Chapter 328: Special treatment for first-class talents! (6000 words, please order

Chapter 328 Special treatment for first-class talents! (6000 words, please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)

Chu Zhou and others flew to Star Beta while listening to Dicko talk about some common sense of the universe.

Soon, they entered Star Beta, penetrating the atmosphere.

They looked down and saw a huge anchorage directly below.

There are a large number of spaceships densely packed in the berthing port. The spaceships may be large or small, and the length of the small ones is only tens of meters, or even tens of meters.

The long ones are generally some large transport ships and the like, tens of thousands of meters long.

A large number of spaceships are landing or taking off, and there are many uniformed staff walking around, looking very busy.

"This is the berthing port of our spaceship on Star Beta..."

Di Ke took the initiative to introduce to Chu Zhou and others:

"Although Star Beta is far less prosperous than the Galaxy Star where the imperial capital of our Galactic Empire is located...but it is also one of the most important commercial planets in the border area of ​​our Galactic Empire, and business is still very prosperous."

"Interstellar merchants from dozens of living planets nearby like to come to Planet Beta to conduct large transactions."

"Every year, the cargo throughput of this port of call exceeds 100 billion tons."

Chu Zhou, 'Dragon', 'Sun God' Sol, Chanjapasa and others were shocked when they heard this.

The cargo throughput of the largest port on earth is only about 1.1 billion tons.

The cargo throughput of this port of call has reached 100 billion tons.

Completely incomparable!

"We are going to join the Galactic Empire nationality, you take us to the institution that handles the nationality business first."

Chu Zhou said to Dicko.

This is something he and the 'Dragon' and others have decided on long ago.

In the universe, it is very important to have an official citizenship.

"Country of Citizenship?"

Dicko was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect that a strong man like Chu Zhou didn't even have a nationality.

Thinking that Chu Zhou asked him about the common sense of 'instilling profound meaning' just now.

He vaguely guessed that Chu Zhou and others might come from a remote planet far away from cosmic civilization.


He knows what to ask and what not to ask.

"It's very simple. The Galactic Empire Office in Beta City can handle nationality business."

Dicko smiled and said:

"In the universe, as long as you reach the void level, you can become a citizen."

"Similar to the master, warriors who have cultivated to the star level by virtue of their own abilities are welcomed by many civilizations in the universe..."

"By the way, in the owner's case, if he chooses to join the Galactic Empire nationality, he may still be able to enjoy the 'special treatment for talents'."

Chu Zhou, 'Dragon', 'Sun God' Thor, Chanjapasuo and others laughed immediately when they heard Di Ke's words.

'Special treatment for talents', this kind of policy also exists on Earth, and they are very familiar with it.

It is clear.

True talents are welcome everywhere.

Even in the universe, it is the same.

"In the past, we formulated the 'special treatment for talents'...Unexpectedly, we will also enjoy the 'special treatment for talents' one day."

'Dragon' muttered softly.

'Sun God' Thor and Chan Gha Posa heard the words and laughed dumbfoundedly.


They used to be the owners of the three major martial arts gyms.

In order to attract outstanding talents to join their martial arts gym, they have personally formulated "talent special treatment".

"However, if possible, I suggest masters not to join the Galactic Empire for the time being."

"The Galactic Empire is only a rudimentary cosmic civilization, and its nationality is also the worst..."

"Master, you can choose to directly join the Blood Peak Empire. The Blood Peak Empire is a medium-level cosmic civilization and the strongest country in the Blood Peak Starfield. It directly controls more than 6,000 galaxies, and it also has hundreds of affiliated countries of elementary cosmic civilizations such as the Galaxy Empire... "

"Therefore, in the Blood Peak Starfield, the nationality of the Blood Peak Empire is the most valuable."

Dicko suggested.

"On Beta Star, can I directly apply for citizenship of the Blood Peak Empire?" Chu Zhou asked.

Di Ke shook his head: "No! If you want to join the Blood Peak Empire, you must go to the life planet directly ruled by the Blood Peak Empire..."

"The closest living planet of the Blood Peak Empire to Star Beta... is about 300,000 light-years away."

"Forget it! It's too far away, let's join the Galactic Empire nationality first. In the universe, strength is the most important thing, and nationality is just icing on the cake..."

'Dragon' said.

