Chapter 109 Huge harvest!

"Ah, this is."

There is a dark compartment under the south window sill, Su Yu found a blueprint in this compartment.

【Pandaren Terracotta Warriors (Wonder)】


The size of the territory required for the building: medium-sized village

Required materials for building: 1000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone, 1000 units of gold

Building effect: All soldiers in the territory have all attributes +20%

Remarks: I, the Pandaren Emperor, make money!

"It's actually a drawing of a spectacular building!" Su Yu's eyes lit up.

The territorial buildings are divided into regular buildings, special buildings and wonder buildings.

Conventional buildings are production buildings such as farmland, dwellings, logging farms, and mining farms;

Special buildings are basically auxiliary buildings, such as altars, theaters, playgrounds;

Wonder buildings are very famous buildings with great bonuses, such as Pandaren Terracotta Warriors, Pandaren Great Wall, Shurima Pyramid…

There are not many players who had territories in the previous life. At the end of the game, only 600 million domestic players have territories, and most of them are village-level territories, so there is no time to rise.

There are even fewer players with wonders in the territory.

Wonders have the same [unique] attribute as hidden quests. After a territory is successfully built, other territories cannot be built, which results in less than 10,000 domestic wonders in total, and only a few thousand players with wonders.

Unexpectedly, in the Duke's study, Su Yu actually found a spectacle blueprint!

"It seems that I guessed right, the Duke's study is really a [treasure house] location!"

Su Yu is in high spirits!

He quickly continued to devote himself to the great treasure hunt.

But at this moment, the study door was slammed open.

A soldier in light armor walked in and pointed at Su Yu with his long sword.

Character: [Wife Killer Lake]

Level: Level 61 [Fourth Level]

Occupation: Warrior

Likes: Women, torture and kill women who have had intimate contact with them

Note: Lake has ten unhappy marriages, and his wife is always missing.

The comer is a fourth-order warrior, and he looks like a pervert.

Su Yu quickly opened the backpack, ready to take out the [Random Teleportation Scroll] to teleport away.

But just as he was looking for the teleportation scroll, another consumable—[Mushroom Mourning] caught his attention.

【Mourning of Fungus (Consumables)】

Remaining uses: 5

How to use: shout "Inherit you, father!" and use the sword to stab the target.

Effect: If the target is the bearer's father, cause 99999 true damage; if not, restore 30% of maximum health.

Seeing this consumable, a current flashed through Su Yu's mind, and he suddenly had a bold idea!

"Hey, little thief! How did you get in?"

Lake went straight to Su Yu and pointed his sword at his neck.

But after seeing that Su Yu's strength was only one rank, he didn't take it seriously.

It's just that he is very strange, how did a first-order little mage sneak in?

Su Yu pretended to be extremely frightened, shook his hands and said, "My lord, I was sent in by an old mage, and I didn't steal anything!"

Su Yu is here to hunt for treasure, not to steal. How can it be called stealing about the players?

"Old Mage? Who is it?" Lake's eyes became particularly cold.

Su Yu said sincerely: "It's Archmage Andigus from the Silver Pine Spire. I'm a test item he recruited. That old guy sent me here after a magic experiment."

The "Andigos" in Su Yu's mouth is a member of the Ten-member Council of the Silver Pine Spire, and the sixth-order top sanctuary archmage.

He was a member of the Silver Pine Spire in his previous life and was very familiar with the organizational structure of the Silver Pine Spire, so he decided to use their name to make trouble.

"Andigos Archmage?!"

Of course Lake knew who this was.

He didn't dare to be negligent and grabbed Su Yu's collar: "Come on, go see the duke with me, and tell him when you see the duke!"

Su Yu struggled: "Let me go! Only my father can be so rude to me in this world."

Lake laughed loudly: "Haha! I'm your father! Is this the head office?"

Like took Su Yu by the collar and dragged him towards the door of the study, ready to take him to report to the Duke.

But at this moment, a rune sword wrapped in frost and cold air suddenly appeared in Su Yu's hand and stabbed him.

"Inherit you, father!"

【Mourning of Fungus】successful, pierced directly into Lake's body, like a kitchen knife cutting tofu, pierced directly into his heart.

In fact, even if the judgment is unsuccessful, with the "tiger skin" of Andigus, the Duke will not kill him easily, and he has many opportunities to escape.


Lake roared wildly, who would have thought he would be attacked like this?

But the power of frost on [Mushroom Mourning] has quickly spread to his whole body.

His heart was also pierced, and his strength was rapidly lost.

After struggling for only a second or two, Lake vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"Ding! You successfully killed the special NPC [Wife Killer Lake], gained 6100 experience points, and the one-handed sword [Slaughter Blade lv61 (rare)]."

【Slaughtering Blade lv61 (rare)】

Attack Power: 260-281


When dealing physical damage, convert 10% of the damage value into your own health.

Equipment Introduction: This sword can **** blood, is it more appropriate to change its name to [Mosquito Sword]?

Lake only dropped this piece of equipment.

However, the screams he made before he died attracted the attention of the guards of the manor.

The guards all looked solemn.

The fourth-order powerhouse Lake is not an opponent. What kind of enemy are they here?

But the guards had to do business with the Duke's salary.

They sent a small group of people to report to the other powerhouses, and the others gathered together and gathered thirty people together to force them towards the study.

Su Yu did not pay attention to the movements of these guards.

After killed Lake, he continued to rummage in the study according to the original plan.

Since the Duke's study is a [treasure house] location, the rewards you get next time will definitely be better than the previous two!

It was also for the next reward that he risked killing Lake.

The guards were assembled and rushed to the door of the study like a swarm.

At this time, Su Yu finally found a hidden compartment under the floor of the Duke's seat, and got a scroll that looked very worn out.

【Tier 6 Temporary Experience Scroll (Normal)】

Remaining number of uses: 1

How to use: Input magic power into the scroll for 5 minutes.

Effect: Enables you to have the strength of a level 75 sixth-order powerhouse within 1 hour, with a random occupation.

Note: Remaining usage time—48 hours.

"It's actually a sixth-order experience scroll?" Su Yu was taken aback.

This kind of scroll that only appears in the late game, why does it appear in the early game?

However, seeing that the remaining usage time is only 48 hours, Su Yu suddenly felt a little pain in the ass.

If this scroll has no time limit, he can use [Tina's Blood] to gild it and bring it to the real world.

This not only adds a life-saving trump card in reality, but if you really use it, the sixth-order strength can even pull out a Skrull stronghold in the eyes of a small psionic spring!


The words "48 hours remaining" greatly reduced the value of this scroll.

"Alas! If only there was no time limit!" Su Yu sighed slightly.

But now is not the time to think about that.

The guards have already stepped into the study, only a few meters away from him.

Su Yu quickly took out the [Random Teleportation Scroll] and poured magic power into it.


A white light flashed, and his figure disappeared in place.

(end of this chapter)