503 Chapter 537 Reward

The battle of all parties is in full swing.

Time is also slowly changing.

In the last evening, the battle has also ended.

After the sun is completely down on the mountain.

All members, mutually supported back to the guild.

Among them, the last person, each is happy, I want to know what kind of reward of Carl.

As for those who have no quota, there is nothing to be good.

Anyway, it is a family.

When the final seven people appeared in front of Carl, he did not have much objection.

Because this is similar to what he wants.

Even Makarov is also very pleased.

However, due to the seven places, there is no order, so there is no one who is first, who is the first to say this.

Anyway, it will win.

The rule is as simple.

After all, this is not an orthodox game, there is no need to get so serious.

Even their scoring method is also the same grass rate.

It is supported by a person who is full of Karl.

So he also probably knows their record.

"The winning quota of the first monster tail fight is Ai Lusha, Luo, Yintel, Naz, Gray, Gaji, Zhu Bi'an,"

With the sound of Carl, seven people look at each other.

This is also a small honor for them.

"However, this rule is temporary, even prizes are all IT, so it may be a little simple, you don't care about this detail."

Said, Carl uses fifty trading points, exchanged the strengthening agent in five systems.

For Indore and Ronal, they are familiar with this strengthening agent.

And both two have been used, and there is no effect.

So Karl's reward for these two people is changed, which can help them save a talker.

This thing is one hundred transactions, it is not very expensive, but it is very practical.

Because this thing will resist once, it is enough to fatally harm.

However, there are six or seven things in Luo and Intis, and give it to one, it looks a bit bloated.

Just Carl's current transaction point, not a lot, he is not very good, you can take things.

However, In Tier and Luo have not mind.

After all, this kind of life is too small.

Coupled with them with Karl so long, the benefits of this, almost also got it.

Naturally, there is nothing to complain.

What's more, participate in this mixed war, both of them are only for their interest.

As for rewards, they don't care at all.

It is the five people who look at the intensive agents in the hand, I don't know what this is.

But they can feel it, this thing contains an energy.

This energy is very pure, nor is it very powerful, even if you take it, it will never cause harm to the body.

"Carl, what is this, drink directly? Still need to use other rituals?"

"Don't use any ritual, this is the strengthening medicine I have studied, which can enhance your body.

However, there is no other effect, but you will drink it first, after drinking, I have a surprise to you. "

"Hahahaha, there is a surprise, then I will be welcome!"

Without any hesitation, Naz This is a small bottle of Direct 'tonne tonne.

The rest of the people are also drinking.

Subsequently ...

No changes have occurred.

With their physique, even unable to find their physique, it has been enhanced.

But this is also normal.

Because this reinforcing agent is very low, the most is to let a general person who has three times the force.

This is only.

But this thing, the most important effect is that people can learn other world-capacity.

Although this physique, a little deviation occurs because of personal talent problems.

However, this is nothing to do.

The impact is not very big.

After Karl saw that they had drunk, then redeemed two bottles to Makarov and Miraje.

"One of your two is the president, a helping me have made a referee, and I still have an exercise for an afternoon, and you also have a copy.

I don't have to refuse, this kind of thing is much, if I am willing, everyone sends a one.

But if you get something on my body, it is not so easy, at least you need to make some contributions.

In addition, Makarov, you have another thing, don't forget our bet. "

Carl, is handed over to them, then put his eyes on Luo and Ai Laha.

"The battle of your two, who is finally win? Is it difficult to really?"

Carl open inquiry.

He used to see the hand screen.

But I will see you, some details will not see, and then Makarov doesn't believe it will be flat.

So Karl is planning to ask.

But the result is still flat.

Both two admitted that this is to let Carl have not thought.

But think about it, Ai Laha has to practice so long, naturally make progress.

And Luo arrived here, there is no way to give full strength.

It is also normal.

In this way, Makarov and Carl, exchange his bet.

Carl looked at the crystal in his hand, showing a smile, then put it.

This thing is not worth value, but it is still quite good.

And it's quite good. If you can, Carl is planning to take him.

"This medicine is really amazing, I really feel my vitality, there is an increase in growth, and even the magic has also increased.

How did your kid do it, is it ... "

In the words, Macalov did not continue to say.

Because this is the secret between them.

Makarov promised to pass Carl, and the three people did not come from the foreign world, telling other people.

If this is exposed, it is easy to cause confusion.

Even if the members of the guild can believe, it will not hold some people's mouth, or they will say a vulnerability.

At that time, it will still cause some unnecessary trouble.

Carl is nodd from Makarov and does not move, and then takes out a few books.

This book is described above, it is a way to see a domineering and armed torque.

Several people have been improved, and they can practice the ability of the One Piece world.

Carl naturally does not take the tyrants.

And there is his person's personal teaching, the degree of learning of these people will definitely be very fast!