Chapter 497: Titled 'Panlong'! (Seeking a subscription, asking for a monthly pass!

Chapter 497 Titled 'Panlong'! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

"Teacher, which adult is...?"

Chu Zhou noticed everyone's reaction after seeing the golden mask, and couldn't help being curious about the identity of the other party.

"That lord is the 'Lord of Skyscrapers', one of the six overlords of the infinite fighting arena. Of course... what comes now is just a clone of that lord."

King Beicang said seriously.

When Chu Zhou heard the words, his heart was slightly agitated.

The overlord of the universe, this is the real giant of the universe, the existence standing at the top of the universe pyramid.

A cosmic overlord can destroy a cosmic clan, and can also create a cosmic clan.

It can be said that every cosmic overlord is a trembling existence of the infinite universe.

So far, Chu Zhou has directly or indirectly contacted the three cosmic overlords.

The first one is the 'Lord of the Prison Dragon' who gave him the crystal of chaos.

'The Lord of the Prison Dragon' is also one of the six overlords of the Mirror Universe Company.

The second one is the 'Lord of Void' that appeared before the opening of the secret realm of reincarnation.

The third one is the 'Lord of the Skyscraper' in front of him.

"Master Ferris!"

Many venerables flew over one after another, saluting respectfully to the 'Lord of the Skyscrapers'.

Zhulongwang took Zuo Yue to the past.

King Beicang also brought Chu Zhou there.

"Beicang, your disciple is good."

In the golden mask, there was an ethereal and quiet voice.

"I think it's good too!"

King Beicang smiled faintly.

'The Lord of Skyscrapers' took a deep look at King Beicang:

"It seems that you have come out of the past... Maybe, in a short time, we humans will have another Lord of the North Cang."

Candle Dragon King and many other venerables looked at King Beicang in shock when they heard the words of the 'Lord of the Skyscraper'.

Even Chu Zhou looked at his teacher in amazement.

Beicang King's face is calm, calm and confident:

"My lord, it's never my limit!"

Everyone heard the words and knew that King Beicang was extremely confident of being promoted to the overlord of the universe.

Everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Some of the venerables of Mirror Universe Company showed surprises on their faces.

If King Beicang can be promoted to the overlord of the universe, then the number of overlords of the mirror universe company will be the largest among human forces.

The overall strength of Mirror Universe Company will also skyrocket a lot.

"Beicang, I didn't expect you to be promoted to the overlord of the universe."

King Zhulong looked at King Beicang enviously, "However, it is normal for you to be promoted to the overlord of the universe... With your strength and talent, you should have been promoted to the overlord of the universe as early as 300 million years ago."

Chu Zhou was curious about the elder Yang Mian was talking about.

"The Messenger of the Sun Crown... who are the elders of our human temple?"

he asked.

When Zuo Yue and Rama heard Chu Zhou's question, their eyes flashed a little.

They have only just learned about the Human Temple.

It is roughly known that the Human Temple is composed of all human beings above the venerable level, and is the highest authority of human beings.

But other than that, nothing is known.

I am even more confused about who the elders of the Human Temple are.

Yang Mian did not directly answer Chu Zhou's words, but only hinted vaguely: "Who are the elders of our human temple? This is the biggest secret of our will know it later."

"However, I can also tell you something clearly. The cosmic overlords of the five giant forces are all elders of the Human Temple."

"As for the others, I can't say much... Besides, I'm just an ordinary messenger, and I don't know much about the situation in the temple."

The three of Chu Zhou looked at each other.

The water in the human sanctuary seems a bit deep.

Who are the elders of the temple can't be made public.

Chu Zhou knew what was interesting and didn't ask any more questions.

Soon, the three of them followed Yang Mian into the temple and came to a huge square.

In this square, a round platform stands in the middle.

Around the round platform, there are thrones.

The front row of thrones on the closest circular platform are each 1,000 meters wide.

The thrones behind the front row of thrones are each 200 meters wide.

The thrones behind are each 50 meters wide.

"Just stand on this round platform, you don't have to do anything! The rest will be done by the elders."

Yang Mian made Chu Zhou and the three of them disappear immediately after standing behind the round platform.

Subsequently, many figures also appeared in the square and sat down on the thrones one by one.

Chu Zhou and the three saw some familiar figures among the crowd, such as the Lord of Skyscrapers, King Beicang, and King Zhulong.

Most of the figures are sitting on the 50-meter-wide throne.

The golden mask, that is, the 'Lord of the Skyscraper', is suspended on a 1,000-meter-wide throne.

Beicang King and Zhulong King sit on a 200-meter-wide throne respectively.

Obviously, the 1,000-meter-wide throne is for the overlord of the universe, the 200-meter-wide throne is for the universe prince, and the 50-meter-wide throne is for the universe lord.

There are distinct levels and strict hierarchy.

"Huh? King Qing, he's here too?"

Chu Zhou accidentally found an acquaintance on a 200-meter-wide throne.

It is the Qing King.

This was really beyond Chu Zhou's expectation.