553 Chapter 553: Treatment

"It's an eight-black red soul ring configuration. How is this possible ?!"

"Is this how human can you get? It is too terrible!"

Snow Night and Snow Staride of the side, at the same time.

Their two reactions are basically solitary, and the first start to see the reaction after the Carl Soul ring.

Solitary present is now very laughing.

But he forcibly lifted it.

Because of his words, he and Karl were thoughtfully, so I knew that Carl's soul rings were so right.

So he can't laugh, be sure to let it live!

But soon, he can't help but laugh.

After all, this scene is really a lot of laugh.

Especially the shocked pictures of the Tiangou royal family, I am afraid it can see this in this life.

"Solitary, you just don't laugh, you can't tell me before, you still have such an exaggerated title brother!"

Snow night sighed.

He was shocked by the Soul of Carl, and the whole person is in a half-way state.

However, Snow Star is more miserable than him.

This person is completely covered, and the brain is a blank, and even the guards need to be supported to maintain the balance of the body.

It is conceivable that after seeing these soul rings, he has received a fierce shock.

"Hahahaha, you haven't asked me before, but my brother's strength is more than this, he is the Super Douro!

With these soul rings, even if you encounter a legend, 99th stemmark, that is, the ultimate fighting of your mouth, you can have a battle!

If he can successfully advance to ninety-nine, I am afraid it will be directly not as good as half of the body, but it is unfortunately ... "

Be a full set of play.

Before Carl said that he was in the starry forest, it closed for more than ten years.

Solitary is also slippery along the slope, helping Carl perfect its background setting.

There is a solitary lining next to it. At the same time, he talks to two, which makes people feel high!

This kind of speech level is enough to see that solitary is also a workplace old oil.

"Grandpa? Absorb the soul ring, and the soul is also upgraded to thirteen ...?"

"What is this! Baxin and one red! Monster!"

Solo geese just absorbed the soul ring, running over and showing your hundred years of yellow soul ring, I want to find a solitary life.

But she just came over, I saw the soul ring on Carl, and because of the frightening, I was directly fainted!

See this scene.

Solitary eating is shocked.

Carl is also the upper limit of the moment, check the body of the solo geese.

He doesn't want to be due to an accident, causing a solitary life with yourself.

Although this is nothing affected to Carl, if it really happened, it is too pitted!

Fortunately, I didn't have anything in the solo geese, just because of the simple scared kingdom, plus the previous absorption of the soul ring, consumed too much spirit, leading to the spirit, and fainted.

As long as she sleeps, she basically recovers the original, and even does not need treatment.

After this conclusion, Karl and solitary two were relieved.

Xiao Dance saw this scene, to Carl's evaluation, and put a layer.

After seeing the snow night, it is very good to determine the relationship between Carl and Solitary.

According to his understanding, if they are not having a bad.

Carl is impossible, so quickly came to the body before the solitary, checked her body.

"Solitary, your suggestion I accept, the strength of Carl, makes me rush.

I agree to let Karle, become our royal family,

Only, we have the Tiangou Empire, there is no ninety-eight level title, and there is no precedent, inviting such a high-level royal family.

Therefore, about the sorrow of Carl, please study, but you can choose at any time, I will send you someone else!

And the Royal College, ready to open your sister, she can go in to learn the royal knowledge and cultivate the course. "

When I heard the other party, the Carlled nodded and touched the head of the little dance.

"I will teach the little dance personally, I don't have to worry about you.

Although I am not a professional teacher, I will teach others such a thing, I still have a little experience.

However, the little dance is to go to the Tianduology School, learn the royal etiquette and knowledge, which is essential for girls, but also add your charm! "

Carl's last sentence is to look at the karaoke.

The little dance is a nod, and it is also full of expectations.

She knows that the meaning of the words of Carl this is to let the little dance, more quickly integrate into the human world.

Only in this way can she quickly cultivate and become more powerful.

The cultivation method of the soul beast is not a bit less than normal.

The little dance not only does not need hunting soul beast, and even the cultivation of refining is not very needed.

Because she is in the moment, she is not growing, even if she is self-cultivation, but it is increasing.

However, if the human beings are quickly quickly, she gets faster when she gets the soul.

The soul of the body will be more and more faint.

Although it is not completely disappeared, most of the time, can also pass the strength of the head.

"Snow Night Emperor, About My Question, you just look at it, don't have much, after all, I will not be bad."

When I heard Carl, I nodded, but I didn't put it on my heart.

Carl said that you can come casually, but snow can't really give it.

Give Carl's salary, at least a level of Due to Duo Luo.

This is a respect for Carl, and it is also a contract for both parties.

If the sky is encountered, he must represent the Tianzheng Royal Royal House.

So this kind of words, listening is good, there is no need to be true.

The snow is not less.

"Solitary, you take your granddaughter to rest, I am going to turn around here."

"Okay, I know, then the old man will tell."

I nodded alone, and then hugged the boxing in the snow, and then left here.

Look at the speed of his leaving, it is obviously very worried that the geese is sleeping here.

Although said, the world's soul is physically and high.

But her age is very small, plus she is just a tentiece soul teacher, the physical quality is naturally not very high.

What's more, she is still the blood of the solitary, and her toxins in the body have not built milk.

But once sick, it is more important than the average person.

This is the solitary blush brought double pain.

It is also a problem that Carl needs to solve.

Because of the previous time, I said these, and Carl also agreed to help solve solitary, solve the toxin in the alone.