Chapter 585: A bone hand bigger than a planet! (5000 words)

Sister Dao ate six Leiyuan fruits in a row.

After eating the six Lightning Source Fruits, her whole body underwent a strange transformation. The whole body was surrounded by lightning, and countless lightning runes were densely covered on her skin.

Vaguely, through her crystal clear skin, one could see countless thunder runes flashing in her flesh and blood.

Her flesh and blood seemed to be made of thunder runes.

Chu Zhou sat cross-legged next to Sister Dao, sensing the changes in Sister Dao's body.

Clearly aware that Sister Dao's whole body has been transformed by the majestic Thunder Origin.


The energy fluctuations in Sister Dao's body are also rising steadily, reaching the level of elementary venerables impressively.

"It seems that the teacher will be promoted to Venerable in a short time."

Chu Zhou thought so in his heart.

While Sister Dao was eating the Leiyuan Fruit, Lei Prison, Leihe and other geniuses also finished eating the Leiyuan Fruit.

All of them are covered with thunder and lightning runes, and their aura is soaring.

Clearly, huge benefits have been gained.

"It's no wonder that Tianjiao who survived the 'Thunder and Lightning Trial' can basically be promoted to Venerable in the future. Really, the benefits gained here are too great."

"Yes! I feel that even if I stop participating in the next assessment now, I can be promoted to Venerable in the future."

"Great. I can become a Venerable in the future."

Lei Prison, Lei He and other Thunder Clan geniuses felt their own transformation, and they were all very excited.


At this time, the endless dark clouds in the sky suddenly circled.

Gradually formed a huge vortex.

And in the center of the vortex, stands a huge stone gate.

"Huh? The stone gate, is it the entrance to the second test?"

Chu Zhou looked up at Shimen, thoughtful.

Everyone in the Lei Clan also looked up at Shimen.


The patriarch of the Lei Clan suddenly coughed lightly, drawing the attention of everyone in the Lei Clan to himself, and then said solemnly:

"Based on past experience. The stone gate in the vortex should be the gateway to the second test site."

"However. You have also felt the danger of the first test."

"I can tell you... the second level is at least ten times more dangerous than the first level. You have decided whether to continue to enter the second level and participate in the assessment."

Everyone in the Lei Clan became quiet after hearing the words.

Among them, the two Thunder Clan geniuses showed fear in their eyes.

In the first test, they tried their best to make it to the end.

If the second level of assessment is ten times more dangerous than the first level, if they participate in the second level of assessment, there is likely to be only one result, and that is death.

Considering this, the two Thunder Clan geniuses have made a decision in their hearts.

"Patriarch, my goal has been achieved, I give up participating in the second test."

"I give up too."

The two Thunder Clan geniuses raised their hands one after another, expressing their decisions.

The Lei Clan patriarch glanced at the two Lei Clan geniuses indifferently, and did not blame them.

He could also see that these two arrogances were not suitable for continuing to participate in the second test.

Rather than dying in the second test, it is better to stop here.

"Okay! You two, without your guardians, stay here. Wait a minute, Thunder Punishment World will automatically send you out."

"Others, join me in entering the second stage of assessment."

The Thunder Clan patriarch said, and took the lead to fly to the stone gate in the whirlpool.

Chu Zhou and others followed quickly.

In the end, there were only three members of the Lei Clan Tianjiao participating in the second test, Sister Dao, Lei Yu, and Lei He.

After entering Shimen, there was another round of dizziness.

"What is this place?"

A huge pond caught the eyes of Chu Zhou and others.

In the pool, countless thunder and lightning swim.

This turned out to be a minefield.

At this moment, somewhere in the dark, a message reached Chu Zhou and the others.

"The second test: use the power of thunder and punishment in the eternal thunder pool to shape the Thunder and Punishment Holy Body. If you successfully shape the Thunder and Punishment Holy Body, you will pass the second level of assessment. Failure to shape or quit halfway is considered a failure."

