Chapter 580: Meet the ancestors of the Thunder Clan! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

"This is the forbidden land of our Thunder Clan - Lei Ze!"

Lei Clan patriarch pointed to a swamp ahead and said to Chu Zhou.

Chu Zhou stared forward, and a vast swamp came into his eyes.

Over the swamp, dark clouds covered the sky and the sun, rolling and rolling, like huge black waves surging.

Countless purple lightning bolts continuously fell from the dark clouds.

What moved Chu Zhou was that every bolt of lightning here was astonishingly powerful.

If a world lord dares to force his way here, he will be smashed into coke in an instant.

"The ancestor lived in seclusion in Lei Ze. I will take you to meet him!"

The chief of the Lei clan flew into Lei Ze with Chu Zhou.

In a short time, the lightning bolts that fell from the sky seemed to have consciousness, and they all automatically avoided them and fell from them.

"Usually, even me, the patriarch, is not allowed to enter Lei Ze without being summoned by the ancestor."

Lei Clan patriarch said to Chu Zhou while flying.

It seems to be expressing that the ancestors of the Lei clan valued Chu Zhou very much.

"Really? Looks like I'm honored!"

Chu Zhou smiled slightly, and said lightly, his expression was calm.

If it is other princes, they may feel lucky and even excited to be received by an overlord.Nnêw n0vel chapters are published at

But his own strength, Chu Zhou, may not be weaker than some elementary overlords.

His teacher is also the new overlord Beicang King.


With his current status and strength, it is very easy to meet any overlord of Mirror Universe Company.

Therefore, he didn't think it was special to be received by the ancestor of the Lei clan.

The Patriarch of the Lei Clan saw that Chu Zhou was calm after hearing his hint. He was a little angry at first, thinking that Chu Zhou didn't respect their ancestors of the Lei Clan enough.

But after a little consideration of Chu Zhou's identity and background, he understood why Chu Zhou reacted so calmly.


Chu Zhou's background is amazing.

Meeting with the overlord may be a very common thing for Chu Zhou.

It is normal for Chu Zhou to react so calmly.

Suddenly, the Lei Clan patriarch envied Chu Zhou.

For a long time, he thought that as the patriarch of the top ten **** clans, he also had the overlord of the Thunder Clan as his backer, and his identity background was already amazing.

But now he realizes that compared with someone like Chu Zhou, his identity and background are far inferior.

Chu Zhou ignored what the Patriarch of the Lei Clan was thinking. After entering Lei Ze, he released part of his divine thoughts.

And let this part of the divine sense merge with time and space.

Then, he silently observed Lei Ze.

Soon he discovered that there were countless purple silk threads hanging down from the Lei Ze.

Moreover, the purple silk threads here are denser than other areas.

He has another discovery, besides those purple silk threads, there is another kind of thread.

But this kind of thread is very light in color, almost transparent.

If it wasn't for the fusion of his divine sense and the laws of time and space, and his ability to understand the secrets deep in time and space, it would be impossible to discover the existence of this kind of thread.

There are very few such almost transparent threads.

There are only a few dozen vaguely.

If he is a little careless, it is easy to ignore it.

However, these dozens of almost transparent lines that are easy to ignore gave him a strange feeling.

He faintly felt that this kind of line was extremely mysterious.

And... it's important to him.

"Those purple lines, I know they are the lines of the Law of Thunder and Punishment."

"But what are those dozens of almost transparent lines?"

Chu Zhou was full of curiosity.

His body was flying around the Thunder Clan patriarch, but his attention was focused on those dozens of almost transparent lines.

Gradually, he discovered a characteristic.

Those dozens of nearly transparent lines are somehow related to the countless lines of the law of thunder and punishment, as well as the countless lightning bolts in the sky.

He noticed that a certain transparent line suddenly crossed a line of the law of thunder and punishment.

The next moment, the line of the law of thunder and punishment shook violently.

A large amount of lightning in the sky instantly blasted towards the place where the transparent line and the line of the law of thunder and punishment touched.

And the reason why there wasn't any lightning strike in the direction he and the Thunder Clan patriarch were heading was also related to those transparent lines.

The ancestor of the Lei Clan stared deeply into Chu Zhou's eyes, and after a while, he said in a deep voice:

"Chu Zhou, although you are very talented, you can even be said to be the person with the most amazing cultivation talent in the history of our mankind."

"But as someone who has experienced it, I still want to remind you!"

