Just when Li Chaoge wanted to find Ling Zhan.

However, he found that the familiar lonely figure had returned to the Dragon Kingdom preparation area.

This made Li Chaoge, who wanted to ask Ling Zhan what he had talked with that Princess Shengluni, but fell silent.

It seems that I am not qualified to ask where others have gone.

Opening her mouth suddenly will only make people find her annoying.

So Li Chaoge could only hold back his words abruptly.

Ling Zhan didn't pay any attention to this, and still kept his indifferent eyes on the screen.

The game is still going on.

It's just that compared with the first three matchups, the subsequent 29 games seem to be very time-consuming and procrastinated.


Quick wins are really not the norm in team games.

Think carefully.

This is a small-scale team battle with a total of 100 people VS 100 people if the number of monsters is counted.

Especially after the priest can continue to revive his teammates midway, and after the battle line is stretched and completely stuck in a stalemate, the normal game cannot be over within half an hour.

When 64 enters the top 32, the game is completely over.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon.

Officials took a look at the time and announced the next thing on the radio.

After an hour's rest, we will draw another round of 32 as today's final match.

The remaining games will continue tomorrow.

After all, it was getting late, and the longer it took, the worse the player's condition would be.

It is said that many players were resurrected after death, and then resurrected after death. While their mental state was extremely poor, their level and experience also dropped a lot.

There are even a few players who started at level 62, and after playing a game, they became level 52.

Just want to cry without tears.

Some people may think, isn't this kind of competition just for nothing to make people lose experience and level?

Wouldn't it be easier for players who lost their level experience to go to the front line to be buried in the hands of those monsters?

That's right...

To be able to keep dying in this kind of team competition means that the player is not strong enough.

Can those who are not strong enough put it on the battlefield?

The top officials of the country are not so stupid as to ask their own soldiers to deliver food to monsters.

At this time, teams from many countries have already started to substitute.

After all, the experience and level of the starting players dropped too seriously, which greatly affected their strength.

But the teams of those powerful countries are still the same, and no one loses level or experience.

An hour after officials announced a break.


Countless spectators clutched their bladders and ran out, rushing to drain the water.

In terms of the excitement of the competition, the team competition is undoubtedly more attractive than the individual competition.

The large-scale chaotic battle with constant bombing is more magnificent.

Many spectators held back abruptly in order not to miss a game.

"If you have the ability, we will be drawn again in this final match!"

A member of the Longguo team held a delicious lunch box and stood up with the flag in a joking tone.

Don't look at it as a box lunch.

But very rich.

All kinds of precious ingredients that only appear in high-end hotels on weekdays are all provided to the contestants and spectators.

The meals provided by the Holy Light Empire to all contestants and spectators are all cooked by the royal chef himself, and in order to take care of the food tastes of people from all over the world, they differentiate the cuisines of the countries and choose them at will.

That's why Warcraft tickets are so expensive.

The funniest thing is...

80% of the Korean audience, who has been clamoring that their country’s food is the world’s top, chose Chinese food, and gave a bad review after eating it.

It is said that the food in Longguo is really unpalatable, and it is not as good as the kimchi in our Koryo country.

However, the moment of slap came...

On the "National Job Transfer" APP, the Warcraft Tournament official launched a questionnaire survey for every audience who came to watch the game.

One of them is the 'Survey on Food Satisfaction'.

After clicking in, all viewers who bought tickets can rate the cuisines of major countries.

found by official statistics.

Nearly 90% of audiences from other countries gave favorable comments to Longguo Cuisine.

Only the Korean audience collectively gave negative reviews.

Look at the number of clicks on the cuisine.

Korean cuisine is rated as '10%', all of which are negative reviews.

Longguo Cuisine has a rating of '85%' and nearly 90% of positive comments. Most of the negative comments are from viewers in Koryo and Fusang.

It has to be said that the trick of 'pick up the bowl to eat and put down the bowl to scold your mother' was understood by these two arms.


These are all interesting little episodes.

Facts have proved that sometimes the mouth of teammates will always open.

Especially when he was setting up Flag.

The moment the break ends.

The lively auditorium fell silent.

The passionate announcement of the official commentary sounded again.

"Then announce the two teams that will finish today's team competition."


"The Goddess team from the forest of elves, against the panda team from the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Let us welcome the two teams to the field with applause!"

The voice fell.


There was warm applause and uproar.

A very strong look of anticipation appeared on the faces of every audience member again.

"Okay! Today's last final match actually has the Dragon Kingdom team!"

"I wonder if the authorities deliberately targeted that undisciplined person..."

"This is fun. The Elven Forest team was the last championship team! And this year's Dragon Kingdom team has the existence of that jobless individual, and its potential cannot be ignored!"

"I didn't expect these two teams to meet so early..."


Fairy Forest Team VS Dragon Country Team!

The previous team champion VS the dark horse team with the most potential!

A jobless casual person who has just written a legendary record has to face this top-notch champion team in terms of strength and cooperation!

Is it the jobless Sanren who led the team to defeat this championship team and continue to move towards the 'double crown'...

Or is this group of fair-skinned and beautiful female elves killing legends and continuing the road to champions?

Everything is expected!

This is a battle full of highlights!

This draw can be said to raise the atmosphere that had been silenced by the intermission.

When two teams come to power and confront each other.

Princess Lorna, with blond hair and golden eyes, and a noble and elegant temperament, just looked at the scattered figure.

She had heard about this man's name more than once from her sister Anna.

At first she didn't care.

After all, in this world of changing jobs, there are no surprises, and it's nothing if there is a strange thing that doesn't change jobs.

But what she never expected was that today this man stood in front of her, giving her a full sense of oppression, and became the most difficult stumbling block for her to overthrow.

Especially in the previous individual competition, after she witnessed her best friend Sheng Luni, who was always invincible in the past, being beaten to the head by this man's fists, her heart became more and more afraid of this man.

Even the female elves behind Lorna looked at that lonely and arrogant figure with a complex look of fear and awe.

Not yet at war.

The Elf team is already in a state of panic.