Chapter 561: Panlong Universe

Chapter 561 Panlong Universe Kingdom

Inugui Xing.

Hungry Ghost Mountains.

Chu Zhou was suspended in mid-air, like a black hole, devouring corpses, as well as the source of life left behind after the death of the three tribes of ghosts, ghosts, and snakes.

At the same time, he continued to probe into the void with his hands, and captured the kingdoms of God floating in the turbulent flow of space one by one.

Quickly transfer the treasures in the Kingdom of God to your own Kingdom of God.

And tempered each kingdom of God into the heart of the world one after another.

At the same time, he also sent a notice to the Candle Dragon King, Mammoth King and others who commanded the legion that they can do it.

At the edge of the chaotic star field, Candle Dragon King, Mammoth King and others suddenly cheered up and looked at their armguard screens.

"You can do it!"

See these five words.

The eyes of Zhulongwang and others all shot out a ray of light.

"It seems that Chu Zhou's beheading plan succeeded."

Candle Dragon King laughed loudly, and waved his hand suddenly in the direction of the chaotic star field: "Listen to my orders, and enter the chaotic star field."

Almost at the same time, Mammoth King and many other leaders of the legion also waved their hands and ordered the army to enter the chaotic star field.

In a short while, two main armies and thirteen auxiliary armies swept towards the chaotic star field like a tide.

Shortly after the human army took action, Chu Zhou received good news from his teacher, King Beicang and Lord Prison Dragon—they blocked the overlords of the Zerg and the Primal Alliance respectively.

"The overall situation has been decided!"

Chu Zhou smiled.

Knowing that opening up the universe country in the chaotic star field this time has basically succeeded.

Immediately, he asked the four major clans, the Giant Hand Clan, the Lansi Clan, the Fire-sick Clan, and the Wuqi Clan, to send troops to help the human army.

With the assistance of the four major clans, the human army's capture of the major forces in the chaotic star field went more smoothly, almost showing a tendency to destroy.

Not long after, Xingmeng, the patriarch of the Starlight Clan, also came to the Dog Ghost Planet in person to meet Chu Zhou, and begged Chu Zhou to agree to let their Starlight Clan become a subordinate group of humans.

The astral race was originally the cooperation object of human beings in the chaotic star field.

In this incident, they did not stand on the opposite side of human beings.

Chu Zhou thought about it and agreed.

After the news spread that the Starlight Clan had also become a subordinate group of humans, the morale of many groups and forces in the Chaotic Starfield suddenly collapsed.

Of the eight major clans in the chaotic star field, five have surrendered to humans, and the other three high-level and elites have all been suppressed and killed by Chu Zhou himself.

This makes other groups and forces in the chaotic star field, how can they have the confidence to compete with humans?

In a short time, wherever the human army passed, it was invincible.

One by one ethnic groups and forces, or chose to submit.

Or chose to move the family away from the chaotic star field.


The chaotic star field has an overall area larger than that of Mao Cosmos.

Therefore, even if the human army is invincible all the way, it will not be able to completely conquer the ethnic groups and forces in the entire chaotic star field in a short time.

The human army, as well as the armies of the Starlight Clan, Giant Hand Clan, Lansi Clan, Fire-hating Clan, and Wuqi Clan, have been fighting north and south in the chaotic star field.

Chu Zhou himself sits in the dog ghost star.

At the same time, the army belonging to Panlong Villa kept sending the corpses of the enemies on the battlefield for him to devour.

His attribute points have been increasing.

Three years later...

The human army has finally completely conquered the entire chaotic star field.

Chu Zhou changed the name of Inugui Star to "Panlong Star", and announced on "Panlong Star" that the 1009th universe country of mankind-Panlong Cosmic Country was established.

He himself is the first head of Panlong Universe Kingdom.

'Panlong Star' is the imperial capital of Panlong Universe Kingdom.

The chaotic star field was also officially renamed the Panlong star field.

(Explanation: The territory of the human universe country is generally called the big star area.)

'Yanhuang Sect' became the only state religion in Panlong Universe Country.

On the day when Panlong Cosmic Kingdom held the "Founding Ceremony", three cosmic overlords, ten cosmic princes, and thirty venerables came to Mirror Universe Company.

Moreover, the four giants of the Cosmic Adventurers Alliance, the Cosmic Galaxy Bank, the Infinite Fighting Arena, and the Wanzu Chamber of Commerce also sent a prince and several venerables to congratulate them with heavy gifts.

The grandeur of the scene made the nearby Zerg and the original alliance nervous, and immediately deployed heavy troops on the frontier to guard against humans.

Originally, it was not a big deal for the mankind to have one more universe country.

After all, among human beings, as long as they become venerables, they are qualified to open up a universe country.

Many human universe countries, among the myriad races in the universe, don't get much attention at all.

But Panlong Universe Kingdom is obviously different.

In the past thirty-three years, he has gathered 10 avatars of princes.

This raised his overall combat power to an astonishing level.

He tested it in the "Slaughtering Battlefield" in the mirror universe world, and he was able to easily defeat the average middle-ranking prince.

