Chapter 346: Laws and rules! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 346 Laws and Rules! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Hall of Killing.

Many warriors walked towards Chu Zhou, as if they wanted to get acquainted with Chu Zhou.


Before other people came into contact with Chu Zhou, a familiar figure of Chu Zhou came to Chu Zhou and others first.

This person is exactly the 'Sly Sword' who was defeated by Chu Zhou in the decisive battle space just now.

Seeing the arrival of the 'Sly Sword', Long, Sol, and Chan Gha Posa all frowned.

They thought that 'Sly Sword' lost, but they were not convinced, and they were going to trouble Chu Zhou.

After all, there are too many examples like this.

However, to the surprise of Long and the other three, the attitude of 'Sly Sword' was very calm. He glanced at Long and the other three, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'm not here to make trouble."

Didn't come to ask for trouble?

The three of Long were slightly taken aback, and their expressions relaxed.Điscover new chapters at

'Sly Sword' took a deep look at Chu Zhou, and said, "My name is Wuhui! I am a disciple of the 'Baijiangtang'. This time I tried to test you, and I was entrusted by an adult."

"However, you are really powerful, and you have mastered the secrets of space. I am convinced that I lost."

When Chu Zhou heard the words, he immediately understood.

Before, he was still a little surprised. Why did a nine-star player suddenly send him a "duel invitation"?

After all, nine-star players are very proud, and basically they will not challenge those who have a lower evaluation than themselves.

The original problem lies here.

But, who is the 'adult'?

Wu Hui said again: "I guess you must be curious about which lord is who? Now, that lord is already waiting for you in the private room."

In the killing field, apart from the killing hall with a lot of people, there are also some 'private rooms' with more privacy.

But the consumption of "Yajian" is very expensive.

Usually speaking, only some big figures of great influence will rent a 'private room' when they lead their elite disciples to practice on the killing field.

Chu Zhou followed Wu Hui and walked towards a private room.

"Brother Wu, may I ask, what kind of power is the Baijiang Hall where you are?" Chu Zhou asked curiously while walking.

Wuhui looked at Chu Zhou in surprise: "You don't know about our Baijiangtang?"

"Uh..." Chu Zhou realized that he might have made another "common sense" mistake, and said awkwardly: "I have been practicing on a relatively remote planet in the past, and I am not very clear about some forces in the Blood Peak Starfield."

"So that's how it is..." Wu Hui nodded thoughtfully, and then said: "Then I will briefly popularize the power of our Blood Peak Starfield..."

"In addition to the five giant forces such as the Universe Galaxy Bank, the Cosmic Adventurers Alliance, the Mirror Universe Company, the Infinite Fighting Arena, and the Wanzu Chamber of Commerce... the most powerful local force in our Blood Peak Star Field is undoubtedly the Blood Peak Empire. .”

"In addition to the Blood Peak Empire, there are two holy lands, the Blood Peak Holy Land and the Mirror Moon Lake Holy Land, as well as four major organizations, including the Balong Mountain, Jagged Alliance, Black Flag Association, and Hundred Generals Hall, as well as eighteen families."

"Both the Holy Land of Blood Peak and the Holy Land of Mirror Moon Lake are closely related to the royal family of the Blood Peak Empire, and have always been the two major powers that the royal family of the Blood Peak Empire relies on... Therefore, these two holy lands can be said to be official powers."

"Compared to the two holy places, Balong Mountain, Jagged Alliance, Black Flag Association, and Hundred Generals Hall are the four major non-governmental organizations..."

"The Eighteen Families are the eighteen most powerful ancient families in the Blood Peak Empire. The power of each family is more than a hundred times stronger than those of the elementary civilizations of the universe."

"Whether it's the two great holy places, the four great organizations of the Ming Dynasty, or the eighteen families...their influence spreads over thousands of galaxies in the entire Blood Peak star field, and their inheritance history is extremely long, and all of them have world masters in charge. The depth of the background is unimaginable for ordinary people..."

"In addition to the above-mentioned forces, our Blood Peak Starfield also has some forces established by maverick world masters, which should not be underestimated..."

"Thank you, Brother Wu, for your explanation. I think I have roughly understood the power structure of the Blood Peak Starfield." Chu Zhou thanked.

After listening to Wu Hui's words, he immediately had a clear understanding of the power structure of the entire Blood Peak Starfield.

The local forces in the entire Blood Peak Starfield are roughly divided into the following grades:

First Grade: Blood Peak Empire.

Second Grade: Holy Land of Blood Peak, Holy Land of Mirror Moon Lake.

The third level: the four major non-government organizations: Balong Mountain, Jagged Alliance, Black Flag Association, and Hundred Generals Hall.

