Chapter 442: Origin mother gold! (two

Reincarnation Secret Realm.

Chu Zhou saw a dragon in a vast mountain range.

"Long, what did you find that made you so excited?"

Chu Zhou asked curiously.

Dragon did not speak, but immediately released his divine sense, and carefully scanned the surrounding environment in a carpet style.

It seems to be afraid that someone is hiding around.

Seeing the dragon's cautious appearance, Chu Zhou became even more curious about the dragon's discovery.

After confirming that there was no one around, Long Cai let out a long breath, and the tension in his heart was slightly relieved.

"This is not a place to talk, we talk as we walk."

As the dragon said, he flew towards the depths of the mountains.

"What did you find? Make you so cautious."

Chu Zhou followed the dragon and kept flying.

"It's impossible to be cautious! This discovery is too amazing."

Long said, leading Chu Zhou to fly past a stalagmite field surrounded by thick fog.

"Tell me. You know, I am proficient in the rules of space. If there are creatures around, I can't hide it from my perception."

As Chu Zhou said, he and the dragon walked through a forest with towering ancient trees.

"You know, what did I discover just now?" The dragon said with a slightly excited voice, "I found a gold-eating bug here."

Gold eater?

Chu Zhou was slightly taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't know this kind of creature at all.

But that's okay.

If you don't know anything... you can find the answer from the mirror universe network.

He immediately separated a ray of consciousness, connected to the mirror universe network, and inquired about the information of the gold-eating bug.

"Gold-eating insects are one of the 3,000 kinds of strange insects in the universe, but Zerg life that does not belong to one of the six peak groups is a special metal life. The conditions for the birth of gold-eating insects are harsh, and they are generally born where the 'primary mother gold' is located Moreover, it grows by devouring the 'primary mother gold'. Adult gold devourers have a 30% chance of being promoted to the Supreme Master of the Universe."

After reading the information about the gold-eating worm, Chu Zhou instinctively looked up the information about "Original Mother Gold".

"Original mother gold, one of the top ten rare golds in the universe, is known as the mother of all gold. It naturally contains the origin of gold and the profound meaning of the rules of various golds. The original mother gold can not only be used to comprehend the rules of gold, It can also be used to cultivate metal life, or to refine overlord-level weapons, or even sacred weapons of saints..."

After quickly reading the news of 'Original Mother Gold', Chu Zhou's breathing accelerated slightly.

He now finally understood why the dragon was so nervous.

It is estimated that the gold devourer was not discovered...

Through the gold-eating insects, the 'original mother gold' was discovered.

The gold-eating bug has the potential to grow into a universe lord, so it is indeed very precious.

If it can be subdued, it is equivalent to having a powerful helper in the future.

But compared to the 'original mother gold', the value of gold-eating bugs is not worth mentioning.

This is one of the top ten rare gold in the universe, and it is also a sacred object for refining overlord weapons and saint weapons...

This is a treasure that even the overlord of the universe will be tempted by.

While reading the information, Chu Zhou followed the dragon and flew across a swamp. He looked at the dragon, took a deep breath, and said:

"Dragon... Could it be that you discovered the 'original mother gold' through the gold-eating insect?"

"It seems that you already know the relationship between the gold-eating bug and the 'original mother gold'." Long suppressed the excitement in his heart, "Yes, I did discover the 'original mother gold' by tracking the gold-eating insect."

Chu Zhou heard the words, his face was slightly excited: "No wonder you are so nervous."

"Hahaha, I was lucky this time too. I just teleported in and appeared near a gold-eating bug."

"It just so happened that a year ago, when I was collecting metal materials for refining exclusive weapons, I learned about the 'Original Mother Gold', and I knew that there might be 'Original Mother Gold' around the places where gold-eating insects haunted."

"So, after seeing the gold devourer, I followed it and discovered the 'original mother gold' through it."

Long laughed loudly, and told about his experience of discovering the 'original mother gold'.

"You're lucky!"

Chu Zhou was full of emotion.

'Original mother gold' is one of the top ten rare golds in the universe. It is a rare treasure that cannot be found. Many cosmic overlords have spent countless efforts, but they can't find it.

During the conversation, Chu Zhou and Long came to a dark cave deep in the mountains.

Chu Zhou swept his eyes and found that there were a large number of bones of alien creatures near the entrance of the cave.Reêad latest novels at novelhall.come skeletons, resembling human skeletons.

But most of them are oddly shaped.

For example, some skeletons have six legs.

There are also some skeletons, the whole body is like crystal.

Seeing so many skeletons near the entrance of the cave, Chu Zhou became slightly vigilant.

"This should be the creature in this secret realm, accidentally broke into here, disturbed the gold-eating insects in the cave, and stayed after being killed by the gold-eating insects."

Long looked slightly solemn and said:

"I have followed that gold devourer secretly to the bottom of this cave before."

"At the bottom of the cave, I saw eighteen gold-eating worms. There was also a huge piece of 'original mother gold'."

"It seems that if we want to take away the 'original mother gold', we must first suppress those eighteen gold-eating bugs." Chu Zhou laughed.

Long nodded: "It's really going to be like this. According to my observation, the eighteen gold-eating bugs are about the ninth level of the world master...I can't handle it."

