Chapter 837: Hidden Spirit Stone

Chapter 837 Hidden Spirit Stone Xinmi

After a few greetings, the two of them sat down in a remote corner on the second floor of the tavern.

As soon as he sat down, Su Yu said straight to the point: "Senior Wang Mang, about the purpose of Prime Minister Cao and I's visit, you should have heard from the relevant departments, right?"

"Yes." Senior Wang Mang nodded slightly.

He seemed a little hesitant, and he replied carefully, "The two of you are here for the 'Blind Spirit Stone' thing?"

"Yes." Prime Minister Cao replied: "This special stone can completely obscure the monk's aura and pose a great threat to us, so we want to understand its source."

Hearing Prime Minister Cao’s words, Senior Wang Mang nodded slightly.

But he didn't answer Su Yu directly.

After a short thought, he sighed softly: "Forget it, I'll tell the two of you everything. In fact, the 'Blind Spirit Stone' may involve a huge secret, both of them are trustworthy, I can tell you the secret."

"A huge secret?" Su Yu and Prime Minister Cao were taken aback.

After looked at each other, Prime Minister Cao asked calmly, "Dare to ask your friend, what's the secret?"

Senior Wang Mang stroked his long beard, and said slowly: "This secret is my own guess, and it has not been confirmed yet. But you two, after listening to it, be sure not to tell anyone, so as not to cause more trouble."

Hearing the words, Su Yu immediately assured: "Please rest assured. I can guarantee that only the three of us know this secret, and it will never be leaked!"

"Well, I can also guarantee it in my name." Prime Minister Cao also solemnly said.

Senior Wang Mang smiled casually: "Actually, you two don't need to guarantee too much. The biggest problem with this secret is that it has not been confirmed. I am afraid that it will make a big oolong and be ridiculed by others.

As long as the two of you don’t speak out, it’s totally fine. "

Next, Senior Wang Mang sorted out his thoughts and said slowly: "About the 'Blinding Spirit Stone', I actually didn't even know there was such a thing half a year ago.

But in the process of flipping through ancient books half a year ago, I discovered this special thing. "

"Ancient books?" Prime Minister Cao was interested: "What kind of ancient books?"

"It's an ancient bamboo slip, probably from the Warring States period." Senior Wang Mang replied, "It's a pity that this kind of bamboo slip is not easy to preserve. I just glanced at it and the whole bamboo slip was turned into ashes. I was just in a hurry. Write down most of the text on the bamboo slips."

"So it is." Prime Minister Cao looked thoughtful.

Su Yu asked earnestly, "So, Senior Wang Mang, what exactly is written on the bamboo slip?"

"This pair of bamboo slips records the origin of the 'Blind Spirit Stone'. When I found the bamboo slip, there were two other hidden spirit stones next to the bamboo slip."

Senior Wang Mang said and subconsciously touched his pocket, but he felt empty.

At this time, he realized that he was in the game, not in the real world, so he withdrew his hand embarrassedly: "Uh, it is not in the real world now, otherwise I can show the two of them what the two hidden spirit stones look like. "

Next, Senior Wang Mang explained the contents of the bamboo slips to Su Yu and Prime Minister Cao based on his own memory.

Although there are not many words on the bamboo slip, it is rich in content.

It took him nearly 10 minutes to complete the content on the bamboo slip.

Su Yu and Prime Minister Cao listened silently without interrupting.

In the process of listening, they fell into contemplation at the same time.

The general idea of ​​the content of bamboo slips is that during the Warring States Period, the 'hidden spirit stone' was discovered and spread by monks, which eventually caused a huge catastrophe in the monk world.

The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period can be said to be the most abundant period of spiritual energy in the entire history of China, even more than the earlier Shang and Zhou Dynasties.

At that time, a hundred schools of thought prospered, and even mortals could become immortals.

There are as many monks as the crucian carp crossing the river, and even the peasants in the mountains can use one and a half moves to split rocks with their bare hands.

But at this moment, the "Hidden Spirit Stone" appeared.

The "Blind Spirit Stone" can obscure the perception of the monks. After the loss of the perception ability that the monks were proud of, a large number of assassins appeared in every corner of the monk world.

As long as they hold the "Blind Spirit Stone", high-level monks will even be assassinated by monks several levels lower than themselves, and the competition for resources in the monk world has never stopped, which has led to the fall of many well-known high-level powerhouses.

These high-level powerhouses will more or less control some forces.

Their fall led to the complete loss of control of these forces, large and small, and eventually led to a tragedy that swept the entire monk world.

In just a short period of nearly a hundred years, the number of monks in the entire Huaxia region has dropped by almost a third, and has never recovered since.

And at that time, most of the high-level monks were concentrated in the Central Plains, and the border areas were less affected.

Because of this, monks in the border areas began to rise, and finally laid the foundation for "King Qin's sweeping Liuhe".

After listening to Senior Wang Mang's description, Su Yu sighed softly: "Senior Yang Jian mentioned what you said before, he was one of the witnesses, but it wasn't as detailed as you said.

I just didn’t expect that the catastrophe was actually related to the ‘Hidden Spirit Stone’. "

Prime Minister Cao also nodded thoughtfully.

But he quickly wondered: "Daoist friend Wang Mang, this catastrophe is related to the Concealing Spirit Stone, but it shouldn't be considered a secret, right?"

"Of course not." Senior Wang Mang smiled.

Then he said, "Do those two know where the Spirit Concealing Stone is going?"

"I know this." Su Yu replied: "I heard from the seniors before that the hidden spirit stones in the whole country were confiscated by the first emperor of Qin and then destroyed."

Senior Wang Mang stroked his long beard and shook his head with a smile: "This is the key to the secret, in fact, these hidden spirit stones are not destroyed, but collected and used in other places.

Think about it, if you were the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, after obtaining such a useful thing, would you think about making good use of it? Or destroy it? "

"Of course... make good use of it."

"The Emperor Qin also had this idea at the time."

"Then how exactly did he use it?"

"This... Actually, I'm not very sure." Senior Wang Mang slowly shook his head and said:

"In the past six months, I have been investigating where these 'spiritual concealment stones' have gone, and the result is that when the first emperor was in power, he built a cemetery in Rongcheng, and the main structure was entirely made of 'spiritual concealment stones'.

Because this kind of stone can obscure the perception of our monks, it is best to use it to build a cemetery, and it will definitely not be targeted by the monks. Ordinary tomb robbers can’t do anything about it. "

"So that's what happened." Su Yu nodded.

It turns out that the tomb of Qin Shihuang is located in Rongcheng in the southwest instead of Chang'an.

It is no wonder that after so many years, people only found some terracotta warriors and horses in Chang'an, and no one found the real cemetery of the first emperor.

(end of this chapter)