Fourth Grade: Eighteen Families.

Fifth grade: The forces established by some maverick world masters.

Sixth grade: the galaxy empire and other elementary civilizations in the universe.

The seventh grade: Talon family and other families in the elementary civilization countries of the universe.

This is the framework of the power structure of the Blood Peak Starfield emerging in Chu Zhou's mind at this moment.

Of course, this is just a rough influence framework he calculated based on the information he has so far, and it is not absolutely accurate.

Moreover, in this framework, the five giant forces and the Maou Dojo of the Maou Universe Kingdom in the Blood Peak Star Field have not been counted.

It's more because this old man is the supervisor of the Mirror Universe Company on the Blood Peak Star.

"My lord, what are the benefits of joining Mirror Universe Company?" Chu Zhou took a deep breath and asked.

Yoda saw that Chu Zhou remained calm after learning that he had the opportunity to join their Mirror Universe Company, and he looked at Chu Zhou with more appreciation.

He has seen countless geniuses, and after learning that he can join their mirror universe company, they all become a little out of control.

"There are naturally many benefits. However, how many benefits you can get depends on your talent, ability, contribution, etc."

"Well, for the newcomers who just joined, how much benefit they can get depends mainly on talent... The higher the talent, the higher the rating, and the more benefits you can get. On the contrary, the less!"

Yoda said calmly.

"Rating? Is it similar to the talent level of the Galactic Empire?" Chu Zhou asked.

"Almost... However, each faction has different standards for evaluating talents. We, Mirror Universe Company, have our own standards."

Yoda nodded.

"My lord, according to Mirror Universe's standards, what kind of talent am I?" Chu Zhou asked curiously.

"I need to know your bloodline level before I can make a comprehensive evaluation. I have a table here. You can see which level your bloodline is at."

Yoda was a little empty, and a bloodline ranking table immediately appeared in front of Chu Zhou.

"When evaluating a person's talent, bloodline is a very important factor."

"Different bloodlines have completely different potentials."

"Some bloodlines have no potential at all, and are of little help to cultivation. Creatures of this bloodline, if they want to advance, it will be many times more difficult than those creatures with strong bloodline potential...even more than a million times!"

"And some bloodlines have frighteningly high potential and don't need to practice at all. As long as they become adults, they will automatically become world masters, or even universe lords."

"In our human race, there are countless races, and bloodlines are roughly divided into six levels."

Yoda said while pointing to the level of human blood in the void.

First-class bloodline: the bloodline contains inheritance information above the rule of thirds (after adulthood, there is a high probability of becoming a venerable)

Second-class bloodline: the bloodline contains all the information of a rule (adults are at the master level)

Third-class bloodline: one-tenth of the rule information is contained in the bloodline (adults are domain masters)

Fourth-class bloodline: the bloodline contains one hundredth rule information (adults are star-level)

Fifth-class bloodline: the bloodline contains a little rule information (adults are void-level)

Sixth class: No entry

Chu Zhou carefully looked at the human bloodline ranking table in the void.

After reading it, he roughly calculated the bloodline level of his new moon blood.

He knew that his crescent bloodline was actually not a complete bloodline, but an incomplete bloodline.

Only by constantly upgrading can he gradually become complete.

Therefore, the bloodline level of the new moon bloodline cannot be calculated according to the complete bloodline, but can only be calculated according to the potential that has been demonstrated so far.

Only the power of the eight-winged state of the crescent bloodline is counted, and its power is roughly comparable to that of a star.

Therefore, Chu Zhou judged that the Crescent Moon bloodline is currently the fourth-class bloodline.


Now, he is a little unclear about the meaning of the word "law" in "first-class blood".

"My lord... what does the law in 'First Blood' mean? What is the difference between a law and a rule?"

Chu Zhou asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Laws and rules, of course there is a difference... Originally, the law is not something you should consider now, at least you have to wait until you reach the peak of the world master before you are eligible to consider it."

"However, since you asked, I will briefly talk about it!"

"The law is actually a power above the rules. It is similar to the relationship between rules and mysteries. A rule contains many kinds of mysteries. A rule can also contain multiple rules."

"To give a relatively simple example. Among the five elements, there are five rules of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth."

"Okay...the law, you will understand it later when you reach the peak of the world master. Now it's time to tell the story about your bloodline level."

Yoda looked at Chu Zhou calmly.

"I am the fourth-class blood!" Chu Zhou said.

"Fourth-class blood? So-so! Not bad, not bad." Yoda nodded calmly.

"The geniuses of our Mirror Universe company, from low to high, can be roughly divided into: third-class geniuses, second-class geniuses, first-class geniuses, and special geniuses!"

"In your case, barely reach the threshold of a second-class genius!"

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