Chapter 453: Battle of attention! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 453 The battle of attention! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Miller is suspended above the sky, with divine light like the sea, and holy wings covering the sky, like a **** descending into the world, overwhelming thousands of people.

He seems to be the center of the world, the protagonist of the era, so eye-catching.

At this moment, his eyes showed infinite confidence.

After bathing in the divine spirit liquid, after completing his transformation, he is confident that no one can match him among his peers.

Even Rama, who is number one in the "Human Tianjiao Must Kill List", he is now confident of defeating him.

"Chu Zhou, I will defeat you first. Prove to the teacher that his disciple, I, is far better than the disciple of King Beicang."

"After defeating you, I will challenge Rama again."

"I want everyone to know...I, Miller, is the protagonist of this era. Just like the King Beicang back then."

Miller thought so, with great pride and boundless fighting spirit in his heart, and wanted to compete with the God of Heaven!

He feels that his stage should no longer be limited to humans.

He should, like the King of Beicang back then, go to the universe and overwhelm the arrogance of all races in the universe, and leave his own glorious legend among all the races in the universe.

"Chu Zhou, you are just a stepping stone in the process of me composing the legend."Reêad latest novels at

Thinking in his heart, he left a sentence in the void:

"Chu Zhou, I'm waiting for you on the ruins where the secret storehouse is!"

After speaking, his figure immediately turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the void.

"Hiss! Miller actually wants to challenge Chu Zhou."

Many Tianjiao nearby were shocked when they heard what Miller left before leaving.

Immediately, many people became excited.

A month ago, Chu Zhou beat Hughes, Miller, Fengyan, Salomon and other four monsters in the secret treasury, and captured the ancient blue devil tree. The shock.

Especially, during the competition, Chu Zhou also displayed a terrifying Chaos Divine Body.

This made his status in the hearts of many Tianjiao rise sharply.

Many arrogances have identified him as the existence second only to Rama among the arrogance of mankind.

Now, Miller's strength has increased significantly, and he has to challenge Chu Zhou, which makes many people feel very interesting.

In particular, the identities of the parties.

Chu Zhou is a direct disciple of the former No. 1 prince of mankind, King Beicang.

Miller is the direct disciple of Qing Wang, the first prince of Mirror Universe Company.

The conflict between King Beicang and King Qing is almost an open secret.

Now Miller is going to challenge Chu Zhou... In a sense, is this a competition between King Qing and King Beicang?

Thinking of this, everyone is looking forward to this battle even more.

"Go to the ruins, this battle is not to be missed!"

Many Tianjiao nearby, all soared into the sky, flying towards the direction of the ruins at top speed.

The news that Miller was going to challenge Chu Zhou quickly spread throughout the secret realm of reincarnation like a storm.

All the Tianjiao who are trying in the secret realm of reincarnation are all sensational.

rushed to the ruins one after another.

Besides the secret realm of reincarnation, many venerables and princes also learned the news that Miller was going to challenge Chu Zhou through some arrogances who were sent out.

"Miller wants to challenge Chu Zhou?"

Many venerables and princes were shocked when they heard the words, and then they all looked at King Beicang and King Qing.

Beicang King's face was indifferent, without any ripples on his face, as if he didn't care about this matter at all.

However, Qing Wang was very concerned.

After hearing the news, his face became tense for a moment, and an incomparably grand and vast aura appeared from his body inadvertently, as if he was about to collapse the eternal time and space, causing the surrounding void to vibrate violently.

Many venerables and princes felt a suffocating feeling.

They really felt how terrifying and powerful King Qing, as the first prince of the Mirror Universe Company, was.

As soon as Chu Zhou entered the internal forum of Mirror Universe Company, he saw a popular post in bold and red.

#Chu Zhou, I’m waiting for you on the ruins#·Explosion

Seeing this hot post, Chu Zhou was slightly taken aback.

Looking at the number of comments again, there are more than one million people who have commented.

What's the situation?

Chu Zhou opened the post with doubts.

Immediately after opening the post, he saw a video.

In the video, a figure with mighty divine light and holy wings covering the sky shouted a word in an extremely arrogant and confident tone: "Chu Zhou, I want to challenge you!"


Seeing the figure in the video, Chu Zhou's eyes narrowed slightly.

His consciousness returned to his body, with a playful look on his face.

Miller actually wanted to challenge him.

Still in the secret realm of reincarnation.

This made him a little surprised.

At this time, Long, Bingselin, Xiliukin and others also read the post that Miller wanted to challenge Chu Zhou.

"You all have seen that popular post." Zuo Yue said, looking at Chu Zhou, "Chu Zhou, Miller is going to challenge you. And, he is waiting for you on the ruins where the secret storehouse is... you What are you going to do?"

Long and others also looked at Chu Zhou.

If it is before coming to Stone Forest, you know that Miller, who is ranked third in the "Human Tianjiao Must Kill List", wants to challenge Chu Zhou.

They might still be worried about Chu Zhou.

But in the stone forest, they witnessed the whole process of Chu Zhou devouring the Wu Clan, and the terrifying scene when Chu Zhou completed the second layer of "Killing Sword Art", they would not worry about Chu Zhou at all.

In their hearts, it was not Chu Zhou that should be worried, but Miller.

"What should I do?" Chu Zhou looked at Zuo Yue and the others with a smile, and said playfully, "Since they have challenged me in public, of course I will fight!"

"Let me see, how much is the personal disciple of King Qing, the company's current number one prince?"

As he spoke, he soared into the sky and flew towards the direction of the ruins.

"Miller is miserable!" Long said with emotion, "I watched Chu Zhou grow up step by step, but I rarely see him being so serious. But every time he is serious, his opponents will basically lose. Miserable."

"Hehe. I guess Miller got some opportunities, his strength broke through, and he thought that Chu Zhou was no longer his opponent, so he couldn't help but challenge Chu Zhou."

"But... he didn't know that he broke through, and Chu Zhou's breakthrough was even more terrifying."

"He wants to challenge Chu Zhou now... he can only suffer for himself."

Zuo Yue sneered.

"You have committed your own crimes, you can't live!"

Bingcelin sighed.

"Quick...quick...go watch the battle!" Shiryukin's eyes glowed.

Miller and Thaddeus are close friends, and Thaddeus is Shilukin's deadly enemy.

This also led to the fact that every time Shilukin met Miller, he was targeted by Miller either explicitly or covertly.

Siliukin has long been unhappy with Miller.

Now Miller dares to challenge Chu Zhou, a pervert, and seeks abuse by himself.

How could Shiliukin miss such a famous scene?

Not only would he not miss it, he also decided to record this famous scene, and then put it on the mirror universe network to spread the word.

He, Shiryukin, has always been magnanimous and never holds grudges, he only keeps a small book.

Long and the others also rose into the air one after another, chasing after Chu Zhou's figure, and flew towards the ruins.

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