Chapter 543: Fight against princes! The number one lord in the universe! (seeking subscription

Chapter 543 Rebel against princes! The number one lord in the universe! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Magic Mountain Continent.

The sun was setting, and the afterglow shone on a figure.

On the edge of the cliff, Chu Zhou was dressed in blood, like a black hole, devouring the energy of the universe with all his strength to make up for consumption.

Blood poured out, and the pain was like a tide.

Chu Zhou's eyes were calm and he didn't realize it.

"They must have some way to quickly locate my location. Otherwise, every time I show up, someone will find me quickly, without giving me time to recover."

Chu Zhou thought about what happened in the past two days, thoughtfully.

In the past two days, the five peak ethnic groups and other forces launched a large-scale encirclement and suppression against him.

In addition to the prince, the major forces also sent a large number of venerables and world masters to encircle him.

Venerable and World Lord, although it is difficult to threaten him.

But it can constantly consume his strength, and it can also hold him back, buying time for the arrival of the prince.

Therefore, his situation is getting more and more difficult.

Suddenly, a huge door of space appeared in the sky, and a black torrent rushed out of the door of space.

This black torrent spread out in the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it covered the sky like dark clouds.

Taking a closer look, there are countless Zerg races.

"Chu Zhou is there, kill him!"

A burst of mental fluctuations came out.

In an instant, the Zerg army, like dark clouds, swept towards Chu Zhou overwhelmingly.

"here we go again."

Chu Zhou's eyes turned slightly cold.


The dense Zerg army, like dark clouds, wrapped around the cliff where Chu Zhou was.

That scene seemed to make one's scalp tingle.

However, in an instant, a shocking murderous intent rose into the sky.

Breaks of extremely bright sword light continuously penetrated the dark clouds that enveloped the cliff.

The number of sword lights transmitted is increasing.

In the end, it was as if hundreds of millions of sword lights came out, illuminating the world.

There were screams one after another.

Zerg creatures were pierced by the sword light and turned into blood mist.

In less than ten seconds, the Zerg army that engulfed the cliff like a dark cloud turned into blood mist.

Rolling mist of blood poured into the figure sitting cross-legged on the edge of the cliff.

In the blink of an eye, all the blood mist disappeared.

Everything is as if it never happened.

【Attribute points: 1.06 trillion (+100 trillion)】

Take a look at the properties panel.

The attribute points have increased by another 100,000 trillion.

The total attribute points reached 1.06 trillion.

"It takes about 10 million attribute points to break the barrier between the venerable and the prince, which is almost 9 million trillion attribute points."

Chu Zhou thought so, and continued to look down.

【Thousand Body Holy Code: 36 clones. (23 avatars of high-level venerables (+14), 3 avatars of middle-level venerables, 9 avatars of elementary venerables, and 1 avatar of a world lord)]

(Description: 4 avatars of elementary venerables, 1 avatar of world master, in the human territory)

Being hunted down these two days, he didn't do nothing.

He gathered another 14 clones of high-ranking venerables.

The Kingdom of God obtained by killing Tevela and others in Wanggu City, and the Kingdom of God obtained by killing Daphne and others, are all refined into the 'Heart of the World'.

He condensed all the 14 'Hearts of the World' at the level of the Higher Venerable into a clone of the Higher Venerable.

His overall strength rose sharply.

"I don't know if 23 high-ranking avatars, 3 middle-level avatars, plus 5 elementary avatars, plus myself, can kill a low-level prince?"

Thinking in his heart, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

In the past two days, he was chased and killed by the princes and armies of many forces including the Zerg, and fled everywhere. He was in a mess, and he had enough.

He decided to take revenge.

At least give Zerg and other forces a hard blow.

"A high-ranking prince like Nine Leaf Sword King, I am definitely no match. It would be great if I could meet a junior prince."

He muttered to himself, stood up, and prepared to leave.

He can't stay in one place for too long.


The princes of the major forces, as well as the army, will soon be encircled and suppressed.

Suddenly, his face froze for a moment, and a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of him through the air.

This figure is a green praying mantis the size of a hill.

Holding a huge bow in his hand, and a quiver on his back.

Who is the Heavy Arrow King who is not the Zerg?

"It should be said that you never forget, does it always have an echo?"

Chu Zhou looked at the King of Heavy Arrows opposite, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Heavy Arrow King is a junior prince.

It is suitable for killing.

When King Heavy Arrow saw Chu Zhou, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

A sinkhole appears in the middle of the plain.

Heavy Arrow King was lying on the bottom of the tiankeng.

The body is fragmented, with a lot of exhalation and less inhalation.

Chu Zhou stepped on the long river of time and space, chased after him in an instant, and stepped heavily on the remnant body of King Heavy Arrow.

"This... this is impossible... this is impossible!"

Heavy Arrow King muttered to himself, his eyes were blank.

He seemed unaware of the feet that stepped on his body.

"Can't accept the reality of being defeated by the Venerable?"

Chu Zhou looked at Heavy Arrow King indifferently, and immediately understood that the other party could hardly accept this 'cruel reality'.

