Chapter 607: Overwhelm everything! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

Chapter 607 Overwhelming everything! (Ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass!)

A white jade-like palm suddenly protruded from the void, grabbing the palm of the Lord of Yuanji and slapping the head of the Lord of Spring and Autumn.

With a light grasp, the palm of the master of Yuanji was turned into a meat paste.

The face of the master of Yuanji changed, he made a decisive decision, and instantly retreated a million miles, looking at the white palm protruding from the void in shock.

"Chu Zhou is here."

Beicang Wang and others breathed a sigh of relief.


Chu Zhou's figure suddenly appeared next to the head of the Lord of Spring and Autumn.

"It's Chu Zhou!"

When the Lord of Yuanji saw Chu Zhou's figure, his pupils shrank instantly.

Immediately, a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

" is this possible? Chu Zhou actually scratched the leader's palm?"

The Lord of Li Yuan and the other five holy alliance overlords also turned pale with shock at this moment.

The lord of Yuanji, the lord of their holy alliance, is an overlord of the extreme realm. His strength is unparalleled, far exceeding that of ordinary giants.

It is also the biggest confidence for them to dare to attack Mirror Universe Company.

However, the palm of his hand was turned into a meat paste by Chu Zhou, a new overlord.

No matter how you look at it, it feels unbelievable.

"Lord of Spring and Autumn, are you okay?"

Chu Zhou glanced at the head of the Lord of Spring and Autumn.

"If you come later, maybe I will be out of my wits."

The Lord of Spring and Autumn gave a wry smile, and opened his mouth, like a giant dragon absorbing water, swallowing the energy of the universe, and the infinite starlight gathered from all parts of the universe, and he sucked it into his mouth.

Soon, his body was reshaped.

"Hehe, even if I didn't won't die."

Chu Zhou smiled faintly, and looked at a corner of the starry sky in the distance intentionally or unintentionally.


The Lord of Spring and Autumn responded, and also glanced at the distant starry sky, thoughtfully.

"By the way, doesn't our company have the successors and many backgrounds left by Mr. Xi Huang? Why is it still not used at this time?"

Chu Zhou asked curiously.

After being promoted to the overlord of the universe, he also learned some of the company's most secret secrets.

It is clear that Emperor Xi left a lot of backers and backgrounds for the company before he disappeared.

Normally speaking, with the backhands and background left by Emperor Xi, even if the Holy League came to the door, it should be able to settle down quickly.

How could it not be so embarrassing now.

"If you show up one second later, I guess I will have to use the backhand and background left by Lord Xihuang to completely kill the Lord of Yuanji."

The Lord of Spring and Autumn tidied up his somewhat messy clothes, and said calmly:

"It's just that...the backhands and foundations left by Lord Xihuang are the ultimate hole cards of our Mirror Universe Company, and they are to prevent the invasion of alien saints."

"It would be a pity if it was used against the Holy League."

"Thinking that as long as you come, the problem will be solved. Therefore, we have been refraining from using Lord Xihuang's background and background."

"So that's how it is..." Chu Zhou touched his chin and suddenly realized.

The conversation between Chu Zhou and the Lord of Spring and Autumn was not hidden from others.

Therefore, the overlords of the Holy League, such as the Lord of Yuanji and the Lord of Liyuan, heard the conversation between Chu Zhou and the Lord of Spring and Autumn.

The overlords of the Holy League, such as the Lord of Yuanji and the Lord of Liyuan, all froze at this moment.

In fact, they all thought that the Mirror Universe Company, one of the five giants, must not be simple. They are afraid that they have unknown trump cards and means.


They didn't expect that Mirror Universe Company would have such amazing trump cards and means that it could prevent saints from invading.

If the Lord of Spring and Autumn and the others used the background of Mirror Universe Company to deal with them just now, what would be the result?

One thought of this.

The lord of Yuanji waited for the overlord of the Holy League, sweating profusely.

At this moment, they realized that they had far underestimated Mirror Universe Company.

It's a pity that there is no arrow to turn back when you open the bow.

Even if they want to retreat now, I am afraid that the Lord of Spring and Autumn and others will not agree.

At this time, the Lord of the Prison Dragon, the Lord of Heartlight, the Lord of Raging Waves, the Lord of Camel Mountain and others also got rid of their opponents one after another, and flew to King Beicang, watching calmly the Lord of Yuanji and other overlords of the Holy League. .

All of them looked calm.

There is no tension at all.

It seemed that the reaction just now was all faked.

Contrary to King Bei Cang and others, Lord Yuanji and other overlords of the Holy League all looked dignified at the moment.

"Leader, this Chuzhou hides too deeply."

Lord Liyuan and many other overlords of the Holy League flew to the side of Lord Yuanji, looking at Chu Zhou solemnly.

"Leader, if what the Lord of Spring and Autumn said just now is true... Then, our current situation is very bad. What should we do?"

A holy alliance overlord asked worriedly.

"Take a step, look at a step!" The master of Yuanji said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

At this time, what should I do?

How does he know.

At this time, five clones came out of Chu Zhou's body.

The aura emanating from these five clones is not at all inferior to the previous one.

"I... am I dreaming?"

"Six clones... the strength of each one is not weaker than the extreme overlord?"

"We're fucked."

