Chapter 574: comprehend! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 574 Comprehension! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Flash Thunder Star.

Thunderclouds and mountains.

A heroic figure hovered high above the sky, wearing a thunder-weave battle armor intertwined with lightning, with two huge wings of thunder stretching out from behind, and holding a pair of lightning snakes wrapped around it in his hands. battle sword.

And above her head, there are billowing dark clouds hovering.

At the bottom of the dark clouds, hundreds of millions of purple electricity burst out.

Looking from a distance, that figure, like an ancient thunder god, exuded a terrifying aura.

And in that heroic figure, stood a handsome young man with an indifferent face.

Not far from the handsome young man, there is a small snow-white beast that looks very clever.

The little snow-white beast was watching the scene in front of it with relish.

"Sister Dao, come on!" The little snow-white beast shouted.

As soon as the little snow-white beast finished speaking, Sister Dao, who was floating above the sky, immediately threw the Thunder God Sword in her hand towards the sky.


In an instant.

The swirl of dark clouds in the sky shook violently, shooting out hundreds of millions of branch-like lightning.

Countless thunderbolts entangled on the Thunder God Sword.

"Thunder Judgment!"

Sister Dao's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and the Thunder God Sword in her hand suddenly pressed in the direction of Chu Zhou.

In an instant.

A nine-clawed brontosaurus that looked like an ancient mountain range crashed down through the air.

The nine-clawed thunder dragon was lifelike, with bright scales and piercing eyes, like a real dragon descending into the world, and its power shook the world.

The terrifying energy fluctuations caused countless dark cracks to appear in the void.

Nine-clawed Thunder Dragon grabbed Chu Zhou with its teeth and claws.

Chu Zhou smiled faintly and stretched out a finger.

A trace of chaos lingered on his fingers.

Faintly intertwined into a picture of killing swords.

With a light swipe of his finger, a hair-sized strand of chaotic sword energy pierced the sky and collided with a claw of the nine-clawed brontosaurus.

One of the claws of the nine-clawed thunder dragon was directly chopped off.


The other eight claws of the nine-clawed thunder dragon also grabbed Chu Zhou like lightning.

The Nine-Clawed Thunder Dragon roared angrily, and spit out a thunder waterfall made of countless thunder and lightning to Chu Zhou.

Chu Zhou's complexion remained unchanged, his figure remained motionless like an ancient reef, and one finger, like a sharp sword, kept cutting out.

Strands of chaotic sword energy the size of a strand of hair cut through the void, revealing a terrifying murderous aura.

The other eight dragon claws of the nine-clawed thunder dragon were also cut off one by one in an instant.

At the same time, the Thunder Waterfall was killed.

Afterwards, Chu Zhou lightly swiped at the head of the Nine-Clawed Thunder Dragon, chopping off the dragon's head in an instant.

The dragon corpse immediately disintegrated into countless bolts of lightning.


At this time, Sister Dao suddenly turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of Chu Zhou, her gaze was sharp, her sword was like thunder, and the Thunder God Sword was directly drawn towards Chu Zhou's throat.


Chu Zhou easily blocked the blade of Thunder God Sword with his fingers.

Sister Dao stepped on the thunder and lightning, circling around Chu Zhou's figure, turning at high speed, while constantly waving the Thunder God sword in her hand.

Every time the sword is swung, hundreds of millions of purple electricity are shot out.

Look from a distance.

It seems that a huge ball of lightning appeared on the ground.

In the ball of thunder and lightning, Chu Zhou remained motionless, slashing with one finger calmly, and wisps of peerless and sharp sword energy shot out.

A moment later, the huge ball of lightning was directly pierced by countless chaotic sword energy.

It seems that there are countless chaotic beams penetrating out.

The ball of thunder and lightning exploded completely with a bang.

And Sister Dao was also slashed to the sky by a chaotic sword energy.

"Even if the strength is suppressed at the master level, is it so powerful?"

High above the sky, Sister Dao looked down and looked at Chu Zhou's figure, amazed in her heart.

In the space-time magic circle, she has worked hard for 2192 years, and has fully mastered the power of the "Thunder God suit", and has also initially understood the divine script of the word "electricity".

She also practiced the Thunder Clan's ninth lineage's unique skill "Thunder Judgment" to the second level.

It can be said that her strength has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before entering the space-time magic circle.

Her current strength has not only reached the level of a false venerable.

Still at the level of false venerables, he has gone a long way.

She has initially touched the law of thunder and punishment.

It can be said that among the world masters, including those ancient world masters who have practiced hard for hundreds of millions of years, there are very few people who are her opponents.


"Lei Ge, your progress this month is amazing."

Lei Yun stared at Sister Dao, and said happily: "Your original strength can be ranked sixth among our current Lei Clan arrogance."

"And your current strength can definitely rank first."

"It is estimated that even the Thunder Prison of the first line is not your opponent."

Sister Dao smiled lightly.

She doesn't really care much about her ranking among the Thunder Clan's top talents.

