Chapter 599: traitor!

Chapter 599 Traitor!

Unlimited fighting arena.Fôllôw new stories at

In a mysterious space, there is a huge blood-colored square suspended, on which are six steel thrones that are bigger than mountains.

On each steel throne, sits a stalwart figure with divine light boiling.

"The overlord who is less than two hundred years old is really incredible."

One of the stalwart figures sighed and said, his voice was like thunder, and bright chains of order danced around him.

"Mirror Universe Company picked it up this time." Another stalwart figure said with a little regret: "It's a pity that Chu Zhou is not from our infinite fighting field..."

"Mirror Universe Company is lucky. First, it has King Beicang, and now it has Chu Zhou."

There was another stalwart figure who also spoke.

The Lord of Skyscrapers said lightly, his face was covered with a golden mask, and only his lightning-like eyes could be seen.

The other five figures nodded slightly.


As long as Chu Zhou belongs to human beings, it is a good thing.

At this time, a terrifying pressure of will suddenly descended on the Scarlet Square, and a phantom slowly emerged.

This figure is tall, majestic and domineering. It seems that the whole person is made of some kind of immortal gold, giving people a sense of infinite power.

Seeing this phantom, the Lord of Skyscrapers and others all looked serious.

"I have seen Wu Zu."

The Lord of Skyscrapers and others stood up one after another and bowed to the phantom.

"Sit down, everyone."

Martial Ancestor waved his hand lightly, asked Skyscraper Lord and others to sit down, and then said calmly:

"The little guy Chu Zhou was promoted to the overlord before he was two hundred years old. He is better than me and Emperor Xi when we were young. He has the qualifications to become a saint."

The Lord of Skyscrapers and others were shocked when they heard the words.

The gift of sanctification!

This is basically the highest evaluation.

Especially, these four characters are still from Martial Ancestor's mouth, full of gold.

"When you go to the mirror company to participate in the celebration, give that little guy Chu Zhou a generous gift."

Martial Ancestor spoke calmly, "I heard that the little guy likes to devour corpses. You can give him two warehouse worlds where corpses are stored."

The Lord of Skyscrapers and others felt a little heartache when they heard that Martial Ancestor was going to give Chu Zhou two warehouse worlds where corpses were stored.

However, since Martial Ancestor spoke, they could only follow orders.

"As ordered."

The Lord of Skyscrapers and others responded in unison.

Wu Zu nodded slightly, and his figure disappeared instantly.


Cosmic Adventurers Alliance, Cosmic Galaxy Bank, Wanzu Chamber of Commerce, the overlords of these three giant forces, after learning that Chu Zhou was promoted to overlord, their reactions were similar to those of Skylord and others in Infinite Fighting Arena.

All felt extremely shocked.


There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention that Mirror Universe Company did not hide the news of Chu Zhou's promotion to the overlord.

Soon, the news of Chu Zhou's promotion to the overlord quickly spread among all human beings through the mirror universe network.

Countless strong human beings are boiling and sensational about it.


Among the myriad races in the universe, some groups and forces with relatively strong intelligence networks were shocked when they heard the news that Chu Zhou had been promoted to the overlord.

In a corner of the desolate starry sky, ripples suddenly rippled, and towering figures emerged one after another.

Every figure is filled with a terrifying aura that crushes the eternal time and space.

There are more than a dozen of them.

One of the figures was a giant tree surrounded by a river of time—the Lord of the Universe.

"Everyone, I think you all know that Chu Zhou has been promoted to the overlord, and Chu Zhou was promoted to the overlord by the law of reincarnation..."

A figure with 108 huge holy wings on its back glanced at the other dozen figures, and said solemnly:

"Presumably, you all know what it means to be an overlord who has mastered the law of reincarnation."

"My lord said that Chu Zhou must die...but his perception and memory of the law of reincarnation must be obtained by my lord."

"It's a coincidence. The lord of our clan also took a fancy to Chu Zhou's perception and memory of the law of reincarnation." A mechanical creature that was bigger than a planet said coldly.

This mechanical creature is covered with scarlet armor, giving off an extremely brutal and **** feeling.

This is the oldest giant of the machine race—the scarlet tyrant.

"Hehe, the insect mother of our race has also taken a fancy to the memory of Chu Zhou's law of reincarnation." Moluo Guzu, the giant of the insect race, said with a sneer.

Soon, the remaining stalwart figures all spoke up, and they all threatened that the people behind them had taken a fancy to Chu Zhou's memory about the law of reincarnation.

