Chapter 327: Snow Leopard's Fantasy Showdown (Follow-up 2) Sky Dragon

Chapter 327 Snow Leopard's Fantasy Showdown (Follow-up 2) Sky Dragon Little Lolita (First Order Plus Update 35)

"Old Bell, has the second round passed?"

Snow Leopard had just returned to his teammates when he heard Lao Meng's voice.

"Of course, how about you?" Snow Leopard looked at Lao Meng.

"Of course I've passed it too, defending high-energy and returning blood is just doing whatever you want!" Lao Meng said proudly:

"However, Lao Qu is not so lucky. He is a priest after all, and his kill efficiency is much lower than that of a damage occupation, and he failed to pass the second round."

[Steel Torrent March] Hearing this, he sighed: "Yeah! I came across the [Sky Dragon] of the Ke General Guild, and she stacked buffs too fast. When I first stacked 8 layers of buffs, she had already stacked 15 layers, and I have one more piece of equipment than me, so I can’t beat it at all.”

"It's alright, it's normal for the car to overturn." Snow Leopard walked over and patted Lao Qu's shoulder: "I almost overturned when I encountered Qianbei not drunk just now."

"What?!" All the eyes around him quickly focused on him.

Snow Leopard VS Thousand Cups Not Drunk?

This can be said to be the most peak duel in the game!

And the Snow Leopard won?

"Old Zhong! Quickly tell us what happened!" Lao Meng shook Snow Leopard's shoulder desperately.

"If you want to know, wait and watch the replay of the live broadcast." Snow Leopard knocked Lao Meng's hand off: "We don't have much time now. Let's take advantage of this time to share with each other the experience and experience of the illusion just now, so as to avoid detours."

"Okay." The surrounding players replied one after another.

20 minutes later, Snow Leopard stepped into the portal and entered the third round of the duel.

The environment of the third round of the venue is a virgin forest, surrounded by towering trees that can't see the top.

Time is midnight.

The moonlight passed through the treetops, barely able to see the vague shadows of the trees.

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately became happy:

"The boss of the Snow Leopard is so lucky, this is his home ground!"

"The environment is the primeval forest that is most suitable for Druids, so isn't the boss a big kill?"

"But don't take it lightly, boss. Now only 20,000 players have been eliminated from the competition, and everyone who can stay is the strong one!"

"Don't worry, the boss of Snow Leopard is the strongest among the strong, rush rush!"

Snow Leopard of course also knows that the current environment is very favorable for him.

However, he was not negligent, but carefully checked around to search for other players.

At the same time, he also learned the lessons from the previous round against Qian Cup when he was not drunk. While searching for players, he also carefully checked whether there were any hidden elements on the map.

But just when he started to investigate, before he took two steps.


A loud wolf howl came from the direction of the due east.

This wolf howling sound is very familiar to Snow Leopard. When leveling in the Wolf King Valley of Novice Village, you can occasionally hear this wolf howling sound coming from the depths of the valley.

"Howling Moon Wolf? Is it a pet brought by the player? Which archer brought a pet?" Snow Leopard frowned slightly.

Su Yu in front of the Mage Tower projector heard the wolf howl, but couldn't help showing a smile:

"If I guessed correctly, this should be Xiaotian's Howling Moon Wolf Xue Li, only Xue Li's cry can be so elegant!"

"Xiaotian? Male or female?" Chen Xing's eyes suddenly became vigilant.

"Of course it's a woman, the little loli who wanted to move in and live with me in our world more than two weeks ago." Su Yu replied.

"Oh, it turned out to be her." Morningstar nodded, her eyes sharpened.

"She should be Alijie's rival, right? You have to find a way to help Elijah get rid of this rival." Chen Xing raised his claws and thought to himself.

Back to the illusion.

The quiet virgin jungle became dark and turbulent because of a wolf howl.

Originally, everyone was a hunter lurking in the dark, carefully looking for suitable prey.

This wolf howl undoubtedly exposed the coordinates of the wolf's owner to all players.

