But it was just such a tiny silver needle.

But it made everyone in the audience completely stunned!


"Silver needle!?"

"It turned out to be a silver needle!?"

The audience on the field were all surprised.

Even the heads of the legions of various countries, as well as the 100-level powerhouses of the underground organization, all changed their faces!

The reason is that after they saw the silver needle, they subconsciously thought of an extremely ancient profession unique to the Dragon Kingdom!

Chinese Warlock!

The weapon of this profession is the silver needle!

The reason why it is said to be extremely ancient is because even in today's Dragon Kingdom, it is difficult for you to find powerful Chinese medicine warlocks.

The vast majority of Chinese medicine warlocks, after changing jobs, basically work in Minsheng Hospital.

The reason for this is that the healing effect of this profession's skills is too slow before the third rotation.

It's not like a priest, who refills it with a sip of milk.

Most of the skills of Chinese Warlocks are biased towards slow healing.

Only after three rotations, its healing amount will suddenly increase.

But for ordinary job changers, it is basically impossible to choose this profession.

The bar is really high.

When you are in the first or second rank, it is impossible for others to team up with you in the dungeon!


to be honest.

For the profession of Chinese medicine warlock, even after you reach the third rank, the amount of milk is not much different from other auxiliary professions.

On the amount of milk, the gap between various methods...

It was opened at the fourth turn!

The four turns of Chinese medicine warlocks: miracle doctor.

It is the strongest auxiliary profession in the world!

And only when you have reached the realm of rank four, can you fully display the specialties and advantages of this profession!

In particular, the awakening passive "living dead, flesh and bones" after the fourth turn of this profession can allow Chinese medicine warlocks to bring people back to life with a silver needle without consuming any mana at all, let alone using skills.

And even if your original spiritual body is damaged, as long as it is not completely broken, it can be repaired directly!

This is on the battlefield, in terms of recovering thousands of wounded patients at every turn, Chinese medicine warlocks can apply group healing without interruption throughout the process.

Invisible silver needles are attached to each soldier's body one after another, providing them with a steady stream of extremely high gain effects.

And the moment a soldier dies, he can directly pull the opponent up.

But here comes the problem.

For ordinary job changers, who can reach the threshold of the fourth job changer?

Basically can't go.

Even those children from wealthy families, they dare not choose this profession, because even they cannot guarantee that they can turn four.

So much so that this unique profession is not only rare in the Dragon Kingdom, but the top ones are even rarer!


Although the amount of milk in the early stage of this profession is relatively low, it is indeed stronger than other auxiliary professions in terms of combat effectiveness.

The silver needle in one hand has the effect of ignoring any defense and magic resistance of the opponent.

At this time, some people may think that the silver needle is too perverted?

If you think that way you are wrong.

Although it ignores any defense and magic resistance.

However, if the silver needle cannot accurately penetrate the opponent's acupuncture point, it will not cause any damage to the enemy.

It is precisely because of this mechanism that the fighting style of this profession is also very difficult.

at the moment.

No one expected to see the silver needle again from Ling Zhan's body.

And it precisely penetrated the Achilles' heel of McMillen's head.

What can be seen from the traces on this ghost-human race is...

This unemployed casual man perfectly escaped McMiear's sledgehammer attack from the very beginning.

McMillan's profession has a very high reduction even for real damage.

So much so that his fighting style is to open and close, and he doesn't care about his own flaws at all.

Because it was impossible for all the opponents he met in the past to defeat him in an instant.

Even Li Sheng, the Son of the Devil's Landing...

Will not work!

He will use wounds to stimulate the bloodiness of his ghost-human race, and exert more powerful attribute gain passives.


He should never have...

Use this fighting method to fight Ling Zhan.

Enemies from the past are hard to kill him instantly, but Ling Zhan is not an enemy from the past!

This is a jobless person who can kill you instantly as long as you give him the slightest chance!


The backswing of the giant hammer attack was too big, and after Ling Zhan easily dodged it with a retreat step, he approached with a 'shun step'.

The whole process didn't even take a single breath.

Then there is a primary skill 'Broken Neck' from a fighter.

[Broken Neck (A+): Shot to break the target's neck, causing damage and at the same time giving the opponent a huge stiffness. 】

The A+-level neck crook did not kill McMimel instantly, but he fell into a huge rigidity for half a second because of it.

It was during this half-second of stiffness that a silver needle flew out of Ling Zhan's sleeve, and then firmly inserted it into the Achilles' heel of the opponent's head.

Not only life, but also the original spirit body is completely penetrated.

In the end, as if just in case, he released a neck bend again, which completely twisted McMeer's neck.

The appearance of death is not miserable.

But it looks extremely funny.


There is no need for any sympathy for these heinous villains.

Countless innocent people died at their hands.

Regarding the death of McMillen, the outside audience would only applaud, how could they feel pity?

"MacMiel! Damn it!"

"Excellent! As expected of me, Lingshen, I will solve a big disaster with a single shot!"

"Ling Shen seems to know some acupuncture methods of Chinese medicine warlocks, right? Otherwise, how could he hit the opponent's Acupuncture so accurately?"

"Really, because if the silver needle misses the acupuncture point, it won't cause any harm."

"Damn! Lingshen feels really omnipotent! He can do everything with knives, guns, sticks, and now he is extremely proficient in acupuncture techniques!"

"Who knows how much blood and sweat he shed behind his back? I've heard that even on the day of the World Warcraft Double Championship, he was still in the training room..."

"Damn it! No wonder Lingshen is so fierce. Some sour dogs say that Lingshen only relies on talent. May I ask who can stick to his original intention like Lingshen?"


The praise for Ling Zhan on the court sounded again.

The reserve members of the legions of various countries, after hearing these discussions, looked at each other in blank dismay, and at the same time, endless shame emerged.


There are also quite a few people here who think that Ling Zhan only got to where he is today by relying on talent.

Now being awakened by someone, he is too ashamed to look up.

The hustle and bustle of the outside world is in stark contrast to the chilling atmosphere in the secret battlefield.