Chapter 494: Kill without mercy! The reputation spread far and wide! (Seeking subscription, asking for monthly

Chapter 494 Kill without mercy! The reputation spread far and wide! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

"Heavenly armored general, Chu Zhou has become a heavenly armored general."

Long and others looked at Chu Zhou standing in the center of hundreds of millions of soldiers and receiving the worship of hundreds of millions of soldiers, and their hearts were surging.

"He succeeded."

Rama sighed in a slightly complicated way.

Chu Zhou saved his life just now, and he is also a human being with him... From this perspective, he should be happy for Chu Zhou.

But Chu Zhou is also regarded by him as a 'strong enemy', an opponent he wants to surpass again.

From this point of view, Chu Zhou has become a "Heavenly Armored General", and it will be even more difficult for him to overtake Chu Zhou.

Therefore, his mood is complicated.

Miller, Fengyan, Salomon and others also looked at Chu Zhou with complicated eyes.

Compared to the reactions of Rama and others, the faces of alien creatures such as Camila are extremely ugly.

"He has obtained the inheritance of the **** general, and he has not yet been able to truly grasp the true power of the divine character 'A'... Now is the best time to kill him."

Camila has a charming face, but her eyes are as cold as ice.

"Kill him and usurp the divine character 'A' on his body."

Gaia is short and to the point.

His body, which seemed to be carved out of crystal, had ribbons of light hanging down from it, emitting a terrifying oppressive force, causing the void around him to continue to shatter.

"Human beings are not worthy of possessing the character 'A'."

Graceia is surrounded by lightning, and chains of order extend from him to the depths of time and space.

He held a shining ancient spear in his hand.

A kind of aura that judges all things diffuses from him.

It seems that he is an ancient **** who has mastered the authority of judgment in the dark, and nothing can escape his judgment.

Blue Storm didn't speak, he just used his ancient blue devil tree body in the void to his heart's content.

The tree trunk is covered with dense blue scales, the branches and leaves are constantly twisting and spreading like strange creatures, and there is a hideous face like a ghost mask...

These are all shocking.

Emondson of the Machine Race is also back.

His mechanical body was bombarded by a beam of annihilating blood spat out by Rama not long ago, leaving only two legs.

He replaced it with a useful silver mechanical body.

At this moment, he stared at Rama's figure solemnly.

I suffered such a big loss.

According to his personality, he usually takes revenge on the spot.

However, it is still the most important thing to find a way to capture the divine script of the word 'A' - even though the divine script of the word 'Jia' has already been obtained by Chu Zhou. But as long as Chu Zhou is killed, the divine character 'A' will become ownerless.


Camilla made a move.

The two wings covered with bone spurs on her back directly shattered the void, like two huge heavenly knives, slashing towards Chu Zhou.

The lawful light like a waterfall hangs down from the two wings, making the entire ancient ruins tremble.

Almost at the same time, Gaia, Gracia, Blue Storm, Emmonsen and many other venerables of other races also attacked Chu Zhou one after another.

The vast energy swept across the ancient ruins like a tide, and the entire ancient ruins seemed to be annihilated.

Long and others, as well as many strong human races, saw this scene and wanted to stop it.

However, they were intercepted by some alien venerables.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Zhou fell into the siege of Camila and many other venerables of different races.

The situation looks extremely bad.

However, at this critical moment, Chu Zhou's face was as calm as water, and he even seemed a little careless.

He even took back his four clones into his body.

"The inheritance of the **** general has been obtained, and it is time for this boring game to end."

He said lightly.

With a thought, a torrent of bright soldiers rushed out of the world of soldiers behind him in an instant.

It's like a peacock spreading its tail.

A torrent of colorful armor filled the void, looking extremely gorgeous and dazzling.

The attacks of the foreign venerables were all washed away by the torrent of soldiers.

"He...has just obtained the divine script of the word 'A', how can he display the power of the divine script of the word 'A'?"

Many venerables of different races were horrified when they saw this scene.


Chu Zhou let out a long roar, his body swelled rapidly, and in an instant he turned into a million-meter-level chaotic giant.

At this moment, his feet sank into the ground, and the position above his chest was above the sky.