"However, for you, there should be no problem."

"As long as they haven't become the Venerable Universe, there is no problem!"

As Chu Zhou said, he mobilized a mass of space power to wrap himself and the dragon.

Then it turned into a phantom that even the world lord could not detect, and flew into the cave like lightning.

The passage of the cave has been extending obliquely to the depths of the earth.

Chu Zhou took the dragon and flew down quickly.

Entering about 100,000 meters deep underground, Chu Zhou brought the dragon and appeared in a huge underground space.

"This piece of 'Original Mother Gold' is big enough, and it is estimated that Qianxingvine can swallow one-third of it. How about we have half of the rest?"

Chu Zhou said.


Long nodded.

No comments.

Although it is said that he discovered the 'original mother gold'.

But without Chu Zhou, he would not be able to deal with eighteen gold-eating bugs by himself, and he would not be able to obtain the 'original mother gold'.

As for cooperating with other people, it is even more impossible.

'Original mother gold' is such a precious holy object, enough to make many people have evil thoughts.

Seeing the dragon nodding his head, Chu Zhou immediately took out the Purple Dragon Sword, swung the sword and slashed at the 'Original Mother Gold'.

Although the 'Original Mother Gold' is one of the top ten rare golds in the universe, it is completely different from ordinary metals. It seems to be made of soft clay, and it was easily cut into three parts by the Zilong Sword.

Moreover, these three 'original mother gold' quickly became three smaller 'hearts'.


Qianxing Vine couldn't wait to wrap her share of 'Mother Gold' with vines, and then merged into Chu Zhou's body, and silently digested it.

Chu Zhou and Long were also excited, and put away a portion of the 'Original Mother Gold'.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that we would get a piece of 'original mother gold' not long after entering the secret realm of reincarnation. Next, even if we don't gain anything, this trial will make a lot of money!"

Long said excitedly.

"Don't get too excited! It's here... we might have something else to gain!"

Under the inexplicable gaze of the dragon, Chu Zhou swung the Zilong sword, and slashed down directly below the position where the 'original mother gold' was.

The earth is like tofu, and a huge hole was easily cut by the Zilong sword.

Dragon's divine sense followed that opening and explored downwards.

Soon, he saw a strange space deep in the hole.

In that strange space, there is a huge 'lake' suspended.

"This is...?"

Long looked at the 'lake' in shock.

He originally thought that the 'original mother gold' was the biggest gain of this trip.

But never expected that there is a strange space hidden here.

"If I wasn't proficient in the rules of space... I wouldn't have discovered the existence of that 'lake' at all."

"However, what is the 'lake'? I don't know either!"

"Let's go in and take a look!"

As Chu Zhou said, he grabbed the dragon, and in a flash, they appeared above the 'lake'.

There are countless purple stars shining in the 'lake'.

Chu Zhou and the dragon floated above the 'lake', and suddenly came to a magnificent and dreamy purple starry sky.

At this moment, Chu Zhou and Long's faces showed shock.

They already recognized what was in the 'lake'.

This is the C-level spiritual liquid star marrow.

Star marrow is a kind of psychic liquid that can assist living beings to attack the realm of the world master.

For the current Chu Zhou and Long, the star marrow is of little use, and it is not considered a precious treasure.

But... they were still deeply shocked.

Because there are too many star marrows here.

When they were in the Blood Peak Starfield, they bought star marrow at Panlong Mountain Villa, all of which were calculated in grams.

1 gram requires 1 billion blood peak coins.

But here, there is a whole lake.

This is crazy.

How much blood peak coin is this worth...or how much universe coin is it worth?

is definitely a very exaggerated astronomical figure.

If this lake star marrow is brought back to Panlong Villa, how many world masters can be cultivated?

Thinking of this, Long's heart couldn't help beating faster.

Chu Zhou was also excited, but he calmed down quickly.

He stared at a lake of star marrow below him with bright eyes.

He is not going to bring all the star marrow of this lake back to Panlong Villa.

Although, he knows that many world masters can be cultivated that way.

But no matter how many world masters there are, they are far inferior to a venerable one.

Especially the kind of world masters accumulated with a lot of resources, to the Venerable, they are like ants, they can be trampled to death at will.

"Dragon, I am going to leave only a small amount of star essence, and refine the rest. I need these star essence, help me to become a venerable!"

Chu Zhou said to Long seriously.

Long was taken aback for a moment, and quickly calmed down. Looking at Chu Zhou's serious face, he immediately understood that the star marrow of this lake had a great effect on Chu Zhou's promotion to the Venerable Universe.

He didn't think about it at all, and said directly:

"Just do as you say! No matter how many world masters there are, they are not as valuable as a venerable. As long as these star essences help you become a venerable, you refine them all, and I have no objection."

"Then I will not be polite!"

Chu Zhou collected about a ton of star marrow by himself, and asked Long to collect a ton as well.

Then, his whole body turned into a huge black hole and fell directly into the star marrow lake.

"This time, I want to increase the comprehension of the five rules of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to 90% in one breath!"

He thought with great excitement in his heart.

With the star marrow of this lake transformed into attribute points, he did not believe that he could not raise the five elements rules to the limit of the world master.