Only some evildoer-level middle princes can sustain more than a dozen moves in his hands.

Only high-ranking princes can rival him.

"As long as I stay in the house for a few more decades, I can probably be promoted to a middle-ranking prince naturally."

As Chu Zhou talked to himself, he couldn't help but think of Long, Sol, and Chanja Posuo, as well as the practice of Oriental Pearl, Yuan Bingmei, Ling Zhan, Shi Meng, Li Qingshi and others.

have to say.

The Venerable class is an insurmountable moat for more than 99.9% of the creatures in the universe.

Long, Saul, and Chanjapasa had become false venerables as early as in the universe sea.

Even touched the threshold of His Holiness.

But thirty-three years have passed, and the three of them, Long, Saul, and Chanjapasa, are still false venerables.

Dongfang Mingzhu, Yuan Bingmei, Ling Zhan, Shi Meng, Li Qingshi and others, with the full support and funding of Chu Zhou and Panlong Universe Kingdom, have all improved by leaps and bounds in strength. In recent years, they have all reached the realm of false venerables.

It's a pity that none of them can step into the realm of the Venerable.

Suddenly, Chu Zhou felt a slight shock in the armguard.

He looked down, and immediately found that there was a red dot on the information icon, indicating that there was information.

"Dark blue, open the message."

A virtual screen immediately appeared in front of Chu Zhou.

"As a teacher, I sent a letter of invitation to the Lord of the Thousand Faces of the Origin Race, and he has accepted the challenge."

"One month later, he and I will fight to the death in the Death Star belt near the border between humans and the Genzu."

After reading the message from his teacher, King Beicang, Chu Zhou couldn't help being shocked.

"Is this day finally here?"

He sighed deeply, causing Deep Blue to open a new document on the screen.

After he was promoted to a prince, his authority level in the mirror universe network was also raised to level six.

The sixth-level authority allows him to inquire about the grievances between his teacher, King Beicang, and the Lord of the Thousand Faces of the Yuan Clan.

It also allowed him to find out the source of the conflict between the teacher and King Qing.

"Beicang King, Qing King, and Zi Wang were all born on a life planet called 'Tianyu Star' among human beings. 'Tianyu Star' is just a very ordinary living planet among the countless life planets of human beings, but three cosmic princes were born, which once shocked all mankind. And the three of them were once called the 'Three Heroes of Tianyu Star'."

"Beicang King, Qing Wang, and Zi Wang, the three of them came from Tianyu Star together, so they have a very good relationship. As for Zi Wang, who is the youngest and female, both Beicang King and Qing Wang take good care of them..."

"The three left Tianyu Star together, wandered and took risks in the universe together, and joined the Mirror Universe Company together, growing and rising together. Gradually, the three heroes of Tianyu Star became the three heroes of Mirror Universe Company."

"The momentum of the three of them was extremely swift and violent. As time went by, the three of them eventually became famous princes of the universe who moved all mankind. Among them, King Beicang was the number one prince of mankind at that time, deterring all races in the universe."

"Thirty and fifty million years ago, King Beicang and King Zi were married."

"Three hundred million years ago, the Yuan Clan army on the "Battlefield of Ten Thousand Clans" suddenly invaded our human base. King Beicang, King Qing, and King Zi went to support them. A fierce battle broke out with the foreign princes headed by the Qianmian King of the Yuan Clan. However, an accident happened in this battle...

The King of Thousand Faces has mastered the divine script of the word "magic", which is ever-changing, and the art of change and illusion is at its peak.

During this battle, King Beicang didn't notice for a while, and was bewildered by King Thousand Faces' transformation and illusion, and fell into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain. At that time, King Qing happened to be patrolling outside the base. Only the Purple King sits in the base. King Qianmian sneaked into the base while King Beicang planned to leave, and killed King Zi. At that time, Zi Wang was still pregnant.

This accident was a great regret for King Beicang throughout his life.

On that day, King Beicang held the corpse of King Zi in his arms. Like a madman, he chased and killed the King of Thousand Faces for billions of miles. He chased and killed the King of Thousand Faces for billions of miles.


There are many strong people in the Yuan Clan, King Beicang failed to kill the King of Thousand Faces in the end, so he could only withdraw from the territory of the Yuan Clan with hatred.

Since then, King Beicang has fallen for 300 million years.

Since then, King Qing blamed the death of King Zi on Beicang King, and broke with Beicang King... and against Beicang King everywhere..."


Chu Zhou carefully read the documents on the screen and sighed deeply.

In these years, he has read this document dozens of times.

Every time, he couldn't help sighing.

Teacher is too bitter.

He couldn't imagine what kind of grief it would be to see his pregnant wife killed by the enemy and die in front of him.

If it were him, he would go crazy too!

"Lord of a Thousand Faces, even if the teacher doesn't kill you, I will kill you!"

There was a deep murderous intent in his eyes, and he stood up.

Before the teacher and the Lord of Thousand Faces battle, he wants to meet the teacher in person.

In the past two days, Kavin has been stuck very badly, so the update is a bit late