The Lord of Liyuan and other overlords of the Holy League showed despair on their faces.

The five newly-appeared Chuzhou avatars took action, and it took almost an instant for them to appear in front of the Lord Li Yuan and other Holy League overlords.

Each of the Chuzhou avatars used only one palm to severely injure the Lord Li Yuan and other Holy Alliance overlords, and then pinched the necks of the Lord Li Yuan and other Holy League overlords, and lifted them up.

The clone who was born first also returned with the Master of Yuanji who had just reorganized his body.

He also pinched the neck of the Lord of Yuanji and lifted him in mid-air.

The Lord of Yuanji and other overlords of the Holy League all had pale faces and despairing eyes, as if they were completely immersed in the huge blow.

"I know Chu Zhou is very strong... but I never thought that even his avatar is so perverted."

"The Lord of Yuanji and the others must be very desperate. But if it were me, I would be desperate too! What the hell, Chu Zhou is simply an unprecedented freak, and his own strength far surpasses the giants of the world. Even the strength of the avatars is so perverted... The key point is that he still has so many avatars."

"Fortunately, Chu Zhou is one of our own... Otherwise, with such an enemy, I guess I won't even be able to sleep in the future."

The Lord of Spring and Autumn, King Beicang and others looked at Chu Zhou's individual bodies, as if they were carrying dead ducks, and brought back the Lord of Yuanji and others, all of them were too shocked to speak.

And the fighting on the entire battlefield does not know when it will stop.

The army of the Holy League, countless strong men, looked at the Lord of Yuanji and other overlords of the Holy League, all of them looked like dead ducks, pinched by the neck of Chu Zhou's clone, and lifted in mid-air...

Suddenly, everyone fell into great fear and trembling.

On the contrary, seeing this scene, the army of the Mirror Universe Company was full of enthusiasm and looked at Chu Zhou with admiration.

"What do they do? Kill them all?"

Chu Zhou flew to the Lord of Spring and Autumn and the others, and asked calmly.

The Lord of Spring and Autumn and the others all had a murderous intent in their eyes. If they could, they really wanted to kill the Lord of Yuanji and others directly.

But before the Lord of Spring and Autumn and the others opened their mouths, a figure with thick black hair and a stalwart body, as if full of endless power, suddenly appeared in front of Chu Zhou and the others.

Chu Zhou and the others were shocked when they saw this figure.

Even the overlords of the Holy League, such as the Lord of Yuanji, who had despairing eyes, had a gleam of light in their eyes.

"Martial Ancestor!"

Chu Zhou and others saluted the visitors one after another.


It is the only saint of human beings who appeared - Martial Ancestor!

Martial Ancestor nodded slightly, his eyes slowly swept over the crowd, and when his eyes swept over Chu Zhou and Chu Zhou's six clones, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Finally, Martial Ancestor's gaze stayed on Chu Zhou.

"Chu Zhou, let them go."

Martial Ancestor said slowly.


As soon as Chu Zhou thought about it, his clone of the six realms let go of the Lord of Yuanji and other overlords of the Holy League.

Subsequently, the six avatars reintegrated into his body one after another.

He didn't ask much from the beginning to the end, he believed that Martial Ancestor would give him a reason or an explanation.

After the master of Yuanji and others regained their freedom, they didn't do anything, just stood there silently.

Wu Zu saw Chu Zhou let go of Lord Yuanji and the others, and nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, he said to Chu Zhou:

"Chu Zhou. It is not easy for us human beings to cultivate an overlord. It needs to consume countless resources, and even consume the luck in the dark."

"The overlord is the high-end combat power among all races in the universe, and it is very important to any race. The fall of any overlord is the loss of the race."

"Therefore, I took action to prevent you from killing them, I hope you can understand."

"I understand." Chu Zhou looked at Wu Zu with serious eyes, and said, "I just want to ask Wu Zu, if the Spring and Autumn Lord of our company was really going to be killed by the Yuanji Lord, Will you make a move?"

"Of course!" Martial Ancestor said without any hesitation, "We can compete and fight with each other among the major forces of human beings, but the overlord cannot suffer casualties, and some princes and venerables with sufficient potential cannot die either. In the Civil War."

"This is the iron rule of our humanity."

Hearing Wu Zu's explanation, Chu Zhou was relieved.

Just be fair!

At this time.

Martial Ancestor turned his gaze, and looked at the gray-faced Lord Yuanji and other Holy League overlords, and said in a deep voice:

"You have failed in this power struggle."

"You are the overlord and the high-end combat power of our human beings, so you can avoid death."

"But... this doesn't mean you don't have to pay the price."

"From now on, you can enter the human temple to cultivate. From now on, all affairs in the human territory have nothing to do with you."

"Also, since you have failed, then everything in the Holy League belongs to the Mirror Universe Company."

"You have no opinion!"

The Lord of Yuanji and other overlords of the Holy League sadly accepted Martial Ancestor's arrangement.

As a loser, it is a fluke to survive, so what else can they say?

At this moment, Chu Zhou also faintly understood why there are so many masters in the Temple of Humanity.

Obviously, many overlord-level masters in the human temple were losers in the power competition and had to join the temple.

Once you join the temple, you can no longer intervene or intervene in any affairs in the human territory.