Chapter 612: Tu Sheng! (add more for HalfLife00)

Chapter 612 Tu Sheng! (add more for HalfLife00)

The body of the worm mother is too big, filling the entire starry sky, and even the entire starry sky seems to be unable to accommodate it.

Many strong human beings raised their heads, and they could only see a small part of their bodies.

Just this huge and unparalleled body is enough to make many strong human beings feel the huge pressure.

"This turned out to be her real body."

Chu Zhou also looked up at the incomparably huge body of the worm mother, with a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

He suddenly discovered that the body in front of him, which is a full light-year in size, or 9.46 billion kilometers in size, turned out to be the body of the insect mother.

It's kind of hard to imagine.

It is too big.

Comparatively speaking, his tens of millions of meters of chaotic real body is like a speck of dust in front of the opponent.

Of course, the bigger the size, the stronger the strength.

"Chu Zhou, die!"

The voice of the worm mother, like billions of thunderclaps, shook the entire starry sky.

Her eyes, which were bigger than the sun, overlooked Chu Zhou below, and shot out two beams of divine light that were hundreds of millions of meters long.

One of her palms suddenly pressed down on Chu Zhou.

It seems that there is a vast universe that is suppressed.

Everything is falling apart.

Chu Zhou looked solemn, and urged the 'Book of Ten Thousand Laws' to resist.


He instantly felt a surging and vast force, and instantly rushed into his body.


There was a sharp pain in his internal organs, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

at the same time.

He fully activated the power of the law of time and space, stepped on the long river of time and space, and appeared 2 light years away in an instant, avoiding the suppression of that huge palm in time.

The worm mother saw Chu Zhou vomiting blood, and there was a gloomy smile on her indifferent face.

With a movement of her huge body, she savagely shattered one layer after another of space, and killed Chu Zhou.

On her huge body, countless green-gold eyes suddenly appeared.

Eyes are rolling around, looking extremely terrifying.

If a person with trypophobia is here and sees so many eyes, he will just pass out directly.

Those innumerable green-gold eyes that turned around suddenly shot out chains of order like green-gold chains, piercing towards Chu Zhou.

Chu Zhou snorted coldly, and with a thought, countless golden threads of cause and effect emerged in the void, interweaving into a huge net of cause and effect.

The chains of order that run through are connected by many lines of cause and effect.

next moment.

The "Book of Ten Thousand Laws" was shocked, and the pages of Chaos Chapter, Yin Yang Chapter, Time and Space Chapter, Five Elements Chapter, Karma Chapter, Destiny Chapter, and Reincarnation Chapter were quickly flipped.

Chaos Divine Lightning, Yin-Yang Divine Light, Time and Space River, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, Karma Divine Light, Fate River, Reincarnation Gear, etc., all flew out of the "Book of Ten Thousand Laws".

Moreover, almost as soon as it appeared, it followed the lines of cause and effect in the dark, and bombarded the chains of order that flew in.

All the chains of order were instantly shattered.

When the worm mother saw this scene, her pupils shrank involuntarily.

The strength shown by Chu Zhou shocked her more and more.

also gradually made her feel threatened.

"He must be killed. He is so strong now, if he is sanctified, where will there be room for us?"

The worm mother's eyes were condensed with murderous intent.

At this moment, the mysteries of the seven laws of chaos, yin and yang, time and space, five elements, cause and effect, fate, and reincarnation emerged in Chu Zhou's mind.

Moreover, the mysteries of the seven laws are skillfully fused together to explain the "birth", "evolution", "development", "prosperity", "decline", "death", "reincarnation" of all things in the universe in his mind complete process.

As early as the days when Shan Leixing helped Sister Dao become stronger, he had the idea of ​​creating a supreme knowledge involving the seven laws of chaos and other laws.

It's just that the background was not enough at that time, and also, the two major laws of cause and effect and fate had not yet been comprehended, so it could not be created.

However, after he successfully comprehended and mastered the seven laws, he gradually had the embryonic form of this unique skill in his mind.

and other seven laws, after all have been cultivated to the overlord level, this unique knowledge will gradually become clear.

Until the Law of Reincarnation and the Law of Destiny were promoted to the peak level of the Overlord of the Extreme Realm, this unique skill was finally created by him.

Chu Zhou named this unique skill "Jiyuan Shenquan".

"Era God Fist", the implication is that one universe and one era. With one punch, the entire process of a universe from birth, evolution, development, prosperity, decline, extinction, reincarnation, etc., is fully interpreted.

One punch is the life of the universe!


Chu Zhou's eyes suddenly opened, and the aura of his body climbed to the extreme in an instant, like an unrivaled **** and man who traversed the ages, and infinite divine light bloomed from him.

At this moment, he seemed to be the only one in the universe.

"Epoch God Fist!"

He suddenly gave a loud shout, and then punched the worm mother.

This is an unimaginable punch.

Almost in a billionth, in an instant, the entire Chaos Sea suddenly collapsed, with half rising and half sinking.

At the same time, a huge phantom of the black and white Taiji diagram emerged in the middle of the two halves of the chaotic sea, slowly rotating.

There is also a mighty river of time and space flowing out.

Driven by the phantom of the black and white Tai Chi diagram and the long river of time and space, the mighty chaotic air flow quickly transformed into countless gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

And gold, wood, water, fire, and earth soon evolved into the sun, moon, and stars, as well as countless mountains, rivers, forests, seas, continents, etc., and countless creatures.

When the countless creatures appeared, they soon developed all kinds of brilliant civilizations.

This is the process of the formation of the universe, and the birth and development of all things in the universe.

The time in that universe flows extremely fast, which seems to be billions of times that of the original universe. In just a blink of an eye, that newborn universe becomes extremely prosperous and prosperous.


The extremely prosperous and prosperous newborn universe soon went into decline, and countless natural and man-made disasters continued to erupt.

Many civilizations are constantly being destroyed.

The entire universe began to decline.

In the end, the entire universe completely collapsed, leaving only a huge and matchless reincarnation gear slowly rotating.

At this moment, all the strong human beings who witnessed Chu Zhou's punch fell into a trance.

They never imagined that someone would be able to master such a terrifying and unrivaled knowledge, and with a single punch, they would evolve a whole process of the birth and decline of the universe.

As for the worm mother, when she saw Chu Zhou's punch, her complexion changed drastically.

The one hundred and eight wings behind her flapped wildly, and she wanted to avoid Chu Zhou's unparalleled punch.

However, before she could avoid it, the punch arrived.

The phantom of a small universe instantly engulfed the huge and incomparable body of the worm mother.

The incomparably huge body of the worm mother was directly obliterated by various evolutionary processes in the small universe, and turned into a vast sea of ​​blood.

"Tu... Tu Sheng!"

At this moment, many strong human beings were all petrified, staring blankly at the vast sea of ​​blood.

I am very tired today. When writing this chapter, I fell asleep several times, but I finally wrote it.