Chu Zhou and others read the information that emerged in their minds.

Immediately knew the Lei Chi in front of him, it was called Eternal Lei Chi.

I also know what the content of the second level assessment is.

"It turns out that for this level, you only need to enter the eternal thunder pool and use the power of thunder and punishment to shape the holy body of thunder and punishment. The danger of this level seems to be much weaker than that of the first level."

Thunder Prison stares at the eternal thunder pool, eager to try.

Although he didn't know what kind of physique the so-called Thunder and Punishment Holy Body was.

But he understood that the Thunder Punishment Eucharist must be an extremely powerful physique.

If he can create the Thunder and Punishment Eucharist, maybe it will be easier for him to be promoted to a prince in the future.

The patriarch of the Lei Clan shook his head seriously when he heard Lei Prison's words:

"You must not be careless."

"According to past experience. Lei Zu left behind three levels of assessment, none of which is safe. Each level contains a stage of danger. The later the level, the greater the danger."

"My Eternal Thunder Pool looks calm, but I can conclude that there must be unknown risks hidden in it."

As soon as his voice fell, the entire Eternal Thunder Pond boiled.


Suddenly, a behemoth broke through the water.

Almost instantly, the sunlight in the sky was covered, casting a huge shadow.

Chu Zhou and others looked up, and nine huge dragon heads immediately caught their eyes.

The huge monster that broke out of the water was actually a nine-headed dragon.

This nine-headed dragon, most of its body is still submerged under the thunder water, and only nine huge dragon heads are exposed.

Nine-headed dragon let out a mournful cry, and was directly suppressed by the torrent of five laws, sinking into the water.

"There seems to be some secret in this eternal thunder pool, why not explore it."

Chu Zhou sits cross-legged on a dragon's head, manipulating the torrent of five laws, firmly suppressing the nine-headed dragon, forcing the nine-headed dragon to sink to the bottom of the Eternal Thunder Pool.

On the edge of the Eternal Thunder Pool, the Patriarch of the Lei Clan and Lei Mian were both dumbfounded at the moment.

They knew that Chu Zhou was very strong.

But I didn't expect Chu Zhou to be so fierce.

That nine-headed dragon, just relying on its breath, made them unable to resist.

But unexpectedly, he was directly suppressed by Chu Zhou.

"Master Chu Zhou's strength is unfathomable!" the Lei Clan patriarch sighed.

Lei Mian nodded approvingly, and said solemnly: "I doubt that Mr. Chu no weaker than Mr. Beicang before he was promoted to Overlord."

"This... this..." The patriarch of the Lei Clan wanted to say "how is this possible", but before he could say it, the scene of Chu Zhou's strong suppression of the nine-headed dragon just now appeared in his mind.

It doesn't seem impossible!

He and Lei Mian looked at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

If Chu Zhou's strength is really comparable to that of King Beicang before he was promoted to overlord, then at this time, Chu Zhou's strength is comparable to that of a primary overlord.

This speculation and deduction shocked them.

The Patriarch of the Lei Clan took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked at Sister Dao, Lei Prison, and Lei He who were absorbing the golden lightning in the Eternal Thunder Pool.

"Master Chu Zhou's matter... we can't control it. I haven't seized the opportunity before me."

"The golden lightning in the eternal thunder pool in front of us seems to be of great benefit to those of us who practice the law of thunder and punishment. Let's try to absorb some and see the effect."

Thunder Clan patriarch said.

"It's really worth trying..."

Lei Mian's eyes became hot when he saw the constantly changing Daojie and the others.

The next moment, Lei Clan Patriarch and Lei Mian stepped into the Thunder Pool, and then tried to absorb the golden lightning in the Eternal Thunder Pool.


They failed.

They found that there was no golden thunderbolt rushing towards them.

When they try to actively approach the golden thunderbolt, or try to capture the golden thunderbolt, the golden thunderbolt will immediately disappear without a trace.

In short, they tried various methods, and finally failed.

