Chapter 596: Dialogue between father and son! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 596 Conversation between father and son! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

"Finally, I have become the overlord of the universe."

In the No. 9 warehouse world, Chu Zhou was suspended in mid-air, and behind him appeared a huge Sun of Law, and the majestic light of reincarnation swept out of him wave after wave, like huge waves overwhelming the sea.

Right now.

He felt the power of reincarnation in his body, which had increased by more than a hundred times compared to before he was promoted to overlord.


He has the feeling that the law of reincarnation is under his feet, and he is always in the law of reincarnation.

"I seem to be able to look directly at reincarnation."

There was a slight movement in his heart, and in an instant, the world of Warehouse No. 9 in front of him quickly faded away, and the whole world soon became a world composed of countless gray phantoms.

And in this world, there are endless reincarnation gears.

In the dark shadows formed by matter, energy, creatures, etc., there is a reincarnation gear, large or small.

Even in the gray shadow of a grain of sand, there is an extremely tiny wheel of reincarnation.

The reincarnation gears, large and small, are all over the world, all over the void, all over the sun, moon, stars, all over the universe, all over all matter and energy, and all over the bodies of all living beings, everywhere, everywhere.

These countless reincarnation gears are nested one by one, rotating slowly together, like a huge and extremely precise machine.

Countless reincarnation gears rotate slowly, driving all matter, energy, life, etc. to rotate together.

Every moment, countless substances, energies, lives, etc. are annihilated during operation, turning into streams of air or soul bodies, and integrated into the gears of reincarnation.

Every moment, there are also countless substances, energies, lives, etc., born in countless rotating samsara gears.

This seems to be a world dominated by reincarnation gears.

All things are born because of reincarnation gears.

All things are destroyed by reincarnation gears.

Reincarnation is not mysterious.

Reincarnation is everywhere.

"So, is this the real reincarnation? Everything in the universe has always been in reincarnation."

Chu Zhou stared at the endless reincarnation gear, deeply moved.

"That's right. Reincarnation is always by our side."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the depths of reincarnation.

Hearing this familiar voice, Chu Zhou couldn't help trembling, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he blurted out two words:


Under his gaze, a stalwart figure with thick black hair and deep eyes slowly emerged, standing on a huge reincarnation gear.

The figure opposite was Chu Donglai.

Chu Donglai stared at Chu Zhou's figure, felt the overlord-level fluctuations in Chu Zhou's body, and nodded in satisfaction:

"That's right, I've become the Lord of Reincarnation, and I finally look a little better."

Chu Zhou rolled his eyes: "Dad, your request is too high. I was promoted to the overlord before I was two hundred years old. Is it just a bit of a show?"

Chu Donglai couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words.

"Well, the overlord who is less than two hundred years old is indeed a bit unusual. For endless years, you have been the only one."

he said with a chuckle.

This time, Chu Zhou felt at ease.

It is really not easy to get the approval and praise of Comrade Chu.

"Dad, when we met at the Demon God Mountain Range, you said that there are some things that I will not be entitled to know until I become the overlord of the universe."

"Now that I have become the overlord of the universe, should I be qualified to know?"

Chu Zhou moved and appeared in front of Chu Donglai, looking at his father with a smile.

"Is this..."

Chu Donglai frowned slightly, and fell into silence, as if thinking about something.

"Dad, don't take your word for it. My current strength is completely comparable to that of a middle-level overlord, and I am no longer weak. You should tell me something."

Seeing his father's reaction, Chu Zhou said hastily.

"All right!"

Chu Donglai finally nodded, looked at Chu Zhou with deep eyes, and said, "What do you want to know?"

Chu Zhou couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw that his father was finally willing to reveal the secret to him.

"Cough cough." He coughed lightly, glanced at the reincarnation gear under his feet from the corner of his eye, and immediately asked, "Dad, is it you, the master of reincarnation?"

"Dad, those reincarnations of yours are too cruel."

"If the Mana Clan, the Freedom Alliance, the Zerg Clan, the Yuan Clan, the Beyond Alliance and other forces know the truth and know that you are still alive, I am afraid they will go crazy and will destroy you at all costs!"

