Chapter 195: Division of Dave's new plant cultivation

Chapter 195 Division of Dave's New Plant Cultivation

In the Hall of Prayer for New Years, Su Yu browsed the attribute panel of the sacrificial altar and nodded with satisfaction.

He spent 19 million psionic coins to get this buff that only lasted for 1 day.

looks like a loss, but it’s not a loss at all.

This day's buff can increase the upgrade speed of the territory to 12 times the original! If you use it well, you can build the mage tower 11 days in advance in the territory.

Build the Mage Tower one day earlier, and the winning rate of the Blue Star Humans will increase by one point, so the money is worth burning!

Besides, with a mere 19 million psionic coins a day, the psionic coins in Su Yu's backpack were enough for him to burn for a whole year, so he didn't panic at all.

In the Hall of Prayer for New Years, the Winged Dragon peeked at Su Yu with a complicated expression.

Su Yu was rich, she knew, after all, Su Yu used his own funds to support the development of the entire guild.

But she never expected Su Yu to be so rich.

"President, where did you get so many psionic coins? As far as I know, the 'Emperor Blood Killing Heaven' guild has not received so many psionic coins after so many days? Let's talk about it."

Wing Shenlong lowered his voice: "If you give me this money, with my ability, I can stock up on roasted seeds and nuts in the auction house, which can help you make more money!"

"Roasted seeds and seeds? Now is not the time to roast seeds and seeds." Su Yu shook his head: "Let's go back to the city hall! Now there is a 12x buff, and there are still a lot of things to deal with."


Seeing that Su Yu was not interested in monopolizing roasted seeds and seeds, Yi Shenlong sighed slightly.

Now that the territory buff has taken effect, a thick green mist is sprayed from the dragon head of Yu'lon statue.

These green mists quickly spread to the entire territory, rendering the entire territory a thick layer of greenery.

The NPCs and players in the territory felt refreshed and energetic after inhaling the green mist.

The crops in the fields, the weeds on the roadside, and the trees all began to grow wildly against the normal growth cycle under the action of the green fog.

The originally inconspicuous lawn has grown wildly to the extent that it can drown the player's knees in just ten minutes.

And players have also discovered some hidden benefits.

In the Hall of Prayer for New Years, a player suddenly exclaimed: "No, I read that right! My experience value is actually increasing automatically!"

His voice immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding players.

Everyone looked at their experience bar.

Soon, everyone found out that this turned out to be true! Every 2 or 3 seconds, they will automatically gain 1 experience point.

"Really! My experience points are also increasing automatically!" Another player exclaimed.

"This experience increases a little faster. +1 point every 2 seconds, one hour is 1800 experience points. Damn, catch up with the speed of leveling!"

"Really, it's about the same as my leveling speed!"

"Is this the hidden effect of the green fog?"

"You can upgrade by hanging up, which is so cool!"

The players were elated and cheered.

At this time, Su Yu, Wing Shenlong, and Sky Dragon rode their respective mounts and rushed towards the [City Hall].

"Wingshen, now we need to pay attention to three things." Su Yu instructed Wingshenlong.


"The first thing is about refugees." Su Yu said, "The [attraction of refugees] is now 12 times that of the past. Do you know what that means?"

"Of course I do." Wing Shenlong's expression gradually became serious: "It means that we can accept up to 240 refugees every two hours!

The current population of the territory is 343. If the 'prosperity' and 'livability' remain above 90, the territory can be upgraded to [Large Village] in 2 hours, [Huge Village] in 4 hours, and 8 You can upgrade to [Small Town] in an hour! "

Territory level triple jump in one day, which is undoubtedly a huge test for them!

"Yes, the refugees must be resettled. It is a huge challenge for us to resettle so many refugees at one time, while ensuring prosperity and livability."

Su Yu continued: "As for the second thing, it is city construction. After the territory is upgraded, the buildings in the territory must also be upgraded, and we have to build the next wonder.

But this point is easy to solve. I plan to recruit 1000 players as temporary workers. As long as the money is in place, construction should not be a problem. "

"You have money and you can do whatever you want." Wing Shenlong was expressionless.

"As for the third thing, monsters attack the city." Su Yu stretched out three fingers.

"Yes! There are also monsters attacking the city." Wing Shenlong's expression gradually became solemn.

In the process of upgrading the territory from "Small Village" to "Medium Village", there was a monster siege once.

But that monster siege was very simple, and players easily defeated the monsters that came to attack the city.

But next time and next time, the difficulty of monster siege will definitely increase. And because the preparation time is short, it is difficult for them to train enough NPC soldiers, and the pressure of defending the city may be great.

"President, we can ask the elite group of the 'relevant department' guild to help station, and with their strength we should be able to cope with the monster siege." Wing Shenlong suggested.

"I think so too." Su Yu nodded, "Then Wingshen, let's divide the work. I will handle the siege of monsters and the recruitment of refugees, and the resettlement of refugees and the construction of buildings will be handed over to you, how about it?"

"No problem." Wing Shenlong replied immediately.

"What about me? What about me?" Seeing that Su Yu didn't mention her for a long time, Sky Dragon raised his hand to ask.

"Just follow me." Su Yu gently pinched the chubby face of Sky Dragon: "Wait, we will recruit refugees together, we need your good luck."

"Okay." Sky Dragon pouted.

Now she has received the "Thunder Warning" from the system again, but she has long been accustomed to Su Yu's behavior and clicked "Cancel".

Just as the three of Su Yu returned to the City Hall, the plantation of [Crazy Dave] in the south of the village.

Dave is now the most popular NPC in the territory, bar none.

He is not only an epic talent, but also the magical plants such as [Sunflower] and [Pea Shooter] that he cultivated are very cute and are very popular among female players.

In Dave's plantation now, in addition to the 5 players that Su Yu arranged for him to fight, there are also 5 female players and 2 male players.

These 7 players volunteered to help Dave, so although the plantation area is not large, it is quite lively.

In the plantation, Dave was half-kneeling in the test field, looking at a crooked [Sunflower].

He took out a pen and paper and recorded in the notebook: "The 43rd experiment, failed."

"It's okay Dave." A player comforted: "Failure is the mother of success. As long as we have a clear mind and the path is correct, we will be able to cultivate a brand new plant sooner or later!"

"You're right." Dave stood up from the ridge, clapped the dirt on his hands, and prepared to take a rest before starting the next experiment.

But at this moment, a thick green fog spread to the plantation, and the psionic concentration in the yard began to rise violently.

Dave was startled at first, then overjoyed!

The sudden increase in the concentration of psionic energy, an inspiration suddenly popped out of his mind - through that method, the experiment may be completed.

He said loudly to the players in the yard: "Everyone, I suddenly thought of a good method! Whether the experiment can be successful or not depends on this time!"

(end of this chapter)