Many players gathered in the direction of the wolf howling, intentionally or unintentionally.

Snow Leopard did not move in the direction of howling.

"Being the first bird so early, this player and his pet will most likely be killed by fire, so I won't join in the fun."

Snow Leopard shook his head and slowly explored around according to his own plan, looking for other players.

At present, there are no weak players in the third round.

Can come out of thousands of people, everyone has some real skills more or less.

Snow Leopard's efficiency in killing other players is also greatly reduced.

As of the 8th minute, he barely killed 3 players and got 3 layers of [Blood Breath].

As for the monsters, I don’t know if it was because of bad luck that he didn’t get any of them.


There was another wolf howl from the depths of the forest.

However, unlike the wolf howling just now, this wolf howl was a dying howl, and it seemed that the Howling Moon Wolf was about to die.

"Finally dying?" Snow Leopard looked in the direction of howling wolf.

He soon discovered something was wrong: "No! Pets, like players, turn into white light and disappear after their health is cleared, so they won't cry in pain like this? Besides, it's been 8 minutes, this Howling Moon Wolf Why haven't you died yet?"

Snow Leopard vaguely aware that this is a huge conspiracy.

So he walked quickly through the jungle, heading straight for the howling of the wolf.

Other players had the same thoughts as Snow Leopard, and they ran quickly towards the place where the wolf howling came.

After reaching the place, Snow Leopard and the players found out - they were fooled!

The Howling Moon Wolf at this time was not in a dying state, but was still alive and kicking.

A little loli sat on the back of Howling Moon Wolf, raised a bow and arrow in a "riding and shooting" posture.

It is worth mentioning that the little Loli is covered with layers of blood-colored halo, and everyone present has experienced it. This is the special effect of the [Blood Breath] buff stacking more than 10 layers.

Not only that, but she also wears 3 pieces of equipment from the fantasy world! The longbow exclusive to the secret realm in his hand looks particularly dazzling.

And that's not the scariest.

The most terrifying thing is that there is a black and white round creature crawling at the feet of the Howling Moon Wolf.

Seeing this creature, everyone was shocked: "Bear Panda?!"

Little Loli is of course a sky dragon.

This map is the home ground for Snow Leopard, so why not for her?

Howling Moon Wolf Xue Li has been raised to [Epic] quality with special medicine under her training. [Epic] Howling Moon Wolf will activate a skill.

【Blood of the Moon (Passive)】: When fighting under the moonlight, all attributes are increased by 50%.

Now it happens to be the moonlight environment, and Shirley's attributes have been greatly improved!

Not only that, but she also brought back a thousand cups of Buzui from the Pandaren Empire, the treasure of the Pandaren Empire—Panda.

Panda's attributes are incomparable to the top pets in the game, such as Morningstar, but it also belongs to the ranks of "God Pets", and its attributes are no worse than that of a baby dragon!

With the blessing of the two pets, this virgin forest has also become the home of Xiaotian. And let her achieve such a dazzling record in less than ten minutes!

Thank you, SAMA, for the 31,000 starting coins for Alizee Gorse!

Thanks to the book friend 20184502 for the 6500 starting point coins!

Thanks for the 3332 Book Coins offered by Ronin!

Thank you for playing the 2000 starting point coins that will not break through the years!

Thank you for the 1666 book coins that I gave as a reward for only washing the dishes and not eating!

Thank you for the 1666 points that 1 kitten tipped!

Thank you ReKan for the 1500 starting point coins!

Thank you for your reward of 500 starting coins!

Thank you for the 500 starting point coins from Xingchen-Light!

Thank you still for the 588 book coins!

Thanks to SAMA for the 500 starting coins!

Thank you for the 233 starting point coins of the prosperous v Momo moment fireworks!

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins from Magic Moon Starlight!

Thanks to fahai20048 for the 100 starting point coins for Alizee · Gorse!

Thanks to Dao L for the 100 starting point coins for Alizee · Gorse!

Thanks to G Ye for the 100 book coins!

Thank you Lan for the 100 book coins!

(end of this chapter)