Between them, a huge dispute broke out.


A green vine like an ancient green dragon suddenly shouted loudly, quieting down the many giants who were in dispute.

The Lord of Black and White glanced at the giants indifferently, and said:

"It's too early for you to argue about how to divide Chu Zhou's memory now. It's better to wait until after Chu Zhou is suppressed or captured."

Since King Qing disappeared, he is like a headless chicken, looking for the trace of King Qing in the vast universe.

He kept searching and searching.

I found an unknown number of star fields and planets.

But finding a lost person in the vast universe is much more difficult than finding a needle in the sea.

But he never gave up.

Qing Wang is not only his teacher, but also his idol.

He vowed to find his teacher and bring him back to the company.

Finally, after searching countless places, he found some traces of the teacher in a place where the teacher had been.

And along those traces, he found here, and found his teacher Qing Wang.

At this moment, seeing that his wish was about to be fulfilled, he was extremely excited.

He felt that no matter how hard and tiring these years were, it was worth it.

"Go back? Where?"

Qing Wang suddenly moved his arm, shaking Miller's hand away, turned his head slightly, and looked at Miller indifferently.

Miller was stunned, staring blankly at King Qing in front of him, and suddenly felt that this teacher he had always respected and admired the most had become extremely strange.

"Where are we going back? We are all members of Mirror Universe Company, so of course we are going back to the company." Miller said with a stiff expression.

"A member of Mirror Universe Corporation?"

King Qing's eyes became more indifferent, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It used to be! But it's not anymore."

He said, suddenly patted Miller's haggard face with his hand, and said: "My dear disciple Miller. Why are you still so naive? You said that I am a dignified prince, why did I disappear for no reason? You just use If you think about it for a while, you will know that there must be a reason for this.”

"No... I don't care what the reason is, teacher, you come back with me."

Miller suddenly had a frightening conjecture in his heart, but he absolutely refused to accept this conjecture. He stretched out his hand again in panic, intending to grab Qing Wang's clothes again and bring Qing Wang back to the company.


However, Miller was slapped heavily on the ground before he could grab King Qing's clothes. Half of his face swelled rapidly, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

But Miller didn't seem to feel his own pain. He stood up and rushed towards King Qing quickly, reaching out his hand, trying to grab King Qing.


He was slapped again and fell to the ground.

The other side of the face also swelled up.

But he still didn't seem to feel the pain, he continued to turn over and get up, and continued to rush towards his teacher Qing Wang, desperately trying to catch Qing Wang.

However, when the sound of'pa' sounded again, he was slapped to the ground again.


the fourth time!

the fifth time!

the sixth time!


For three whole days, Miller never gave up and was slapped down countless times, always wanting to reach out and grab his teacher Qing Wang.

But in the end it was unsuccessful.

He was finally slapped to the ground with blood all over his face, unable to move.

"Old...teacher...follow, come back with me!"

He almost whispered in his mouth.

Vision became blurred.

A pair of gorgeous boots suddenly appeared in his sight.

King Qing squatted down, looking indifferently at the disciple who was severely injured by his slap after slap.

"Miller, you are a smart person. I know, you have already guessed the answer in your heart, why are you still so persistent?"

"Your teacher, the moment I left the Mirror Universe Company, I was no longer a member of the Mirror Universe Company. Even, I no longer belonged to humans."

"I am now... a member of the Beyond Alliance!"

"Does the Beyond Alliance know? This is not only one of the nine most powerful forces in the universe, but also an organization that only the overlord can join. This is a special organization that aims to pursue the ultimate realm."

"However, all those who join the Alliance on the Other Side must disassociate themselves from their original forces and ethnic groups."

"So, now I am a human traitor."

"You made me a human traitor and return to the company, isn't that funny?"

A **** hand grabbed King Qing's right foot.

"Old... teacher, you... such a proud person, I... I don't believe that you will betray mankind. I... let's go back together..."

Miller raised his head tremblingly, spitting blood while talking.


A stern look flashed in King Qing's eyes, and he grabbed Miller's head with one hand, and with a bang, directly pressed Miller's head into the soil.

Then, his body shook, shaking away Miller's palm holding his right leg.

"Miller, you remember, from now on, I am no longer your teacher...I am just a human traitor..."

Qing Wang turned around and walked towards the distance step by step.

"Old...teacher, follow me...back!"

Miller held one hand in the air, and a sound almost crying came from the dirt.

Qing Wang turned his back on Miller's figure, paused slightly, and disappeared without a trace the next moment.