
Just as they thought.

Meng Zhang was indeed disgusting them on purpose.

But General Pross and other generals were helpless.

"If you don't open the door again, we will attack by force!"

In desperation, another general couldn't help but speak, trying to force the other party to open the door.

However, those defenders laughed all of a sudden.

Smile brightly.

At the same time, but also very cold smile!

"Then you will be regarded as the enemy army!"

"General Meng Zhang has an order! During the closure of the city, whoever dares to attack the city will be regarded as a spy!"

"At that time, we can activate the strongest defensive barrier in the capital of the Heavenly Demon to resist the attacks of everyone, and at the same time, we will annihilate you in one fell swoop!"

"I advise all generals not to be impulsive! The best choice is to wait for the military order of General Meng Zhang with peace of mind!"

When the defender's words fell.

He waved his hand lightly.


Sure enough, the huge magic defense array in the capital city of Heavenly Demon is fully functioning.

The terrifying and powerful magic power is completely running along the magic vein, and the sky is full of stars and stars.

More importantly...

There are still mighty blue thunder elements surging on the magic circle, forming an elemental green dragon, hovering over the capital city of the demon, a pair of dragon eyes full of hostility overlooking the major imperial legions outside the city wall.

Everyone knows that no matter who dares to act rashly at this time, then this elemental blue dragon will attack thoroughly.

Treat them as sworn enemies.


"This Meng Zhang actually personally took action to strengthen the magic circle in the capital of the Heavenly Demon!"

Although General Prouss is not a world-class powerhouse, his strength is not weak.

But that was the case, but the magic circle in front of him still brought him great pressure.

Let him not dare to touch half a point easily.

"This Meng Zhang is determined not to let us share the merits!"

"Hey! To be honest, if I knew this earlier, why bother? Go back, don't continue to embarrass yourself here."

"Go back, go back..."

Everyone is a person with a head and a face.

It's even more impossible to get in now.

If you continue to stay here, you will only embarrass yourself even more.

So it's better to go back quickly.

Accept this failure and regret.

"Hmph! I must report the matter here to the Holy Academy!"

"They even regarded us as enemy troops to guard against!"

"It's not conducive to unity at all!"

"Where is this still a transferred joint legion? It's just a word of their Dragon Kingdom!"

General Pross is a dude.

Not willing to do so.

What happened this time not only made him lose his achievements, but also his face.

Hearing the words, the other generals just shook their heads silently.


Also reported to the Holy Academy?

I'm afraid it won't do anything!

You must know that they made an agreement with Qinglong Mengzhang before.

If the Heavenly Demon Capital City is successfully taken down, there will be no credit for it!

It's no use regretting it now.

Even when it came to the Holy Academy, those old guys wanted to support General Pross, but they were powerless.

When the defenders on the city wall heard what they said, they showed a faint smile.

No panic at all.

"Go! Go to the north wall!"

"Try it there!"

It is naturally impossible for General Pross to be reconciled easily.

"I advise everyone not to go, General Ling Zhan should have also issued an order to close the city."

"You will have made a trip in vain then."

"After all, we closed the city to prevent the remnants of the Ten Thousand Demons from escaping from here."

The defender's words can be said to be flawless.

There is no violation of the alliance agreement at all.

General Pross was so angry that his face turned red, turning into a liver color.

Even the generals of the Holy Light Empire are helpless now.


You should trust Ling Zhan.

No matter what, this Ling Zhan defeated Princess Sheng Luni, who was known as the peerless arrogance, at the Holy Light Empire.

Now Princess Sheng Luni is also in Ling Zhan's army.

Logically speaking, he should believe it, but now he can only regret it.

"Camp in place!"

"When the city gate opens, let's go in again!"

The general of the Holy Light Empire has already resigned.

The other generals also sighed helplessly, ordering the legion members to camp and wait.

This waited for five hours.

It is very troublesome to kill the remnants of the Ten Thousand Demons, mainly because the capital of the Heavenly Demons is too big, and those Ten Thousand Demons know how to hide, and some of them can even get into the ground.

In order to completely exterminate all the evils of all demons, Qinglong Mengzhang and Ling Zhan have also given orders.

Even if it is to dig three feet into the ground, all the remnants of the Ten Thousand Demon Race will be wiped out directly.

There will be no survivors left.

In addition, all the energy control rooms are occupied.

As the big city in front of the Ten Thousand Demons Fortress, the Heavenly Demon Capital City has very important geographical location and strategic significance, and it must be thoroughly cleaned and taken down.


This also means that the feats of occupying here are much more than imagined.


It is estimated that the Ten Thousand Demons did not expect that Ling Zhan, who was originally divided into three groups, would suddenly cross such a long distance and directly insert himself into the frontal battlefield.

Such a surprise strategy made him succeed.

In addition, the ambush in the Nether Forest waited for nothing.

As the saying goes, the battlefield changes rapidly.

The more you don't follow a fixed path, the easier it is to succeed.

The main reason is that the enemy did not expect such an attack.

The point is that neither of the two extremely powerful Wan Mozun could stop this jobless individual.

This is an exaggeration.

so far.

The battle for the Heavenly Demon Capital has officially come to an end.

Under the order of Qinglong Mengzhang.

The Heavenly Demon Capital finally opened its gates.

Seeing this, the legions of various countries stationed outside also walked in one after another.

However, to their disappointment...

Sure enough, the Heavenly Demon Capital City did not leave any meritorious deeds. All the Ten Thousand Demons were killed, and every stronghold, fort, and central control room was completely occupied.

The meritorious deeds were completely wiped out, and nothing was left for them.


Seeing this scene, the legions of various countries sighed one after another.

Feeling helpless, at the same time, he also complained a little about his own general.

after all…

Everyone went to the battlefield and came here with the determination to die, just to get meritorious service.

As a result, following this general, he couldn't get any merits, so it was a bit uncomfortable.

Seeing the happy faces of the legion members of the Dragon Kingdom and the Amethyst Empire, they felt extremely bitter in their hearts.

General Pross directly entered the tallest Ten Thousand Demons Tower in the middle of the Heavenly Demon City.

This has become a meeting room.

Qinglong Mengzhang and Ling Zhan have been waiting here for a long time.

"Meng Zhang! What do you mean?" General Pross and others asked angrily as soon as they came in.

This seems to be the head start.

However, Meng Zhang was not afraid at all, he just asked lightly: "General Pross, dare to ask me what Meng Zhang did wrong?"