Chapter 283: Invade Mars! (Third watch, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass

Chapter 283 Invasion of Mars! (Third watch, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun and the second smallest planet after Mercury in the solar system. It is one of the four terrestrial planets in the solar system.

A triangular fighter plane pierced the dark universe and appeared outside Mars.

"Mars, here we come!"

Chu Zhou stepped out of the triangle fighter, and conveniently put it into the space inside his body.

And just as he came out, the Thousand Star Vine emerged from it in an extremely restless manner.

This time, the agitation of the Thousand Star Vine was much stronger than when it arrived at those metal resource stars.

"The thousand-star vine is so restless...then there is only one reason. On Mars, there is a huge amount of metal substances that can promote its growth."

Chu Zhou knew the reason for Qianxingteng's restlessness almost immediately.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the human research on Mars in his last life.

The surface of Mars is covered by a layer of hematite, so the entire Mars appears orange.

The diameter of Mars is half that of the earth, which shows how rich the amount of hematite is.

Of course, Chu Zhou is not an astronomer, and he only remembers this. He doesn’t know more about Mars.

However, seeing Qianxingvine being so restless, he can basically confirm that the content of metal substances in Mars may be far beyond his imagination.

"I don't know, if the Thousand Star Vine swallows a lot of metal substances in Mars, can it be directly promoted to the star level."

Suddenly, such an idea popped up in Chu Zhou's mind.

And this thought also made him decide that this time he will come to Mars no matter what.

As soon as his figure moved, it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards Mars.

Soon, he passed through the atmosphere of Mars.

The atmosphere of Mars is both thin and cold.

However, it has no effect on a warrior-level powerhouse like Chu Zhou.

After that, he looked down from the sky, and saw the crimson surface covered with impact craters, canyons, sand dunes and gravel.

To his surprise, he did not see any traces of cities or bases on the surface of Mars.

Even if he tried his best to mobilize his mind and scan the surface of Mars, he still couldn't find it.

He originally thought that after the New Moon Base occupied this planet, a large number of cities would be built here.

I haven't seen it now, which is a bit unexpected.

"Could it be that the New Moon Organization hasn't remodeled this place?"

Chu Zhou thought in doubt, but soon thought of another possibility.

"No, although the New Moon Organization has not established cities on the surface of Mars... But it may not be possible to build underground cities deep in the Martian land..."

Chu Zhou confirmed his guess almost instantly.

He didn't believe that after the New Moon Organization occupied such a large planet, it would not be used.

While Chu Zhou was guessing where the New Moon Organization's underground city was built.

From where he landed in a straight line, on a plain hundreds of miles away, suddenly pieces of ground with a radius of several miles moved, revealing huge underground passages.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Dense fighter planes full of sci-fi sense flashing blue lights flew out of the huge passages, and then flew in the direction of Chu Zhou.

These people are different from ordinary new moon warriors. They are both warriors and researchers.

It should be said that they focus more on research than on cultivation.

For researchers like them who have been immersed in research all year round, they don't care much about external affairs.

Although they had all heard about Chu Zhou, they were just doing it as a pastime while they were busy, and they didn't really know about Chu Zhou in detail.

Therefore, when they saw Chu Zhou, they didn't recognize him immediately.

Now that Chu Zhou, who learned that the person who came here actually caused their New Moon Organization to suffer a great loss on Earth, was shocked for a moment.

Even if they don't care about the outside world, they still know that Chu Zhou is a very terrifying human monster, which makes the senior management of the New Moon Organization deeply afraid.


Chu Zhou has a special status. He is also the son of the last generation saint of their New Moon organization and that terrifying man.

All these made the name Chu Zhou leave a deep impression on their hearts.

"I have been hearing from those who went to Earth that Chu Zhou is extremely evil and terrifying. Now I know that his reputation is well-deserved. He is indeed the person who awakened the supreme blood of our New Moon Organization."

Someone said with emotion.

Yinghui looked excitedly at Chu Zhou's figure, her eyes were burning, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, saying:

"Chu Zhou not only inherited the supreme bloodline of our New Moon Organization, he also inherited the bloodline of that terrifying man."

"I heard that when he was promoted to Valkyrie, he gathered eight domains... It may be because he inherited the blood of that terrifying man that he was able to do this."

"The two top bloodlines in the world have converged on him, making him a peerless evildoer that is far inferior to our saints."

"I am very interested in his body, blood, and genes."

"If we can dissect him and conduct detailed research on his body, blood, and genes, maybe we can study the reason why he became so strong so quickly..."

"Even, we can copy his blood, so that our New Moon Organization can also give birth to similar monsters."

Many researchers, hearing Ying Hui's words, their eyes became hot one by one.

If they can unlock the secret of Chu Zhou and apply this secret to the warriors of the New Moon Organization, the strength of the New Moon Organization will definitely increase dramatically.

Of course, they will first use this secret on themselves.

It would be even better if he could copy the blood of Chu Zhou to himself.

Suddenly, a researcher hesitated and said: "Master Yinghui, although Chu Zhou is our enemy, he is also the son of the previous saint, and the previous saint is a member of our New Moon Organization Saint Clan..."

"If we do this, will we be held accountable by the goddesses and saints of the previous generation?"

"What are you afraid of? Ever since that terrifying man killed himself on the moon, he and his descendants are destined to be the sworn enemies of our New Moon Organization. We don't have to hold back." Yinghui waved his hand indifferently and said, "According to me Do what you want, arrest him, and then use it as a test material for research, and I will be responsible if something goes wrong."

"Besides... I didn't say I wanted to kill him. Even if you wanted to kill him, I wouldn't agree!"

"He has such a terrifying bloodline, such a good test subject, and if he doesn't reproduce at least a few hundred offspring, I can't bear to let him die!"

After hearing Yinghui's words, many researchers breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Chu Zhou is not killed.

Master Yinghui is not afraid of being held accountable by the previous saints and saints.

But they are afraid.

Moreover, if Chu Zhou is really killed, God knows if that terrifying man will go crazy and kill Mars directly, and tear them into pieces?

However, they are also very enthusiastic about arresting Chu Zhou as a research object.

They were also extremely eager to get the secret of Chu Zhou's rapid growth.
