Chapter 905: The Secret Realm of Sunlight (4) Race against time

Chapter 905 The Secret Realm of Sun Yao (4) Race against time

"Since the order of entry is followed, it will be easier to operate." Su Yu murmured.

Zhong Feng continued to add: "One more point, the current strength of the enemy in the cloud is the first-order median, I am in the early second-order, Su Yu, how much strength do you have?"

Because Su Yu's rank is higher than him, Zhong Feng can't see how much strength Su Yu has.

"My strength is probably the second peak." Su Yu replied.

"Well, this confirms one of my conjectures." Zhong Feng held his chin: "It seems that the secret realm has directly lowered our strength by five steps.

Su Yu, you are the peak of the seventh order, and your strength has been compressed to the peak of the second order;

I am a seventh-order lower rank, and my strength is compressed to a second-order lower rank;

The enemy in the cloud is the sixth-order median, and the strength is compressed to the first-order median…

According to this rule, people below the fifth rank are likely to be compressed into ordinary people. "

Zhong Feng's observations were very detailed, and that's why he brought out these two key pieces of information.

Su Yu nodded and said: "In this way, my second-order strength is also a small advantage."

The strength of the second-order peak can completely defeat ordinary people with one enemy, and the advantage in the process of fishing is definitely much greater than those adventurers who are compressed into ordinary people.

This advantage must be used well.

After talking about this, Su Yu got to the point: "By the way, do you understand the rules of the secret realm?"

"I understand." Zhong Feng nodded.

The two did not consider themselves outsiders, and sat on the leather seats used to entertain guests in the house.

After sat down, Zhong Feng continued: "This secret realm is completely a racing game.

We need to fish to get shell coins, and also consume shell coins to increase the efficiency of fishing.

Unfortunately, the items exchanged did not directly indicate the value of improving fishing efficiency. Otherwise, we only need to write a simple equation, and we can calculate the optimal solution for customs clearance. "

"Well, it's still the optimal solution for the 14-person version." Su Yu reminded: "Unless absolutely necessary, we will not give up any of our compatriots."

"Yeah." Zhong Feng sighed slightly: "It's easy for one person to do it, but 14 people have to get more than half of the quota, which is really difficult."

Su Yu handed Zhong Feng the exchange form he just wrote.

Zhong Feng took over the exchange list and stared at the numbers above, as if he had already started to calculate the optimal solution.

"Zhong Feng, I have one last question." Su Yu continued:

"Have you ever thought about this - we have nothing now, how do we get the first pot of gold?

And now we only have one or two levels of strength, we must eat and drink water, we must first get food to survive, and then we can consider other things... By the way, are you hungry now? "

"Uh, I'm still hungry." Zhong Feng replied.

Just now he was either looking around or immersed in thinking, and didn't pay much attention to whether he was hungry.

Now being asked by Su Yu, he immediately felt his stomach growling with hunger.

Low-level practitioners also have to eat, which is really troublesome.

Su Yu stood up and said, "I'm going to find a way to get some food, you wait here for Xiaoyun to come out."

"Okay." Zhong Feng nodded.

But he quickly reminded: "Su Yu, remember not to do anything against the rules like stealing, or else the gods may find out that the shell coins may be deducted."

"Understood." Su Yu waved his hand, got up and walked out.

Zhong Feng turned his attention back to the exchange list again.

However, when Su Yu was halfway there, he suddenly stopped.

Zhong Feng noticed that Su Yu stopped and looked up at him: "What's wrong?"

"That's right." Su Yu turned around and said, "According to the current rules, Mistress only sees someone for 5 minutes, right?"

"That's right."

"Or else, when Xiaoyun comes out, after you explain to him, you let him stay, you also go out to find food, and by the way, get close to the little blue man in the village.

About 70 minutes later, the mistress has seen all the Blue Star people. At that time, we have decided to gather in front of the house and have a meeting to discuss the future plan. What do you think? "

"Okay, so we won't waste time." Zhong Feng thought for a moment and immediately agreed.

But soon, he also put forward his own opinion: "Let Xiaoyun go out to find food after he comes out, I can stay here forever.

Because if Xiaoyun and the subsequent players stay in sequence, I am afraid that there will be deviations in the process of sending the message, such as the wrong time.

And I've been here to find time to study the optimal solution. "

"Okay, you can figure it out!"

Time was running out, Su Yu waved goodbye to Zhong Feng and left the house in a hurry.

In this secret realm, they must seize every minute and every second to do things, because for every second they delay, they may lose a member.

Su Yu is actually most worried about that kind of thing happening, that is, the participating adventurers sacrifice themselves and achieve others.

For example, two bald eagles joined this secret realm. After a period of hard work, they each got 500 shell coins.

But at this time, the amount of "Sunday Essence" was running out. If they continue to develop like this, none of them can only leave the secret realm.

In this case, a bald eagle chooses to sacrifice himself, hand over his 500 shell coins and let his companions leave.

It would be better if this happened only once or twice.

If it happens too many times, the Blue Star Humans will have to sacrifice some members to let others leave.

Su Yu didn't want to see any of his companions die here.

In order for everyone to leave safely, they must race against time, and not a second of time can be wasted.

Therefore, Su Yu left the house of the mistress with the fastest speed.

However, after walking out of the house, looking at this peaceful little village outside the door, Su Yu was suddenly at a loss.

Where is he going to get food without stealing?

When he was in college, he once watched a variety show. It was about throwing a person into a city without an ID card to see how that person would survive.

But the city is completely different from this small village.

In big cities, you can go to large supermarkets. There are many places where you can try snacks and fruits. If you really can’t, you can sneak into a big restaurant where a wedding banquet is being held and eat what others have left.

But in this small fishing village, it’s so hard to find something to eat!

Moreover, their first- and second-tier practitioners have a large appetite, and they have to eat several kilograms of food for a meal. This is not enough for the villagers to give a little alms.

"What should I do?" Su Yu's mind kept spinning.

After thinking about it for a while, he made a decision - go to Jenny first.

Jenny has a high status in the village and knows everything about the village very well.

Maybe from her, you can ask how to get food!

Coincidentally, Jenny just happened to be walking towards the mistress's house with the next little blue man.

Su Yu simply stood there, waiting for her to go out next time.

(end of this chapter)