Two bright eyes, like two suns, hovered at the highest point of the sky, shooting out two terrifying chaotic light.

A cascade of chaotic air flow fell from his body.

In an instant, the entire ancient ruins were overwhelmed by the air of chaos, turning into a raging sea of ​​chaos.

"this..."Findd new stories at

Looking at the huge chaotic giant, everyone was shocked.

"This... This is the "Chaos Dharma Body" created by the Chaos Lord of our Crystal Clan."

Gaia looked at the towering chaotic giant with a livid face.

The Lord of Chaos of their Crystal Clan was once the overlord of the universe who shocked all races, and the "Dharma Body of Chaos" created by them is even more unique.

It's just that, in a battle with humans, the Lord of Chaos was killed by an overlord of the Human Mirror Universe Company.

After the Lord of Chaos created the "Dharma Body of Chaos", he did not pass on this unique knowledge to other Crystal Clans.

Therefore, when the Lord of Chaos fell, the "Dharma Body of Chaos" was also lost in the Crystal Clan.

Now I can see that this supreme knowledge originally belonged to their Jing clan, but it has shown such terrifying power on Chu Zhou, a human race.

As the pride of the crystal clan, Gaia's mentality is about to collapse.


A huge chaotic hand suddenly grabbed Camilla.

The vast chaotic energy suppresses all directions.

Camila felt a huge crisis from that big chaotic hand.

The charming face changed instantly.

The two wings covered with bone spurs on her back instantly swelled and became larger, slashing towards the big hand of Chaos.

But the next moment, a shrill scream came from her mouth.

I saw her two wings being grabbed by Chaos's big hands and turned into a pulp.

Rolling blood, mixed with mushy flesh and broken bones, flowed down from the fingers of Chaos' big hand.

Seeing that the big Chaos hand continued to grab her, Camilla screamed in fear:

"You can't kill me, kill me, we Zerg will never let you go..."

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was tightly grasped by Chaos' big hand.

With a bang, her whole body turned into **** mud.

A black hole vortex emerged in the palm of Chaos' big hand, swallowing all the blood mud she turned into.

"Camila was killed!"

Seeing that Camilla was killed, many alien creatures felt their scalps go numb.

Everyone's eyes blurred, and they appeared on a rough sea.

God disappeared the ancient city.

God General Sea Territory, also disappeared.

Everything seems like a dream.

But everyone knows that what they just experienced is real.

At this time, many creatures who were attracted by the vision of the heavenly monument, saw Chu Zhou and others appearing, and immediately flew over.

"Who is the 'Heavenly Armor General'?"

"Huh? It is said that there were 108 people who entered the ancient city of God General? Why did only so few people come out?"

"No, what about Camilla, Gaia, Gracia, Blue Storm, and Emerson, the five great heroes? Didn't they also enter the ancient city of God? Why can't they be seen?"


Many creatures asked one after another.

However, when they learned what happened in the ancient city of God General from the mouths of some alien creatures who survived, they were all stunned.

Looking at Chu Zhou's figure one by one, they all showed deep fear in their eyes.

Humanity's No. 1 pride, the disciple of King Beicang, Chu Zhou, has obtained the inheritance of the **** general this time, and has become the "Heaven Armor God General"?

Camila, Gaia, Gracia, Blue Storm, Emmonsen, the five great talents, and many other venerables, were all beheaded by Chu Zhou in the ancient city of the gods?

When these creatures learned the truth, each and every one of them received an extremely huge shock, and it was difficult to calm down.

"Chu Zhou...too ruthless!"

"Are the masters and apprentices in the same line? King Beicang is a **** of killing, and so is his disciple Chu Zhou?"

"Another murderous person like this has appeared in human beings. It seems that the universe sea will not be calm again."

Many alien creatures looked at Chu Zhou with awe.

As for some Zerg, Machine, Crystal, Mana, and Yuan race creatures, they fled immediately after learning the truth.

They didn't dare to stay, for fear that Chu Zhou would kill them too.

"let's go!"

Chu Zhou ignored the awe-inspiring gazes of many alien creatures.

