Chapter 323: Anthropocene! (6000 words, ask for subscription, ask for monthly

Chapter 323 The Human Era! (6000 words, please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)

New Moon Organization Headquarters!

Moon base city.

When Chu Zhou and others arrived at Moon Base City and saw the **** scene in front of them that looked like Shura Hell, they couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

this moment.

The entire moon base city was full of corpses, blood pooled into a river, and the strong smell of blood filled the air.

Many people died with unsatisfied eyes, and there was a trace of surprise, fear, and pain in their eyes.

It seems that they saw something unbelievable during their lifetime.

"The Fourth Speaker, the people in Moonbase City, seem to have all been killed."

A human Valkyrie said in shock.

"This... Who did it?"

Many human war gods all showed doubts on their faces.

Chu Zhou's expression moved slightly, without saying a word, he directly led many human warriors to the depths of the moon base city.

The further you go inside, the more corpses there will be.

There were even mountains of corpses piled up one after another.

Fortunately, many human war gods have experienced countless tragic battles. They have seen countless tragic scenes, and they are almost immune to the scene in front of them.

If someone who had never been on the battlefield came here and saw the scene like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in front of him, he would probably have a nervous breakdown.

Among the countless corpses, Chu Zhou even saw a dozen corpses with huge silver wings on their backs.

"This...the members of the Su family of the Holy Clan of the New Moon Organization, and the people who awakened the blood of the New Moon... unexpectedly even killed them."

Many human war gods looked horrified when they saw the dozens of corpses with huge silver wings on their backs.

How terrifying the bloodline of the new moon is, they are deeply aware of it.

Moreover, Chu Zhou, the fourth speaker in front of them, is the owner of the New Moon bloodline.

Therefore, seeing the corpses of more than a dozen strong men who had awakened the blood of the new moon here, their hearts were greatly touched.

Chu Zhou's eyes paused for a moment on the dozens of corpses carrying silver wings, and then continued to walk forward with many human warriors.

Finally, they came to the center of the city and stopped in front of a mountain of corpses.

On the mountain of corpses, sitting cross-legged was a figure Chu Zhou was very familiar with.

Beside that figure, there were still four crystal coffins.

In each crystal coffin, the corpse of a beautiful woman can be seen faintly.

"You came!"

Meng Gan looked at Chu Zhou calmly.

His black hair was slightly curled. His skin is fair, as if he has not seen the sun for many years, and he is somewhat sick. His pair of deep eyes are as deep as the ocean, as if he can understand people's minds.

The breath on his body became darker and more depraved.

"He is Menggan... And, he is actually the most powerful!"

Many human warriors felt the fluctuation of the most powerful man on Meng Gan, and their expressions changed slightly.

Chu Zhou calmly met Meng Gan's deep gaze, and then he looked at the four crystal coffins beside Meng Gan, and saw four beautiful female corpses inside.

Recalling what Menggan once said to him, Chu Zhou basically guessed immediately that the four female corpses should be the last four women of the Meng family except Menggan.

It is clear.

The four Meng family women were killed by Menggan himself.

Moreover, Meng Gan obviously not only killed the four Mengjia women, but also the entire Moon Base City, who were massacred by him.


Chu Zhou frowned and asked.

"Are you saying why these people were killed?"

Meng Gan calmly glanced at the four crystal coffins, then swept across the moon base city where corpses were strewn all over the place, and said with a smile to Chu Zhou:

"Survival of the fittest, survival of the strong, this is the law of nature. I remember, I once said this to you."

"They are too weak. If the New Moon Organization hadn't been defeated by you, they would still have some value in existence...but if the New Moon Organization failed, they would have no value in existence."

"And I really want to compete with you...but if I don't reach the realm of the strongest, I don't even have the qualifications to compete with you."

"Therefore, I made use of their waste, killed them all, and used the endless killing intent accumulated in the killing to stimulate and promote the profound meaning of the rules I have comprehended, and hit the realm of the strong..."

“...obviously, I made it!”

Meng Gan calmly narrated the entire killing process. At the same time, a terrifying blood-red murderous aura erupted from him like a raging wave.

In an instant, the entire moon base city was overwhelmed by blood-red murderous aura.

Many human war gods felt the oppression of endless killing intent, and their spirits were on the verge of collapse one by one.

