Chapter 631 Gathering Roots

Looking at the square of the two players in front of him, Snow Leopard had his hands behind his back and said loudly to all the players present: "Everyone, I called everyone here because I want to emphasize one thing to everyone."

His eyes swept across the faces of the players one by one, and he said with a serious look: "This matter is—now, these people here are shouldering the hope of Blue Star's future!

Su Yu once said that in order to win this interstellar war, his strength alone is not enough, even if he becomes a peak eighth-rank powerhouse.

To win this war, we must rely on the joint efforts of all human beings!

In the future, we will become '70+700', and there will be at least 70 seventh-order powerhouses and 700 sixth-order powerhouses born from among us. "

He turned to look at the phalanx of the mage group: "The magician group will gather more than 10,000 wizards of the fourth rank and above to become the backbone of Blue Star.

Whether we can defend this planet in the future basically depends on everyone. The burden on our shoulders is heavy! "

Listening to Snow Leopard's speech, the expressions of the players present became serious.

Indeed, if we want to win this war, we must gather the strength of the whole people. Only by working together can we have a glimmer of hope.

Now all the power of the whole people is to be concentrated on them, and they must take the historical responsibility that they should bear.

Snow Leopard's face turned cold: "But I have to say my ugly words first, I am the general person in charge of resource allocation of the 'Hunger Strike Program'. If anyone present fails to meet the expected standards, even the military personnel I will Will force him out of the team and cancel all resources.

Weak strength will die faster on the battlefield, everyone should think about it! "

Su Yu's clone also said at the right time: "Snow Leopard is right, the Magician Legion is under my control, and I will also set high standards for the Magical Legion. You must not think about it, everyone must play their own way. strength."

At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly raised his hand.

Snow Leopard's gaze moved to that hand, and found that the owner of this hand was [Ice Black Tea], the strongest player in the game assassin profession.

【Iced Black Tea】is an 18-year-old young man with ordinary appearance, but his game talent can be said to be the best in the entire Blue Star.

First of all, his skills are super hard, and he firmly occupies the top spot in the assassin profession based on his skills;

Secondly, he has an extraordinary sense of smell for hidden quests and main quests.

He completed half of the main storyline of the third expansion piece [Pandaren Empire].

Iced Black Tea is a loose player and does not have a lot of resource support like Snow Leopard, Cloud Mudi, etc. However, he still relies on his personal talent to earn a lot of resources and becomes the number one player in the game.

Of course, the country will not watch such a top player do it alone, and usually provides him with a lot of material support, so that he can also burn materials to quickly cultivate.

The current strength of [Iced Black Tea] has reached the peak of Tier 5, which is basically the same as Snow Leopard Xiaotian himself.

Seeing [Iced Black Tea] raising his hand, Snow Leopard nodded in his direction: "Iced Black Tea, do you have something to say?"

The eyes of everyone present converged on the iced black tea.

Iced Black Tea was not stage fright at all. Seeing the gazes of so many people, he smiled lightly and said, "Snow Leopard and Nemesis, I wonder if the two of you have discovered a hidden danger?"

"What hidden danger?" Snow Leopard frowned.

"Our hidden danger is." Iced Black Tea paused here, and then said calmly: "Our hidden danger is that although our strength can be quickly improved by burning materials, our actual combat effectiveness is not so obvious.

We will only find out that we are actually the weakest in the same rank after we have really advanced to the fifth and sixth rank. When we actually go to the battlefield to deal with the same-level powerhouses in the future, we will lose very badly. "

After listening to the description of Iced Black Tea, the other players did not respond, and Su Yu, Snow Leopard, Xiaotian and others all fell into contemplation at the same time.

Iced black tea is actually pretty good.

The high-level powerhouses produced in batches of burning materials are very poor in combat effectiveness.

Take Su Yu, who had just been promoted to Tier 6, for example, his equipment could not keep up, and wearing Tier 4 equipment was basically not much different from not wearing it;

The second skill is also completely unable to keep up. Su Yu is still making up for low-level skills, and has not yet made up;

In the end, the fighting consciousness can't keep up. The fighting consciousness of the player who has just been promoted to the sixth rank must not be the opponent of the old monsters of the same rank.

To sum up, if it is only a sixth-order powerhouse who is forced to fill in by burning materials, the strength is likely to be lower than Skrull's fifth-order peak, which is not what everyone wants to see.

After thinking hastily, Zhong Feng looked at Su Yu's avatar beside him: "Nemesis, do you have a solution to this problem?"

"This question." Su Yu's clone pointed his chin with his index finger, and replied slowly, "I don't have a good idea about skills and equipment.

Skills need everyone to join the major forces to accumulate slowly. For me, my body has been learning in the Silver Pine Spire. You can also buy skill books with reputation.

Equipment requires everyone to slowly discover hidden tasks to obtain, or find a player who has mastered the talent related to legendary equipment manufacturing, and spend a lot of resources to stack the player's equipment manufacturing strength to master level or above for batch production"

Speaking of this, Su Yu's clone suddenly thought of a good idea: "In addition to equipment and skills, I also thought of a very good way to improve, that is - [Pangen Potion], which is the template potion! This potion can be extremely powerful. Make up for everyone's shortcomings!"

Template potions are very precious at this stage. This is the reward that Xiaotian got when he won the first [Illusionary Showdown] champion.

This also makes Xiaotian's actual combat power far superior to that of his peers. Until now, he has been the second most powerful existence among players, even much higher than Snow Leopard.

Su Yu is very clear about where [Pangen] this plant grows, and he has also dabbled in the cultivation method of this plant.

As long as a large number of [Pangen Potion] can be produced, Blue Star players can make up for their shortcomings, and their combat effectiveness can be improved by a notch in a short period of time!

Su Yu's suggestion was quickly recognized by all the players present.

Since this is going to be done, everyone simply doesn’t even have a meeting.

Under the leadership of Snow Leopard and Su Yu's clone, everyone went directly to the densely populated area in the northern part of the Gorse region.

In addition, Snow Leopard and hundreds of big guilds coordinated with each other, and 400,000 players of Tier 3 or above arrived in the northern part of the Gorse Empire to carry out a comprehensive campaign against the mountain where [Pangen] is located.

(end of this chapter)