The reason why she chose to participate in the "Thunder Clan Tianjiao Competition" was just to gain the qualification to participate in the "Thunder Trial".

Only by participating in the 'Thunder and Lightning Trial', can she have the opportunity to enter the 'Thunder and Punishment World', where she will have the opportunity to become stronger and even be promoted to a venerable.

"This is our list of Thunder Clan talents who are expected to compete for the top ten."

Lei Yun took out a list and handed it to Sister Dao.

"I thought, let you be careful of the top five people on the list."

"But your strength has become so much stronger... This list probably doesn't have much effect on you anymore."

"If you're interested, just watch it. If you're not interested, it's okay if you don't watch it."

After finishing speaking, Lei Yun left.

Sister Dao took the list and looked it up.

Chu Zhou also leaned over and took a look.

"Lei Prison, the first-line Tianjiao, the first-line leader, is the grandson of Lei Huang, the patriarch of the Lei Clan. The purity of Lei Clan's blood has reached 97%. He has been a false venerable for 30 million years. strongest contender."

"Leihe, Tianjiao of the second lineage, grandson of the great elder Lei Mian of the second lineage, Lei Clan bloodline purity 93%, has been a false venerable for 26 million years, strong strength, can basically stabilize the top three."

"Lei Yun, the fourth bloodline Tianjiao, Lei Clan bloodline purity 92%, has been a false venerable for 27 million years, proficient in many kinds of Leifa esoteric, strong strength, is a strong contender for the top five..."


Beibei also leaned over to take a look, and directly read the information on the list.

"Hey, these so-called Lei Clan geniuses, this time it's miserable. If they meet Sister Dao, they will probably be repaired miserably."

Beibei said gloatingly.

Sister Dao glanced at Beibei, and said: "There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. I still can't take it lightly. And... at most, I will only defeat them, not repair them."


Beibei laughed.

Sister Dao ignored it.

Chu Zhou smiled faintly.

He also didn't pay attention to the Thunder Clan Tianjiao on the list.

Sister Dao's current strength is almost close to the level of a venerable under the blessing of the word "electricity" and the blessing of the "thunder suit".

Those Thunder Clan geniuses, if they can be compared with Sister Dao, they will be damned.

In the universe, there are countless talents.

But those who can be in the realm of the world lord have the strength close to the venerable... But it is very rare, extremely rare.

If the Thunder Clan had such an arrogance, they would have been famous in the universe long ago.

In fact, the Tianjiao in the Thunder Clan is basically not well-known among humans.

This shows that the Tianjiao of the Thunder Clan are basically ordinary Tianjiao, and their fame is only limited to the Thunder Star Field, and it cannot spread to other universe countries and other star fields.

That is to say, it hasn't 'broken the circle' yet.

How can this kind of Tianjiao who has not 'broken the circle' compare with the current sister Dao?

In the next month, Sister Dao is still practicing penance.

Of course, Sister Yuedao's strength is still growing this year.

But far from the previous month.

After all, one month ago, Sister Dao obtained the word 'Electricity' and the 'Thor Suit', and her vertical and horizontal strength increased dramatically, which is normal.

Not only is Sister Dao practicing hard, Chu Zhou didn't waste time either.

Ever since he decided to take the practice route consisting of the seven laws of "Chaos, Yin and Yang, Time and Space, Five Elements, Karma, Destiny, and Reincarnation", Chu Zhou has been asking Panlong Universe to collect information related to the two major laws of Karma and Destiny. All kinds of information and knowledge.

He himself is also in the mall of the mirror universe network, spending a lot of money to buy a lot of materials and unique knowledge related to the two major laws of karma and fate.

During the days of assisting Sister Dao in her cultivation, he was also constantly comprehending those materials and unique knowledge, trying to get started with the two major laws of cause and effect and fate.

It’s just that, like the laws of space and time, the laws of cause and effect and the laws of destiny are also taboo laws.

The difficulty of comprehending these two laws is no less difficult than comprehending the laws of space and time.

In two months, Chu Zhou has comprehended about 5,824 years in the space-time circle, but he still hasn't comprehended the law of cause and effect and the law of destiny.


Not for nothing.

Although he did not comprehend the law of cause and effect and the law of destiny, he vaguely comprehended an astonishing secret knowledge involving the four major laws of chaos, yin and yang, time and space, and five elements.

He just had a rough idea of ​​this unique skill, and he hasn't really created it yet.

But his intuition told him that once created, this unique technique involving the Four Great Laws would have extremely terrifying power.

Its power is likely to surpass most of his unique skills, and may be comparable to his most powerful attack method, "The Secret Code of Ten Thousand Transformations".

"Give me some more time, and I should be able to create this unique skill."

Chu Zhou was full of expectations.

On this day, the 'Thunder Clan Talent Competition' is about to begin.

Lei Yun took Sister Dao and Chu Zhou through Lei Clan's teleportation array, and directly teleported to Lei Clan's ancestral star.