"Human energy is limited, and it is as difficult as reaching the sky to comprehend a law to a perfect state, and it is very rare."

“If you get distracted too much, it may be difficult to achieve great achievements in the future.”

“In history, there are too many geniuses who ended up doing nothing because of too many distractions.”

"I hope you don't become that kind of person."

"Senior, I understand." Chu Zhou straightened his body and said calmly:

"I have my own practice plan. I am not greedy for perfection, but the laws I choose to comprehend are all the cultivation content in my plan. I will not waste energy and time to comprehend the laws that are not planned. .”

The ancestor of the Lei clan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

He looked at Chu Zhou suspiciously, and kept guessing in his heart.

What kind of training plan is it that is so abnormal that it is necessary to practice five laws at the same time?

Not right.

Five kinds are not enough, but the sixth kind is still needed.

However, after hearing what Chu Zhou said, the ancestor of the Lei clan did not continue to persuade.

Having lived for a long time, he will naturally understand the truth of what to do.

Everyone has their own ideas and plans.

Outsiders had better not interfere too much.

Otherwise, you may offend people.

"Since you are interested in the law of karma, then I can let go of the authority and let you comprehend my 'karma net'."

The ancestor of the Thunder Clan laughed, and the topic became lighter again.

"This is great."

Chu Zhou looked solemn, and bowed to the ancestor of the Lei clan, "Thank you for your success, senior."

"Not so polite!"

The Patriarch of the Lei Clan waved his hand, looked at Chu Zhou with a complicated expression, and said:

"I don't know whether this is hurting you or helping you. As long as you don't blame me in the future."

Chu Zhou could see that the Lei Clan patriarch still disapproved of him practicing multiple laws at the same time.

He smiled faintly: "Senior, it is already a gift to me that you can open the 'karma mine net'. No matter what the result is, I will never blame you in the future."

The Patriarch of the Thunder Clan also smiled, and said: "...I can open the 'Karma Thunder Net' for you to understand. But I have to tell you one thing clearly."

"What's the matter?" Chu Zhou asked.

"The line of the law of cause and effect in my "Thunder Net of Karma" is not actually the line of the law of cause and effect. It can only be said that I used part of the power of cause and effect to condense it."

"In fact, I myself have not comprehended the law of cause and effect."

Chu Zhou was stunned.

He didn't expect the fact to be like this.

this moment.

He also faintly understood why the lines of the law of karma above Lei Ze were almost transparent, and why the number was so small.

If the ancestors of the Lei Clan really mastered the law of cause and effect.

Then, the number of lines of the law of cause and effect in Lei Ze should not be less than the lines of the law of thunder and punishment.

The ancestor of the Thunder Clan continued:

"However, my thread of the law of karma, although not real...but I know where there is a real thread of the law of karma."

"Where is it?" Chu Zhou asked impatiently, his eyes flashing brightly.

What a surprise.

He was disappointed when he heard the ancestor of Lei Clan say that the line of law of cause and effect he condensed was not the real line of law of cause and effect.

Unexpectedly, the other party gave him a surprise so soon.

The ancestor of the Lei Clan slowly spit out five words: "Thunder Punishment Great World."

"Thunder Punishment World?"

Chu Zhou was slightly taken aback, and said, "The Great World of Thunder Punishment...isn't it the place where the 'Thunder and Lightning Trial' is held?"

Ancestor of the Thunder Clan: "That's right, it's there."

"The Great World of Thunder Punishment was left behind by Lei Zu, a terrifying and strong man from ancient times. That Lei Zu was so powerful and mastered both the law of Thunder Punishment and the Law of Cause and Effect. The Great World of Thunder Punishment left by him is just The lines of the law of thunder and punishment and the law of cause and effect are all over the place... Moreover, the power of the combination of these two laws is also terrifying and astonishing."

"The "causal thunder net" in the world of thunder and punishment is the real terror."

"My 'karma thunder net' came from the imitation of the 'karma thunder net' in the world of thunder and punishment."

"It's just that I haven't mastered the law of cause and effect... I can only use part of the power of karma intercepted from the 'Lightning and Punishment World' back then to forcibly simulate the 'karmic thunder net' in the Thunder and Punishment World, and condense dozens of lines. The thread of the pseudo-law of karma, and constructed an imitation of the 'karma mine net' in this Lei Ze."

After listening to the words of the ancestor of the Thunder Clan, Chu Zhou wished he could go to the 'Thunder Punishment World' immediately, and enter it to understand the law of cause and effect.

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