Chapter 307: Father's gift: "The Secret Code of Wanhua", "Soul Guardian"

Chapter 307 Gift from Father: "Secret of Wanhua" and "Soul Armor" (Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)

Shadow No. 1 base city.

After sorting out and summarizing the information in his mind, Chu Zhou looked at the densely packed knowledge classification outline, secretly amazed, there is too much knowledge.

"Let's take a look at the 'All Races of the Universe'!"

With a movement in his heart, information about countless cosmic races suddenly appeared in his mind.

In the universe, there are countless races and civilizations. Among them, the six peak groups are "Human", "Zerg", "Mechanical", "Mana", "Crystal", and "Source"...

Among them, "Human" and "Zerg" are flesh and blood life; "Machine" is intelligent life; "Mana" is plant life; "Crystal" is rock life; "Source Clan" is energy life ...

Each race has a lot of introductions.

Among them, the introduction of "human beings" is the most.

Within the huge group of "human beings", there are countless races based on bloodlines, genes, degree of civilization, planet of birth, etc.

Just seeing the information about the physical characteristics, customs and culture of countless races within "humanity" made Chu Zhou dizzy.

Too much.

"Father said that he passed on to us only the basic information about the countless civilizations in the universe? Basic information, how can it be so detailed?"

Chu Zhou was talking to himself.

Valuable knowledge, no matter where it is, is very precious.

The knowledge passed down to them by their father is so detailed and naturally valuable.

He does not believe in this knowledge, and it is widely circulated in the universe.

It must be the father who obtained some kind of great opportunity to obtain these precious knowledge.

It took a whole half a day for Chu Zhou to quickly complete the knowledge of "All Races in the Universe".

He mainly looked at "human beings" and related information about the six peak groups.

Afterwards, he began to focus on watching "Universal Cultivation Level".

Knowledge related to cultivation is what he values ​​most.

In the universe, the cultivation levels of all living beings, from low to high, are unified according to "apprentice level", "void level", "star level", "domain master level", "world master level", "universe lord", " Ten grades are divided into ten grades, including Prince of the Universe, Overlord of the Universe, Sage of the Universe, and Lord of Chaos.

Of course, the realm above the "Universal Venerable" is too far away for ordinary cosmic beings. 99.9% of the cosmic beings may have never seen a powerful being above the "Universal Venerable" in their entire lives.

The knowledge in Chu Zhou's mind only shows that there is a realm above the "World Master" and above the "Universal Venerable", and there is no specific information.

However, even so, looking at the division of the top ten grades, Chu Zhou also recognized his position among the powerful in the universe.

Don't look at him already standing on the top of the pyramid of the earth.

But looking at the entire universe, he is just a "Xiaomengxin" who has set foot in the starry sky not long ago.

"It turns out that in the universe, the realm is divided by the degree of exposure to the rules of the universe. The realms of our earth, from the awakening level to the king level, have not yet been exposed to the profound meaning of the rules, and they are all divided into apprentices..."

"The Valkyrie class, who has initially come into contact with the profound meaning of the rules, and has the ability to walk freely in the starry sky, is designated as the void class."

"The star level is my current realm. The star level is divided into nine levels according to the degree of comprehension of the rules. Comprehending 1% of the rules is the first level of stars; 2% of the rules is the second level of stars... 9% of the rules are stars. Ninth step."

"I have now comprehended 1.5% of the rules of destruction, which is also the highest comprehension ratio among the many rules I have comprehended... Therefore, I am now a first-order star creature."

"Above the star level is the domain master level. You must understand at least 10% of the rules before you can be promoted to the domain master level. The domain master level is also divided into nine levels according to the degree of comprehension of the rules."

"Above the Domain Master level is the World Master level. You must understand at least 50% of the rules before you can be promoted to the World Master level. Similarly, the World Master level is also divided into nine levels."

"From the star level, to the domain master level, and then to the world master level, there are a total of three major realms, 27 small levels. The gap between each small level, the difference in strength is huge..."

Chu Zhou looked carefully at the information on his cultivation level, and felt deeply that the road ahead is long, and he still has a long way to go.

The second layer, you can combine six different attack secrets (including rules and secrets).

The third layer, you can combine nine different attack secrets (including rules and secrets).

Although it looks like, there are only three simple layers.

But in fact, the amount of knowledge contained in "The Secret Code of Wanhua" is very vast.

It is only the first level of knowledge. If it is converted into text, there will be hundreds of books and tens of millions of words.

If Chu Zhou wants to rely on himself to comprehend, it is estimated that he does not know when he will be able to comprehend the first layer of "The Secret Code of Wanhua".

Fortunately, he is a "talented" person.

For a person with a unique "talent" like him, no matter how complicated and difficult the secret technique is, as long as he has enough attribute points, it will not be a problem.

After reading "The Secret Code of Wanhua", he looked at "Soul Armor" again.

This is also an incomparably precious secret technique.

Father also told him that he must never spread it... otherwise, there will be a catastrophe.

"Soul Armor", as the name suggests, is a secret technique that can condense armor on the soul to resist soul attacks.

"Soul Armor", divided into nine layers.

Each layer can condense a layer of soul armor.

Up to nine layers of soul armor can be condensed.

The more condensed soul armors, the stronger the defense against soul attacks.

Of course, the defensive power of the soul armor not only determines the number of layers of the soul armor, but also depends on the strength of the soul of the practitioner himself.

For example, if it is an ordinary earthling, even if he is lucky enough to condense nine layers of soul armor, he still cannot resist a spirit of Valkyrie.

Conversely, if the soul strength of a creature is strong enough, then the soul armor he condenses will have a more terrifying defense.

The amount of knowledge contained in "Soul Armor" is no less than that of "Myriad Transformation Secret Code". After being converted into books, there are also more than 300 books.

In addition to the two secret arts of "Myriad Transformation Secret Code" and "Soul Armor", the cultivation experience passed down to him by his father is also very precious.

It contains my father's many mysteries about the rules of destruction, as well as some other mysteries' perception and cultivation process.


Father reminded him emphatically at the end that he had left a special gift for him in the villa in Longwan Garden in Jiangcheng, and asked Chu Zhou to pick it up by himself.

"A special gift? What exactly is it?"

Chu Zhou was talking to himself, full of anticipation in his heart.

Now he has confirmed that the identity of his father is not simple, or his father must have other important secrets that he did not tell him.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have "Myriad Transformation Secret Code" and "Soul Armor", two kinds of secret arts that are extremely precious in the universe.

Moreover... It is impossible for ordinary practitioners of the universe to have such a deep understanding of the universe and possess so much precious knowledge about the countless civilizations and races in the universe.

Especially, that knowledge is too detailed and specific.

How can an ordinary cosmic powerhouse collect so much precious knowledge?

It’s just that Chu Zhou couldn’t figure out how his father could possess so much precious knowledge, even though he was only a human from Earth!

"The next time I see my father again, I must ask him clearly."

"As for... the gift in the Longwan Garden Villa, let's go get it after I upgrade the Zhenquan Profound Technique to Dzogchen!"

With a thought in his mind, he asked the attribute panel to upgrade the Zhenquan Profound Art.