Chu Zhou nodded, no longer considering joining the nationality of the Blood Peak Empire, and asked Di Ke to take them directly to the office of the Galactic Empire on Star Beta.

After flying for hundreds of miles, Chu Zhou and others finally saw a huge city.

The walls of the entire city are gray and white, stretching to the end of the field of vision, and the edge cannot be seen at a glance!

"What a big city." Chu Zhou and others landed on the ground, looking up at the huge city wall, their hearts trembled.

The height of the city wall is a full 250 meters.

Moreover, above the city wall, there are also several tens of meters thick gun barrels extending out.

It is frightening to watch.

The entire huge city stretches to the horizon, with no end in sight. That vast, ancient atmosphere is shocking.

This is the only city on Beta Planet—Beta City.

"Beta City is nearly 3,000 kilometers long and wide. The city has a history of more than two million years." Di Ke said.

A city that is more than two million years old?

Chu Zhou and others were shocked again.

Chu Zhou and others walked into Beta City through the huge city gate that was a full mile wide.

Just entered Beta City, Chu Zhou, four people, and 30 chimpanzees, their auxiliary optical brains, all received a reminder of new information.

Chu Zhou looked at the display screen on his arm, and found the upper row of numbers.

"1376992596679? What is this?" There was a trace of doubt on Chu Zhou's face.

Dicko had guessed for a long time that Chu Zhou and others probably came from an extremely remote planet and had never been in contact with cosmic civilization before.

Therefore, upon seeing Chu Zhou's reaction, he immediately took the initiative to explain:

"Master, this is the communication number officially sent to you by Beta City!"

"Every person who enters Beta City for the first time, the Beta City official will send such a communication number to their auxiliary optical brain. People like me who already have a communication number will not receive a communication number..."

After hearing Di Ke's explanation, Chu Zhou and others understood that the communication number was actually a phone number.

With this communication number, they can contact directly on Star Beta.

How could a real 'first-class talent' wait until he reached the ninth rank of stars before choosing to become a citizen?

I'm afraid it has been discovered by many forces and major families of the Galactic Empire long ago, and the snares have passed.

"He should have been promoted to the ninth rank of stars by instilling profound truths. But...even so, I can still get a lot of bonuses."

"The ninth level of stars, after all, is the ninth level of stars, an existence that is second only to domain master-level big shots. Even if you take a shortcut, you are still an elite."

Maeve thought so, and returned to her job.

In room 03, there are two staff members.

One looks similar to a human on Earth, but has blue skin. He is obviously a native of Planet Beta.

The other one, with only one golden vertical eye on his face, is a one-eyed man.

When Chu Zhou and others came in, the Beta star was boringly flipping through a magazine with a **** **** the cover.

Another one-eyed man was drinking a glass of liquid with blue smoke.

Seeing Chu Zhou and others coming in, the Beta star just took a look and continued to flip through the magazine.

The one-eyed man put down the cup in his hand, and politely asked Chu Zhou and others: "Sirs, what can I do for you?"

"The four of us, apply for citizenship of the Galactic Empire!"

Chu Zhou pointed to himself, and then pointed to 'Dragon', 'Sun God' Sol, and Chanjapasa.

"Wait... the four of you, one with a ninth-level star, one with a third-level star, and two with a second-level star, are you going to join our Galactic Empire nationality?"

After listening to Chu Zhou's words, the one-eyed people subconsciously checked the strength of Chu Zhou and others through the auxiliary optical brain.

This look.

He was suddenly shocked.

He heard just now and thought that Chu Zhou and others had just been promoted to the Void rank, and only then applied for the citizenship of the Galactic Empire.

It never occurred to me that the four of Chu Zhou have all reached the star level.

Especially Chu Zhou, who has reached the ninth rank of stars.

This is too unexpected.


There was a burst of joy in his heart.

A ninth-level star powerhouse, applied to join their Galactic Empire nationality.

As a person in charge, he can get a lot of bonuses.

Another Beta star who was reading a magazine was also slightly surprised when he heard the one-eyed man report the strength of Chu Zhou and others, and put down the magazine in his hand.

"Yes. We want to join the Galactic Empire nationality!" Chu Zhou nodded to the one-eyed staff.