"It seems that the golden thunder and lightning in this eternal thunder pool can only be absorbed by the master-level genius."

The Patriarch of the Lei Clan and Lei Mian flew out of Lei Chi very disappointed.

Not long after, Lei He let out a scream, and the pores all over his body spurted blood.

He jumped out of the eternal thunder pool as if he was fleeing.

"what happened?"

The Patriarch of the Lei Clan and Lei Mian both frowned and looked at Lei He.

Lei He smiled wryly, looked at the Eternal Lei Pond next to him unwillingly, and said:

"My limit has been reached. I can only absorb nine golden lightning bolts... No matter how many more, my body and background will not be able to handle it. I wanted to absorb one more golden lightning bolt, but I didn't expect to be backlashed."

The Patriarch of the Lei Clan and Lei Mian felt a pity when they heard the words.

Lei He saw the reaction of the two elders, and said again:

"Patriarch, chief seat, although we only absorbed nine golden thunderbolts... we failed to create the 'Thunder Punishment Eucharist', but even so, my background has increased by a full nine times. Moreover, I have some understanding of the law of thunder and punishment. Great insight...I believe that I will have the opportunity to be promoted to prince in the future."

When he said this, Lei He looked confident.

Lei Clan Patriarch and Lei Mian, after hearing Lei He's words, were immediately pleasantly surprised.

If Leihe can become the prince of the universe in the future, then their Lei Clan will have another pillar.

A moment later, Thunder Prison also suddenly vomited blood, screamed, and quickly jumped out of the eternal thunder pool.

Lei prison also talked about his own situation.

He also failed to create the 'Thunder Punishment Eucharist', but his situation is better than Leihe's. He successfully absorbed eleven golden lightning bolts.

The Thunder Clan Chapter and Lei Mian were ecstatic.

This means that after Thunder Prison, there is a high possibility of becoming a prince.

If Lei Clan adds two new cosmic princes, then the decline of Lei Clan in recent years can be completely reversed.

"It would be great if Lei Ge could be molded into the 'Lei Punishment Eucharist'."

The Patriarch of the Lei Clan and Lei Mian looked at Sister Dao in the Eternal Thunder Pool.

They discovered that at some point, Sister Dao was wrapped in a 'cocoon' formed by a golden thunderbolt.

The huge 'cocoon' was beating like a heart.

It seems that some kind of terrible life is being bred inside.

Seeing this strange change, the eyes of the Lei Clan patriarch and the others lit up, and they vaguely felt that Sister Dao was about to succeed.

The depth of the eternal thunder pool is far beyond Chu Zhou's imagination.

Chu Zhou suppressed the nine-headed dragon, oppressing it to sink continuously.

He felt that he had sunk at least one hundred thousand meters, and he still didn't see the bottom of the Eternal Thunder Pool.

At this moment, the nine-headed dragon under him suddenly collapsed and turned into countless electric currents, rushing towards a position in the Eternal Thunder Pool.

Chu Zhou was startled and quickly watched.

Seeing this, his heart skipped a beat.

He actually saw a huge bone hand.

That bone hand is located in a distorted space-time.

Moreover, it looks bigger than the average planet.

The entire bone hand is purple-gold in color.

There are also countless lightning entanglements.

The moment Chu Zhou saw the bone hand, he immediately felt the incomparably majestic power of the law of thunder and punishment, as well as the power of the law of cause and effect.

He also saw that there were golden lightning bolts flying out of the bone hand, flying towards the water surface of the Eternal Thunder Pool, and then merging into Sister Dao's body.

In addition, there is a trace of terrifying coercion that overrides everything, oppressing, making Chu Zhou feel great pressure.

" the bone hand left by who?"

Chu Zhou stared at the bone hand, thinking in shock.

Thank you, thank you HalfLife00 for rewarding 20,000 starting coins again.

See if you can add a new chapter tonight, if you can’t finish it tonight, add a new chapter tomorrow!