Chu Zhou stared into his father's eyes and exclaimed.

"What? Do you know you're afraid?"

Chu Donglai crossed his arms and looked at Chu Zhou with a half-smile.


Chu Zhou was taken aback for a moment, then smiled:

"In my life dictionary, there is no word 'fear'."

"As long as you give me enough time, I am invincible!"

At this moment, his eyes were shining brightly, exuding absolute confidence.

With the plug-in of the attribute panel, he believes that it will not take many years for him to be promoted to a saint of the universe, or even a holy emperor, or even a master of chaos.

It can be said that his road ahead is smooth.

In that case, what's so scary about him?

Chu Donglai looked at Chu Zhou's figure, and couldn't help being slightly stunned.

In front of me, absolutely invincible?

Such self-confidence, even he never had it?

Moreover, he could see that Chu Zhou was definitely not pretending or pretending, but self-confidence from the bottom of his heart.

It seems that as long as he is given enough time, he can definitely grow into an invincible powerhouse.

Chu Donglai, I don't know why Chu Zhou can be so confident.

But he appreciates Chu Zhou's attitude.

The journey of cultivation is long, and the higher the realm, the more difficulties and setbacks you will encounter. If you don't have enough self-confidence, you will definitely not be able to reach the peak.

"Hahaha, your mentality is very good." Chu Donglai looked at Chu Zhou with satisfaction, laughed and said, "I hope you can always maintain such confidence."

"Yes!" Chu Zhou said calmly, and continued to ask: "Dad, you once said that what you are going to do next is extremely dangerous. What are you planning?"

When this question was raised, Chu Zhou's expression became extremely serious.

"Knew you would ask this question!"

Chu Donglai sighed, then fell silent.

seems to be thinking about how to answer Chu Zhou.

Chu Zhou did not urge him, but just waited silently beside him.

A moment later, Chu Dong looked at Chu Zhou with a serious expression:

"Xiaozhou! You should know that the universe also has a lifespan. When the lifespan of the universe is exhausted, the entire universe will collapse."

"I know this." Chu Zhou nodded, he had realized this a long time ago.

Chu Donglai suddenly put his hands behind his back, his eyes penetrated countless reincarnation gears and billions of time and space, and looked at a prosperous human planet.

Some kind of thought was brewing in his heart.

After a while, he said:

"Xiaozhou, you have been to the Cosmic Sea and seen countless cosmic wreckages. You should understand that when a universe collapses, all races, civilizations, creatures, etc., and everything in that universe will also be destroyed."

"Yes..." Chu Zhou heard the words, thought of the countless cosmic wreckage in the universe sea, and also thought of the fate of Lei Zu, and a trace of inexplicable melancholy emerged in his heart, "When the universe is coming to an end, everything in the universe will also die. Let's go to the end together..."

"Yes. Under normal circumstances, this is the fate of everything in the universe and all beings in the universe."

Chu Dong said, but there was a strange light in his eyes.

"Under normal circumstances? Could it be that there are still abnormal situations?"

Chu Zhou suddenly stared at his father.

"Not bad! There are indeed abnormal situations...or exceptional situations!"

Chu Donglai suddenly had a huge and unparalleled aura, and his whole body suddenly seemed to be transformed into a terrifying existence that spanned the ages.

His eyes suddenly became unparalleled, and his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the eternal time and space.

"For endless years, the universe was born, the universe was destroyed, and it started again and again. I don't know how many universes have turned into dust, and I don't know how many civilizations and races have become funeral objects of the universe."

"But...not without exceptions."

"There are extremely powerful beings who are beyond the universe. When the universe was destroyed, they still survived. They even allowed some of the strong people in the universe to survive. Let their civilization and ethnic group continue."

Chu Zhou was in high spirits when he heard the words, and stared at his father with burning eyes.

He feels that what Dad wants to reveal today is probably the most amazing secret in the entire universe.

For the 4,000-word chapter, complete the basic update first, and then continue to write the updated content.