
"I still lost..."

Lounge No. 1 in the free federation preparation area.

Norton, who had been successfully resurrected, was lying on the bed with an expression of disbelief on his pale cheeks.

until now...

He still seems unable to accept this cruel fact.

Before he died, he was deprived of all authority, as if being punished by a supreme **** in the cruelest way.

When he opened his eyes again and saw himself appearing in the waiting room, he already knew that he was defeated!

And it was a fiasco!

After the second death, the level that was finally regained dropped even more outrageously.

From level 69 to level 61 directly!

A full 8 levels have been dropped!

Next to Norton, sat a group of team members who were also pale and depressed.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but at this moment, he seems to be able to hear the outside world's scolding and ridicule towards him and the Freedom Federation.

Damn it!


Norton couldn't help but punched the table next to him!


The table cracked instantly, startling the surrounding teammates!

At this moment, Norton had gloomy eyes, gritted his teeth, and couldn't restrain the impotent anger from his heart.

Why! ?


He is an unemployed person, how can he defeat me, the proud son of heaven with the blood of Chaos Demon, so easily! ?

The key is that I didn't underestimate the enemy!

All the skills and means that can be used are used directly!

The teammates on the side opened their mouths, trying to persuade the captain.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to open his mouth after all, for fear that he would also be implicated by this incompetent anger.

Teammates such as Ling Zhan and Li Chaoge also returned to the preparation area.

To say shocking...

In fact, your teammates are the most shocking.

During the period of exile, they were sitting on pins and needles while waiting in the chaotic world.

No matter how they use skills to bombard this chaotic space, it won't work.

At that time, they were still thinking desperately, what if Ling Zhan was dealt with first.

Even Li Chaoge was very worried.

Only those three divine beasts and beautiful girls sat cross-legged in this chaotic space, fighting against the landlord.

It turns out...

Their worries are indeed unnecessary.

And once again, many players felt that they were simply making up the numbers.

"Oh, lie down and win again."

"Don't sigh, it's a good thing to win. Other national teams want to lie down and get rewards like us, but they can't do it."

"It seems that what you said is true..."

"Having won the Freedom Federation, the only remaining strong team now seems to be the Royal Team of the Holy Light Empire?"

"For us, it does."


Returned to the preparation area.

The team members looked at Ling Zhan with more and more admiration in their eyes.


One hit forty!

And he won with full blood!

This has exceeded everyone's expectations.

When they were exiled, they still thought that they hoped that Ling Zhan would hold on outside, and as long as they could come out of the chaotic world, they could help them.

Unexpectedly, after coming out, people are stupid.

"Master, I regret it now..."

"I regret that I offended this guy back then. Fortunately, that guy didn't punch me to death. Now it seems that he was merciful."

Nine-tailed Sky Fox stood beside Li Chaoge, and said in a faint voice.

Li Chaoge sighed when he heard the words.

She sighed because she was glad that her beast was not killed by a single punch.

Instead, he was troubled by Ling Zhan's coldness and unfemininity.

It is said that men chase women's interlayer mountain, and women chase men's interlayer yarn.

It's not common here.

And so far...

I never saw that Ling Zhan was interested in any type of women.

Is he the same?

That's not right either...

I haven't seen him have any inclinations in this direction so far.

Who is Ling Zhan closest to...

It seems that Meng Shuang is the only girl left.

Think here.

Li Chaoge's delicate body shook suddenly.

She suddenly remembered the little girl with blue hair who was picked up by Ling Zhan in the secret realm of the dungeon...


Could he be Loli control? ?

If this guess is true...

Is there any secret way to make yourself smaller?

Li Chaoge suddenly fell into deep thought.

The 16-to-8 match still continues.

When the game ended, the time came to sunset, and the list of the quarterfinals was officially announced.

Currently promoted are…

dragon country.

Holy Light Empire.

Night Empire.

Dwarven Empire.

Amethyst Empire.

Rus Empire.

The Beast King's Court.

Undead Empire.

The previous seven countries are all familiar faces.

The Dark Night Empire is a kingdom of blood clans, and its prince, Andy Haldane, also became the defeated opponent of Ling Zhan in the individual competition.

The Amethyst Empire, that is, the empire to which the prince who was killed by Ling Zhan at the party belongs to. The prince's second uncle is a level 100 rank four Martial God, Prince Luo Wei.

The Ross Empire, a good friend of the Dragon Kingdom, is also called the Kingdom of the Giant Bear by the outside world.

As for the Orc King's Court...

Well, this is actually a less popular empire.

The main reason is that the various evil deeds committed by the orcs in the past are still unforgettable.

Although it has been reformed now, it will not make people like it.

The last country is raw faces.

But very special.

It is said that this new country appeared in this world out of thin air a year ago.

And the residents in this empire are all undead.

It's just different from zombies.

Zombies have no will, but they still retain their own will, and their food is not human meat, but a kind of flavored fruit produced in their own country.

It is worth mentioning that…

The level of undead magic in this country is top-notch.

In the individual competition, Prince Hess Loren of the Undead Empire is also the favorite to win the championship.

It's just a pity that the luck was extremely unlucky, and he met a priest of the Holy Spirit as his opponent in front of him, but he was perfectly restrained and lost miserably.

can only say…

Sometimes luck is also part of strength.

Now it is making a comeback in the team competition.

Because they have found a way to counter the holy magic.


No one expected that they had just entered the quarterfinals.

The three truly strong teams, the Freedom Federation, the Elf Forest, and the Twilight Empire, were eliminated in advance and missed the top eight.

But the game that followed was just as exciting.

Especially the collision between the Dragon Kingdom and the Holy Light Empire!

at the moment.

Sunset on the west hills.

The official commentary also seized the time and announced the final result of the lottery!

The top eight battle information table also jumped on the screen.

It is worth mentioning that…

Players from many countries were secretly praying that they would not encounter the Freedom Federation team.

But now, they began to pray that they would not meet the Dragon Kingdom team.

The difference is truly embarrassing.