Fortunately, Chu Zhou took a timely action to cut off the killing intent that enveloped them.

But even so, all the human warriors became extremely weak as if they had been drained of strength.

Chu Zhou still looked at Meng Gan calmly, and the earth-shattering killing intent on the other party had no effect on him at all.

"Chu Zhou, do you know who is the person I admire the most?" Meng Gan stood on the mountain of corpses, his eyes were like cold stars, his black hair was flying around, surrounded by murderous aura, like an unrivaled murderous god, "It's your father a demon!"

"Ever since I personally witnessed the invincible scene where your father stormed into our moon base city...I swear, I will chase his back."

"It's a pity that he moves too fast, and I'm still hard to catch up with."

Chu Zhou looked at Meng Gan whose eyes were full of fanaticism and admiration, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

He never imagined that Meng Gan was actually an admirer of his father Chu Donglai.

Didn't Dad almost wiped out the entire Meng family?

Meng Gan, a survivor of the Meng family, actually worshiped his father as an enemy.

What disease is this?

"However, although I can't catch up with your father's back... But I have no regrets if I can fight with you today!"

Meng Gan said, raising the **** saber in his hand high.

Behind phantoms of magic knives full of magic fluctuations suddenly appeared.

The phantoms of the seven magic knives are slightly different from what Chu Zhou usually shows. The aura of destruction is slightly weaker, but the aura of killing is stronger.

The phantoms of seven indomitable magic knives floated above a phantom of a sea of ​​blood, with circles of blood-colored ripples appearing on the surface, and a suffocating killing aura permeated the air.

"I didn't expect that you also practiced the World Extinguishing Demon Saber... Moreover, you have cultivated to this level!"

Chu Zhou couldn't help but marvel when he saw the phantoms of the seven demons behind Menggan.

Now he is convinced that Meng Gan is indeed his father's admirer.

Otherwise, he would not persist in cultivating the World Extinguishing Demon Saber to this level, and even added his own understanding.

Chu Zhou thought, and behind him also appeared the phantoms of seven indomitable World-Exterminating Demon Knives.

The phantoms of the seven World-Destroying Demon Knives behind him are pure black, and there are traces of depressive and terrifying fluctuations that break the rules.

"What joy is there in life, and what fear is there in death?"


Meng Gan suddenly screamed, and his whole body seemed to burn, turning into a beam of blazing blood.


He came to Chu Zhou with infinite killing power, and seven blood-colored magic knives were suspended behind him, and he slashed down fiercely.

The terrifying power made the entire moon base tremble.

Cracks like spider webs spread wildly on the ground.

Even a hundred miles away, it can be seen with the naked eye.

"Hello to all human beings in the world!"

"I am Zhu Yi, head of the Propaganda Department of the Human Alliance Headquarters, and now I am here to publicize an important piece of news that concerns the destiny of all of us."

"Just now, the fourth speaker, Chu Zhou, has led us human warriors to destroy the headquarters of the New Moon Organization."

"So far, the monsters, the Earth Organization, and the New Moon Organization have all been wiped out. And the Shadow Alliance has returned to us humans."

"That is to say, from today onwards, we humans will be the only masters of the earth. Moreover, there is no longer any force that can threaten us humans..."

"We humans, free!"

"Earth will enter an era dominated by humans."

Zhu Yi's voice resounded in every household's computers, TVs, and huge light curtains in human base cities, and reached the ears of every human being.


Zhu Yi's televised speeches and Internet speeches were like a trillion-ton equivalent hydrogen bomb exploding on the earth, and the bombing made all human beings boil.


"become free!"

"we won."


At this moment, countless human beings all over the world roared wildly with excitement.

"Long live the First Speaker!"

"Long live the Second Speaker!"

"Long live the Third Speaker!"

"Long live the Fourth Speaker!"


Countless people are crazily shouting the names of the most powerful people such as 'Dragon', 'Sun God' Sol, Chanjapasuo, Chuzhou, etc.

Humans all over the world know that human beings can turn against the sky, relying on the power of Chu Zhou and other superpowers.

This day is a carnival day for all mankind.

In the Tomahawk Martial Arts Gym, Chu Zhou, 'Dragon', 'Sun God' Thor, Chanjapasuo and others also laughed happily when they heard the cheers resounding from the sky and the earth outside.

