Chapter 353: Blood Potion! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 353 Blood Potion! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Red Moon Temple.

"Chu Zhou, you still have the ability to teleport through space!" Adkins looked at Chu Zhou in shock.

Chu Zhou became more and more mysterious in his eyes.

Space is king, time is respect!

There are too few people who can comprehend the mysteries of space.

Chu Zhou calmly looked at the long corridor in front of him. On this long corridor of yours, there are dozens of corpses of adventurers.

"Adkins... It seems that we are not the only ones who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune!"

He pointed to the dozens of adventurer corpses and said to Adkins.

Adkins reacted very calmly: "Of course it's not just us... Everyone is not stupid and knows that this is a good opportunity to get rich."

"However, since someone entered the Scarlet Moon Temple earlier than us, our actions must be faster."

"Otherwise, the treasures will be taken by others, and we won't even have a sip of the soup."

Chu Zhou nodded, waved his hand, and put the dozens of adventurer corpses into his personal space.

Then, together with Adkins, he flew deep into the corridor.

Soon, they heard a fierce battle not far away.

Their figures accelerated sharply, and immediately saw dozens of adventurers fighting with more than a dozen Chiyue leaders in an open hall.

Suddenly, the dozen or so Chi Yue commanders retreated in unison.

On the surrounding walls, beams of laser light burst out.

Dozens of adventurers, more than two-thirds, were instantly pierced by beams of laser light and died on the spot.

"No, these laser rays can instantly penetrate the D-level force suits of those adventurers... This is at least a D5-level laser gun."

"D5-level laser gun, this is already a restricted-level weapon, and the price is astonishingly expensive...Ordinary forces can't afford this level of energy weapons. Even those elementary civilizations in the universe don't have it...Red Moon God Sect, after all How did you get this weapon?"

Adkins, seeing the beams of laser beams that shot each adventurer's body instantly, his expression changed drastically.

"A D5 laser gun?"

Chu Zhou's face also changed slightly.

In the universe, the level of a weapon represents its lethality.

D5-level laser gun, which means that this kind of laser gun can destroy the D5-level force suit, and can threaten the life of the fifth-level powerhouse of the domain master.

The Red Moon God Sect even has a D5 level laser gun... This once again shows that the Red Moon God Sect is not an indigenous force, but a force that is deeply related to many cosmic civilizations.

In the hall ahead, the dozen or so adventurers who had escaped from the laser beam all backed away in fright.

"Chu Zhou, they have laser guns of at least D5 level. I'm afraid we won't be able to enter the depths of the Scarlet Moon Temple."

Adkins said with regret on his face.

Although he is greedy for money.

But love life more.

Although he has some hole cards, he is sure to block the attacks of so many at least D5 laser guns.

"Not wait here, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

As Chu Zhou spoke, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment, his figure appeared beside a commander Chi Yue who was squatting in front of a mechanism like a ghost.

More than a hundred adventurers, as well as the densely packed Chiyue commanders, were all crowded in a small space, fighting frantically.

"Hahaha, get out!"

Chu Zhou's familiar laughter came, and Chu Zhou immediately saw a familiar figure, which suddenly turned into a mass of magma-like human-shaped flames, and rushed into the many Chiyue commanders like lightning, abruptly standing in front of many Chiyue commanders. Killed a **** path in the middle and entered the hall.

Behind the human-shaped flame, there was a woman with two hideous faces who also brandished two knives and charged into the hall forcefully.

Many adventurers also took advantage of the opening of the front two to kill the Chiyue commanders one by one and entered the hall.

"It's them..."

"Don't get together in front of friends!"

Chu Zhou has already recognized the identities of the two figures who entered the hall first, they are Kuro and Alisa who wanted to attack him not long ago.

"So many people want to squeeze into the hall in front of me... There must be a heart-warming treasure in this hall."

"It's a pity, Chu Zhou, your two enemies are also here, let's change places!"

Adkins said with some regret.

"Oh my god! Bloodline Potion...Here, there is Bloodline Potion!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the depths of the hall.

And this exclamation made those adventurers who hadn't squeezed into the hall completely go berserk, desperate to fight with those Chi Yue commanders who blocked the way, and desperately wanted to squeeze into the hall.

Adkins, who just said he wanted to change places, seemed to be frozen in place at this moment.

"Bloodline potion? Here, there is such a precious thing?"

Adkins' breathing suddenly became rapid.

Even Chu Zhou was shocked when he heard the word "blood potion".

Ever since he learned of the existence of the "Bloodline Evolution Agent" from Master Yoda, he has specifically inquired about the "Bloodline Evolution Agent" on the Mirror Universe Network.

By the way, I also learned about the existence of "Bloodline Potion".

"Bloodline Evolution Agent" and "Bloodline Potion" are only two words different, but they are two completely different things.

The main function of the "Bloodline Evolution Agent" is to allow the bloodlines of the creatures themselves to undergo leaps and evolutions.

"Bloodline Potion" is made by extracting the bloodline factor of a creature of a certain bloodline, and then refining it... Its function is that after injecting the "Bloodline Potion", directly replace it with the bloodline contained in the "Bloodline Potion" own lineage.

"Bloodline Evolution Agent" and "Bloodline Potion" are basically forbidden items, and it is difficult to buy them.

However, compared to the "Bloodline Evolution Potion"... the value of the "Bloodline Potion" varies depending on what kind of bloodline the "Bloodline Potion" contains.

If it contains "first-class bloodline", then its value is much higher than "bloodline evolution agent".

If it contains "fifth-class blood", then the value is not as good as an E1-level force weapon.

However, one thing is certain... "Bloodline Potion" is an absolute forbidden item. Basically all human forces are clearly forbidden to refine "Bloodline Potion".

Because the raw material for refining the "Bloodline Potion" is the flesh of a creature of a certain bloodline.

A tube of "Bloodline Potion" basically needs at least three physical bodies of creatures of a certain bloodline to successfully refine it.

Therefore, there must be no opening for the refining of "Bloodline Potion"... Otherwise, all races with powerful bloodlines in the human race will be in jeopardy.

And everyone basically knows the preciousness of the "Bloodline Potion".

Especially those human beings with mediocre bloodlines dream of advanced "bloodline medicine".

Therefore, when they heard that there was a "Bloodline Potion" in the hall, many adventurers went crazy.

Even Chu Zhou and Adkins could not keep calm.

Chu Zhou and Adkins looked at each other, and both rushed towards the hall.
