Chapter 228: Rebel army crushes the border

Chapter 228 Rebel army crushes the border

"This is a good thing!" Su Yu's eyes lit up.

Many skills of the Shadow Priest are very useful, such as [Mind Stealing], [Mind Control] and so on.

The last time he was at the Skrull base in Lingwu Mountain, he made a great contribution by using the [Mind Control] of the priest profession.

The only regret is that this fragment is not golden and cannot be taken out of the game.

If there is a wealth of [Tina's Blood] in the future, you can consider gilding it.

Su Yu put the fragments in his backpack with satisfaction.

Up to now, the 40th quest of the Queen's Line has been successfully completed, and the quest has entered the next stage.

After , the 41-44 ring tasks are roughly divided into two categories:

One is the internal affairs of Forest City, counting casualties, saving the dead, requesting assistance from the surrounding lords, carrying out post-disaster reconstruction work in the city, etc.;

Another category is to deal with the threat of incoming rebels.

According to player surveys and statistics, the number of residents in Forest City dropped sharply from 500,000 to 95,000 after the disaster, and 80% of the residents lost their lives in the disaster.

The army gathered in Forest City also suffered heavy losses. The 500,000 army suffered nearly 200,000 casualties in the shock wave.

Coupled with the death of the Imperial Marshal [Charles Plantagenet] and a group of senior officers, the combat effectiveness of the Imperial Army was cut in half.

Anzu Cypher and Lantilus, the two rebel leaders, of course would not miss such a good opportunity, and kept sending spies to Forest City to inquire about information.

After tried out the truth of Forest City, they immediately assembled a large army and prepared to launch a general attack on Forest City to completely take over the city.

As of the end of the 44th ring mission of the Queen's Line, the 700,000 army of the rebels has already set off from the city of gorse, and the soldiers are pointing directly at the forest city.

The rebel army is on the rise, and the powerhouses who participated in the high-level battle in Forest City last time also joined the army, and their soldiers were unstoppable.

On the other hand, the morale of the soldiers on the imperial side was generally low, and pessimism spread in the army.

The quest comes to the 45th link of the Queen's Line.

In a palace in the west of Forest City.

This palace is the only palace in the city that was not reduced to ruins in the shock wave, and was used by Elijah as the general headquarters in the city.

In the large conference room of the palace, a military strategy meeting of the highest level is being held.

Princess Elize sat in the main seat of the conference room, her face was slightly haggard.

It has been half a month since the last high-level powerhouse battle.

In the past two weeks, Ali Jie has taken over all the important military and political affairs of the empire, doing everything by herself, and reluctantly brought the empire back from the edge of the gate of hell.

But what gave her the most headache was the upcoming rebels.

A huge map of military deployment hangs on the wall flanking the conference room.

On the map, the "red" symbolizing the empire's power is huddled in several big cities such as Forest City and Pearl City; while the "blue" symbolizing the rebel force not only occupies most of the empire, but has also assembled a large army to move towards Forest City. set off.

The Empire was almost at the verge of life and death.

At the conference table in front of the princess sat the military and political officials of the empire, and three seventh-order powerhouses including the royal mage Sharan were also present.

Of course, Su Yu was also there, and his position was relatively forward, sitting on the right hand of the princess.


After the meeting started, the princess put her fingers on her lips and looked at everyone present seriously: "Now that the rebels have officially started, what advice do you have? Lucas, you say it first."

Lucas is the most senior general in the army. After the fall of Marshal Charles Plantagenet, he was appointed as the interim marshal of the Empire.

"His Royal Highness." Lucas stood up and bowed slightly towards the princess: "My suggestion is still the same as before - retreat, we will lead the army to retreat to Oran City, Oran City is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the mountain road is narrow. It can stop the advance of the rebels."

Hearing Lucas' words, several generals sitting at the end of the conference table expressed their opinions:

"I think so."

"That's right, it's better to retreat now."

"Her Royal Highness, with the current situation in Forest City, we will definitely not be able to keep it."

Alijie's expression remained the same. She looked at Su Yu beside her: "What do you think, Nemesis? Should we withdraw our troops and abandon Forest City?"

Hearing Ali Jie's question, Su Yu sat up straight.

He thought for a while, and answered cautiously: "I agree with the opinions of several generals, and I also think that leading the strategic transfer of the army to Oran City is the best choice."

Hearing Su Yu's words, all the generals present invariably breathed a sigh of relief.

They know how much Su Yu's words carry to the princess. The princess basically obeys Su Yu's words. Su Yu's words are more effective than their ten sentences combined.

How about saying "pillow wind" is the most terrifying thing?

"But—" Su Yu's tone suddenly increased.

Along with Su Yu's tone, there is also the hearts of the generals present.

The hearts that the generals had just dropped were immediately raised in their throats, and their eyes were fixed on Su Yu.

Su Yu's expression remained unchanged, and smiled: "We can withdraw, but we have to think about what we will do after withdrawing.

We went to the city of Oran not for the sake of peace, but to finally defeat the rebels, regain the territory of the empire, and let the people live a happy and stable life.

Therefore, in the process of withdrawing troops, we must have the most careful thinking about the next move. "

"Bane, have you come up with a good solution?" Ali Jie looked at Su Yu with attention.

"That's right." Su Yu nodded: "I think it is necessary for us to use new weapons."

After Su Yu finished speaking, he took out a weapon from his backpack and slapped it on the long table in the conference room with a bang.

In an instant, all eyes in the conference room converged on Su Yu's hands.

This weapon is not a blade with a cold light, but a long thing that resembles a burning stick.

But on closer inspection, this is not a fire stick, the front end of the weapon is not wooden, but an iron pipe.

If there is a player here, they will definitely recognize what this weapon is at a glance. Because this is a flintlock gun! Blue Star people are very familiar with it.

But the senior officers of the empire didn't know each other very well, and many people cast suspicious eyes on Su Yu.

As the oldest veteran among the officers, Lucas seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Is this the musket of the dwarf kingdom? I seem to have seen it once before."

Su Yu nodded: "Yes, this is a musket, and it is an upgraded version of the revolving musket—the flintlock gun. At present, this weapon can be produced in my territory."

The technology tree in Su Yu's territory is very powerful, and even the [Doomsday Mecha] can be produced at the scientific research point in the later stage, and it is natural to produce some ordinary firearms.

Now that his territory has just been promoted to the [City] stage, and [Military Science] has just been pointed out in the military, he can mass-produce flintlock guns, and it is not far from researching rifled rifles.

Such a good thing, of course, Su Yu has to use it to produce and export military products in large quantities, and develop the military industry with territorial characteristics.

The military industry is a lucrative industry. With this as a breakthrough, he can earn a lot of psionic coins from NPCs.

(end of this chapter)