless fighters and troops of the Human Alliance were mobilized.

Even the "Dragon", "Sun God" Sol, and Chanjapasa, the three most powerful men, were dispatched.

Although they were stopped by the Xeons of the three major organizations.

"Without the actions of countless fighters and armies of the Human Alliance, as well as the actions of the three most powerful men such as 'Dragon', it would have caused a huge restraint on the masters of the three major organizations and monsters..."

"I'm afraid that the strong men sent by the three major organizations and monsters to hunt and kill me will be even more terrifying."

"Even, there may have been a high-level warrior at the level of a warrior, chasing and killing me... I will never be given the opportunity to grow up."

Chu Zhou said to himself, feeling very grateful to the three major martial arts schools and the Human Alliance for everything they have done for him.

"Chu Zhou, the barbecue is ready, come and eat."

At this moment, the voice of Oriental Pearl Tower came.

Chu Zhou closed the webpage, looked up, the Oriental Pearl Tower was smiling and waving to him.

She's sitting right next to a giant grill.

On the barbecue grill, pieces of animal meat were grilled until golden, and the aroma was wafting.

Sister Dao, Yang Zhenzhen, Ling Zhan, Shi Meng, Li Qingshi, Tang Yuanqing, Nie Ying, Dugu Lan, Xia Meng...

There are also dozens of kings that Chu Zhou met yesterday.

At this moment, they are chatting happily, drinking and eating meat at the same time, and it is very lively.

The golden eagle emperor has a huge body, but he also squats nearby. A bird's head stretches out, and from time to time, it picks up a piece of delicious meat from the barbecue grill, and eats it like a wolf.

"Boss, it's boring to just eat meat, drink!"

Shouting loudly, Shi Meng threw a bottle of fine wine to the Golden Eagle Emperor.

Golden Eagle Emperor's mouth, with one bite.


It raised its head slightly, and poured the fine wine into its mouth. The two golden eyes lit up quickly, and a hint of intoxication appeared on its face.

"I made a mistake, this human wine is so unique and delicious... I actually ignored it in the past."

It suddenly filled with remorse.

If it had known that human wine had such a taste, it would have asked its younger brothers to obtain countless fine wines from human society.

It drank a bottle of fine wine quickly, and then sent the bottle to its body at will.

"one more bottle!"

It said to Shi Meng.

"Hahaha, the boss is indeed a fellow."

Shi Meng laughed loudly, and threw another bottle of wine to the Golden Eagle Emperor.

Seeing this feedback, Chu Zhou vaguely understood the meaning of many rules, why he couldn't continue to upgrade.

This should be due to his own serious shortage of knowledge accumulation, insight, imagination, martial arts background, etc., which are no longer enough to support the attribute panel to deduce more advanced content.

He doesn't even know what the concept of the most powerful person after the Valkyrie, that is, the star level, and how to cultivate it, has no direction at all.

The attribute panel naturally does not know which direction to deduce and upgrade.

If he forcibly gives the attribute panel a deduction and upgrade direction, the attribute panel may also be forcibly upgraded...

But if the upgrade direction is wrong, then the problem will be big.

Chu Zhou did not dare to gamble with his future.

"It seems that it is necessary to understand as soon as possible what kind of existence the strongest are and how they practice."

Chu Zhou said to himself, and decided to continue to contact 'Long' and his aunt Chu Qingge, and ask them about the mysteries of the strongest.

Of course, this time because of Chu Zhou's lack of knowledge, insight, imagination, martial arts background, etc., the attribute panel failed to further upgrade the profound meaning.

This also made Chu Zhou realize that he had neglected a huge fortune.

First of all, all the exercise cheats he downloaded from the Martial Arts Mall.

He has downloaded those exercise cheats for a long time.

However, they have only practiced and studied a few secret books of exercises, and most of them have not been seriously studied.

This made Chu Zhou realize that he was impetuous.

These kung fu secret books all contain the wisdom of countless people. Even if he does not practice, he should study the cheat books carefully, absorb the wisdom in them, increase his accumulation of martial arts, and provide more theoretical basis for the deduction and upgrading function of the attribute panel .

In addition, he neglects to absorb the wisdom inherent in human civilization.

The so-called civilization is generally divided into "material civilization" and "spiritual civilization".

“Material civilization” is the material achievement of human transformation of nature.

It is manifested in the progress of people's material production and the improvement of material life. It is the material basis of spiritual civilization and plays a decisive role in spiritual civilization, especially its cultural construction. The nature of material civilization is determined by the mode of production.

"Spiritual civilization" is the sum of the spiritual achievements of human beings in the process of transforming the objective world and the subjective world, and it is the progress of human wisdom and morality.

One is martial arts knowledge, including various training methods and knowledge from apprentice level to the strongest.

Second, science and culture, including the status of culture, knowledge, and wisdom of society, the scale and level of development of education, science, culture, art, health, sports and other undertakings.

Third is the aspect of ideology and morality, including the political ideology, moral outlook, social customs and people's world outlook, ideals, sentiments, consciousness, beliefs, organization and discipline of the society.

Civilization contains great wisdom, which is the essence of a race.

Absorbing the great wisdom of civilization is of great benefit to both Chu Zhou himself and the attribute panel.

"It's really wrong! I actually ignored such a huge wealth within reach..."

Chu Zhou sighed deeply.

Suddenly, he thought of the New Moon Organization and the Earth Organization.

These two organizations have existed on the earth for countless years, and have been controlling the replacement of races and civilizations on the earth.

They are like farmers. Every time they grow up, they reap the "fruits of civilization" that grow and mature, and then plant new "seeds". After the "seeds" grow and mature, they harvest again.

This cycle repeats.

In the past, Chu Zhou always thought that the harvesting of the New Moon Organization and the Earth Organization was only the achievement of martial arts, as well as the technical knowledge of science...

But now, he faintly felt that his vision might be narrow.

The Crescent Organization and the Earth Organization may not only want the development achievements in martial arts, but also scientific and technological achievements... but everything!

They may not only want the achievements in martial arts, but also all the achievements including all his "material civilization" and "spiritual civilization".

At this moment, Chu Zhou suddenly realized the horror of the New Moon Organization and the Earth Organization.

These two organizations have manipulated the earth for countless years behind the scenes, harvesting many "civilization achievements" and using them to develop themselves... Then, how terrible is the background of these two organizations?

Thinking about it for a while, it makes people feel creepy.