"Perhaps there has never been a venerable who defeated a prince before."

"But today, yes!"

He said indifferently, suddenly lowered his body, and the palm of his hand grabbed the head of Heavy Arrow King with lightning.

The next moment, his palm turned into a black hole, swallowing the heavy arrow king's entire body.

【Attribute points: 2.06 trillion (+1 million trillion)】

In my mind, the prompt of the property panel emerged.

Swallowing the Heavy Arrow King, the attribute points directly increased by 1 million trillion.

However, at this moment Chu Zhou ignored the prompt on the property panel.

His whole body fell into a state of excitement.

He actually killed a prince!

It’s not the kind to pick up cheap ones.

Completely relying on his own strength, he killed a prince.

This means too much to him.

This shows his strength, he can kill the king.

The strength is comparable to that of a prince, but it is two completely different concepts from King Tu.

It took a long, long time before his mind returned to calm.

He quickly collected the kingdom of God, bows and arrows and other loot, and then disappeared on the long river of time and space.

About five or six minutes later, dozens of miles away, a group of stones suddenly grew heads, hands and feet, and turned into stone figures.

This group of stone men quickly flew to the tiankeng in the middle of the grassland, looking at the mottled blood at the bottom of the tiankeng, as well as the broken Zerg limbs, in a daze.

"Did we read correctly just now? The heavy arrow king of the Zerg race was blasted here by Chu Zhou's weapon, and then the heavy arrow king was completely killed by Chu Zhou who was chasing him."

A stone man said in disbelief.

"I also hope to be wrong... But in fact, we witnessed the process of King Heavy Arrow being killed by Chu Zhou."

Another stone man spoke tremblingly.

"This Chuzhou, what kind of freak is it! He actually used the body of a venerable to rebel against princes..."

"It's so shocking. Venerables and princes are completely two-dimensional beings. For endless years, even the most monstrous Venerables can only contend against some of the weakest princes... Moreover, the so-called confrontation is also It's just that he can save his life under the prince's hand. I've never heard that there is a venerable who can rebel against the prince."

"Yes. This Chu Zhou is too heaven-defying, even scarier than his teacher, King Bei Cang."

A group of stone men trembled.

These stone people come from the stone people in the Jing family.

They were sent to this area by the top management of the Jing Clan to look for Chu Zhou's trace.

But I didn't expect to witness such a 'scary' scene with my own eyes.

"Let's report the situation as soon as possible! Chu Zhou's strength is beyond the imagination of all of us."

The group of stone men quickly left the tiankeng.

Not long after, the Crystal King sent by the Crystal Clan to the Magic Mountain Continent received a message from a group of stone men.

After receiving the information, the Sky Crystal King was shocked, and immediately passed the news to the temporary 'allies' such as the Nine Leaf Sword King, the Thousand Machine King, and the Nine-headed Dragon King.

Many high-ranking forces involved in chasing and killing Chu Zhou soon learned the news that King Heavy Arrow had been killed by Chu Zhou.

The high-level forces of these forces shook one after another.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

The news that the Heavy Arrow King was killed by Chu Zhou quickly spread among the army of venerables and world lords of these forces.

Soon, the creatures in more than a dozen cities near the Magic Mountain Continent also got the news.

For a time, many creatures boiled.

"My God! Chu Zhou is about to defy the sky. It is an unprecedented feat to defeat princes in the body of a venerable."

"King Beicang is cruel enough, but I didn't expect his disciple Chu Zhou to be even more cruel."

"A new generation of King Beicang was born."

"From now on, Chu Zhou can be called the No. 1 Venerable in the universe! With such a combat power, it is impossible for any Venerable in the universe to be comparable to him."

"Tsk tsk, the King Beicang back then was known as the number one prince in the universe. Now, Chu Zhou is also called the number one prince in the universe... This pair of master and apprentice are both amazing people!"



A huge storm gradually swept away from a dozen nearby cities and spread to the entire Magic Mountain continent.

Compared to the shock and excitement of the outside world, the heads of the Nine Leaf Sword King, Sky Crystal King, Thousand Machine King, Nine Headed Fire Dragon King and other major forces are not in such a good mood.

The fact that Chu Zhou rebelled against princes as a venerable made them feel deeply threatened.

"Chu Zhou must die!"

"Yes, no matter what the price is, Chu Zhou must be killed."

"Let's dispatch all the troops. It is impossible for Chu Zhou to attack the King of Heavy Arrows without paying the price. Now is the best time to kill him. If we set up a net and conduct a blanket search, even if we dig the entire Demon Mountain Continent three feet into the ground , turn it over, find him too, and kill him!"

Soon, the leaders of the Nine Leaf Sword King and other major forces reached a consensus.

The armies of Zerg, Machine, Crystal, Mana, Yuan, Freedom Alliance, Primitive Alliance, Holy Wing Organization and other forces were dispatched one after another, searching for Chu Zhou's trace.

In addition, Nine Leaf Sword King and others are in charge and are always ready to act. Once they find Chu Zhou's trace, they will kill him immediately.