He summoned the Panlong, entered the Panlong together with Long and others, let Shenlan control the Panlong, and continued to drive in the direction of the Magic Mountain Continent.

"Chu Zhou!" Looking at the distant shadow of the Panlong, Rama clenched his hands suddenly, "I will definitely catch up with you."

His figure instantly turned into a streak of light and disappeared suddenly.

Miller also looked at the distant Panlong with complicated eyes.

"Chu Zhou, he has become a venerable... Moreover, this time, he also got the word 'A'. The gap between me and him is really getting bigger and bigger."

Miller's mouth revealed a trace of bitterness.

But his gaze soon became firm.

"Everything is not settled yet, I haven't lost yet... As long as I keep moving forward, one day, I will be able to catch up with him."

He took a deep breath and disappeared into a stream of light.

"Junior Sister Yingxue, I know that you had many conflicts with Chu Zhou when you were on Earth... However, I think some things have passed, so let it pass."

Fengyan said meaningfully to Su Yingxue beside her.

Su Yingxue smiled lightly when she heard the words: "Senior sister, I understand what you mean. Chu Zhou and I... are no longer from the same world."

"Since he no longer cares about it, the grievances and grievances between me and him... I will naturally not make fun of myself."

"It's good that you understand!" Feng Yan nodded gratifiedly, "Some people are destined to be the best of an era. It is irrational to be an enemy of such a person."

Su Yingxue nodded in agreement.

Of course, her mood is also a bit complicated.

Who would have thought that a young man she met on Earth back then would have the terrifying potential to surpass an era?

On the other side, Salomon almost said the same thing to Nangong Yiren.

Nangong Yiren, like Su Yingxue, had a complicated heart.

Su Yingxue and Nangong Yiren looked at each other across the air, and in the eyes of both sides, there was no longer the tit-for-tat in the past.


A lot of things have passed.

No need to dwell on it anymore.

They did not communicate or speak, but left with Fengyan and Salomon respectively.

The creatures who gathered in the sea area where the ancient city of the gods appeared dispersed one after another.

God spread everything that happened in the ancient city to the surrounding sea area like a storm.

Many creatures, after hearing the news, were all overwhelmed and shocked.

The powerhouses of the five major ethnic groups including Zerg, Machine, Crystal, Mana, and Yuan, as well as some foreign forces whose Venerable was killed by Chu Zhou, were furious.

One after another announced to the outside world that they would avenge and kill Chu Zhou.

In the Panlong, Chu Zhou was indifferent to the ups and downs of the outside world.

He opens the properties panel.

【Name: Chu Zhou (Elementary Universe Venerable)】

【Attribute points: 21 trillion】


【Five Elements Rule: 10% (1/4 of the rule of gold and the rule of wood are combined)】

【Law of reincarnation: 1%】

【Space rule: 90%】

【Gravity rule: 90%】

【Repulsion rule: 90%】

Jue Xue:

【Myriad Transformation Codex: Second Layer】

【Soul Armor: Sixth Layer】

【Killing Sword Art: Eighth Floor】

[Chaos Dharma Body: Chaos Dharma Body of Million Meter Level]

【Thousand Body Code: 4 Venerable-level clones, 1 World Master-level clone】

【Liuyue Movement: The First Floor】

【Liuling Light Shield: First Floor】

Chu Zhou looked at the attribute panel, thinking about which aspect to improve next.

Soon he had a decision in his mind.

He knew that during the next journey, he was likely to be retaliated by the Zerg and other groups and forces like a storm.

Therefore, it is very important to increase the realm level.

He is only a junior venerable now, and he is still weaker.

"Let's improve the comprehension of the Five Elements Law first, and increase the level to a medium venerable. At that time, if there are still attribute points left, then consider improving other..."

Thinking like this, he immediately entered his divine kingdom, sat cross-legged on the top of the Five Elements Mountain, and began to improve his strength.

While Chu Zhou was improving his strength, Long and the others were not idle.

Especially Zuo Yue, after experiencing the great battle in the ancient city of God General, the power of the law of war hidden deep in her blood is ready to move.

She noticed that the time to be promoted to Venerable is almost here.

Therefore, she also chose to retreat.