Through the long dark years, and countless hardships.

Human beings have finally mastered their own destiny.

Everyone is excited.


Chu Zhou's family.

In the living room.

Chu Zhou, 'Dragon', 'Sun God' Thor, and Chanjapasa sat together.

"This time, a total of 90 million Galaxy coins were obtained from the earth center city and the moon base city. We split them equally, 22.5 million per person."

Chu Zhou took out three alloy boxes and placed them in front of the three 'Dragon', each containing 22.5 million Galaxy coins.

'Dragon' and others have read the knowledge of the universe passed on to them by Chu Donglai, so they naturally know that the Galaxy Coin is the currency of the Galaxy Empire.

When they heard that the box contained Galaxy coins, their eyes lit up.

'Sun God' Thor immediately opened an alloy box and observed it with a silver-blue banknote.

"It really is the Galaxy Coin issued by the Galactic Empire!"

"Haha, I'm about to go deep into the universe... just need the start-up capital, so I'm blunt."

'Sun God' Sol said happily, and accepted a box of Galaxy coins.

"Thank you!"

"I'm not polite anymore!"

'Dragon' and Chanjapasa also received a box of Galaxy coins respectively.

They all have the idea of ​​going to the depths of the universe.

Naturally understand the importance of money.

Although it is said that since they became Xeons, they basically have no concept of money.

Because they will never be short of money on Earth.

But they also understand that no matter how much money they have on Earth, it is useless. They are still poor in the depths of the universe.

Earth’s money cannot be used in the depths of the universe.

Although 22.5 million Galaxy coins is not much, but with this amount of money, they don't have to start from scratch after they reach the depths of the universe.

After 'Dragon' and the others received a box of Galaxy coins, Chu Zhou took out three sets of purple blood battle suits, a blood pattern sword and two green shadow swords.

"I also got some weapons and equipment in the center of the earth city and the moon base city. These three sets of E2-level force suits and three E2-level force weapons, you can choose two from each!"

Chu Zhou said.

"This is the purple blood battle suit worth 10 billion galaxy coins, and the blood shadow sword and blue shadow sword worth 5 billion galaxy coins..."

The three of them, 'Dragon', 'Sun God' Thor, and Chanjapasa, quickly recognized the origins of the three weapons and equipment on the table.

also knows how expensive these weapons and equipment are.

They hesitated for a while, but still accepted the weapons and equipment.

Because they are about to venture into the depths of the universe, and they really need some weapons and equipment for self-defense.

'Dragon' took a purple blood battle suit and a blood shadow sword, while the 'Sun God' Sol and Zenjia Posuo both took a purple blood battle suit and a blue shadow battle sword.

Afterwards, the three of 'Dragon' saw that Chu Zhou seemed to be planning to share the treasures with them, so they hurriedly stopped them.

"Chu Zhou, that's enough! This time we came to the Alliance to defeat the New Moon Organization and the Earth Organization. You deserve the most credit. Even if you got the spoils from the Earth Center City and the Moon Base City, you deserve it. "

"You gave us 22.5 million Galaxy coins, and you also gave us a set of Force suits and a Force weapon... We have already taken advantage of it, and we can no longer be greedy."

'Dragon' stopped and said.

"Yeah, enough!"

"To be a human being, one must be content. It is not our thing. Don't be greedy."

'Sun God' Thor and Chanjapasa also spoke.

Chu Zhou hesitated for a while when he heard the words of the three 'Dragon', and did not take out the 'Blue Lotus Purple Light Liquid' to share.

'Long' and the other three left quickly.

As soon as the three of 'Long' left, Chu Zhou's house came again.


Following a familiar voice, a figure jumped directly into Chu Zhou's arms.

"Little rain!"

Chu Zhou hugged his younger sister Chu Yu, with surprise on his face.

Over a year.

He finally saw his younger sister Chu Yu again.

At this time, Aunt Chu Qingge also walked in with a smile.

"Xiaozhou, I believe the second brother has told you that after the matter between the New Moon Organization and the big organization is over, I am going to take Xiaoyu to a civilized country deep in the universe to practice."

"We are here this time to say goodbye to you."

Chu Qingge's words shocked Chu Zhou's heart.