"Welcome to join our Galactic Empire!" The one-eyed man smiled enthusiastically and said to Chu Zhou and others. The bonus is the biggest driving force. "Please show your original nationality release certificate, and I will handle the naturalization procedures for you."

"We are all stateless, without a release certificate from our original nationality!" Chu Zhou said.

"What? Stateless?"

The one-eyed people and the Beta star people looked at Chu Zhou and others in shock.

"Could it be that they are a group of ascetic monks who only care about cultivation and don't pay much attention to the outside world... This is why they have been cultivating to the star level, and they have never joined the nationality of any country. Until today, they came here Are we here to apply for naturalization?"

The one-eyed man thought this way, and his enthusiasm remained undiminished.

"It's okay to be stateless...but I have to test first."

The one-eyed people took out an instrument and swept it at Chu Zhou and the others.


The instrument rang quickly, and the one-eyed man looked down at the display screen on the instrument, and there were four lines of text displayed on it, all four lines of text were the same, all saying "No such person!"

Seeing these four lines of text, the one-eyed people felt relieved.

"Since none of the four gentlemen have acquired any nationality before, the procedure will be much simpler."

The one-eyed man quickly entered information with both hands on a keyboard-like instrument.

"By the way, I would like to ask, have you all upgraded through the instillation of mysteries? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to discriminate against you... It's just that this is part of the process. According to the regulations, I have to ask."

The one-eyed man asked Chu Zhou and the others while inputting information.

Subconsciously, he determined that Chu Zhou and others were promoted through the indoctrination of profound meanings.

After all, more than 70% of the warriors on Beta Star were promoted through instilling profound meanings.

Even if they were not promoted through the method of instilling the profound meanings of the whole country at the beginning... But later on, many people will choose to be promoted through the method of instilling the profound meanings of the country.

After all, the further you go, the harder it is to get promoted.

Especially after reaching the star level.

It is really too difficult to comprehend the mystery of the rules.

If you want to rely on your own ability to comprehend the incomparable profound meaning of the rules and advance step by step, this is simply as difficult as reaching the sky for countless people.

Many people, even if they are full of self-confidence at the beginning, when they are stuck in a certain star-level realm for thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years and are unable to make any progress, their original ideas will be shaken .

And when they saw that the people around them who were originally lower than them all surpassed them through the method of instilling esoteric meaning, especially after some people had achieved considerable achievements and status, their already shaken thoughts became will change completely.

Therefore, many people eventually embarked on the path of raising their level through instilling esoteric truths.

"We have never experienced the indoctrination of profound meaning!" Chu Zhou said.

" don't have to worry, even if you are promoted by instilling profound truths, it will not affect your joining our Galactic Empire nationality at all."

When the one-eyed people heard Chu Zhou's reply, they instinctively spoke.

However, he suddenly froze.

He looked at Chu Zhou in shock.

Even the staff member of the Beta star looked at Chu Zhou in shock at this moment, with his mouth opened wide.

It seems that Chu Zhou and others have not experienced the information instilled in the profound truth, which has a great impact on them.

"You... what did you just say? None of you have experienced indoctrination?" The one-eyed man stared at Chu Zhou.

"No!" Chu Zhou nodded calmly.

Without further ado, the one-eyed people immediately took out a special detector in the shape of a flashlight, and pressed the button to detect the energy fluctuations of Chu Zhou and others.


After a while, four continuous wavy lines appeared on the display screen of the special detector.

"All people who have experienced the instillation of profound meaning, their energy fluctuations are intermittent... and your energy fluctuations are all continuous..."

"You guys are actually practicing all by your own abilities!"

The one-eyed man's voice was like a machine gun, and he spoke extremely fast. He looked at Chu Zhou and others in surprise, and couldn't help standing up.

Especially when looking at Chu Zhou, there was a trace of fiery and respectful expression.

"My lord!" He directly changed the name of Chu Zhou, "You have cultivated to the ninth level of stars by virtue of your own ability, and now you apply to join our Galactic Empire nationality, which is already in line with the 'first-class talents' formulated by our Galactic Empire. Conditions, after you join our Galactic Empire, you can enjoy the 'special treatment for first-class talents'."

"As for your three companions, they meet the conditions of 'third-class talents'. After joining our Galactic Empire, they can enjoy the 'special treatment of third-class talents'."

There is one more!
