Chapter 244: : Jiang Long to vote

During the conversation, Xu Haotian showed a dude, proud and defiant. Huang Shaotian couldn't help but despise Xu Haotian. I feel that Xu Haotian is just a family boy who has lost his luck. No climate can be achieved. The empire need not worry. There is no need to solicit this child. Because the empire doesn't need dudes.

Xu Haotian's conversation with Huang Shaotian fully demonstrated the standard appearance of a proud dude.

Jiang Ziya and others stood behind Xu Haotian, their faces calm. However, Xu Haotian praised Xu Haotian in his heart. Such abundance and extension, the clever and decisive lord impressed them in their hearts.

"His Royal Highness, one force has now been resolved. You can concentrate on dealing with those larger forces."

As soon as Huang Shaotian left, Jiang Ziya said to Xu Haotian with a smile.

"Paralyze the enemy, and then take advantage of it. Taigong, your strategy is simply terrific. I now have you Jiang Taigong, Wu has all the strong. It is hard for this huge emperor to walk sideways."

At the same time, Huang Shaotian, who had just left Xu Haotian in the imperial Wencheng Hall, hurriedly arrived at the palace and told the current saint the details of his trip. Including my own views on Xu Haotian.

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured. And there is no need to waste your mind to solicit this. Because this Xu Haotian is an out-and-out dude. He is not only arrogant and arrogant, but also short-sighted. There is nothing that a strong man should have. attitude."

"If it's like what you said, then the reason why so many strong people came here is purely accidental, and it's a **** luck. In this case, we really don't need to focus on this person. Then, let’s focus on those geniuses who have just appeared."

"What are you talking about? The current academician went to Xu Haotian with the imperial decree? Could it be that the court also met Xu Haotian?"

"No matter which force needs a genius. Especially a genius like Xu Haotian. It is no surprise that the court is eyeing Xu Haotian."

"It's okay. The court is now collectively emptied by all forces. Geniuses like Xu Haotian are not in their turn at all. They just have some leftover soup and leftovers."

"Send an envoy again to recruit Xu Haotian. Remember, put all your pride away from me. I need talents, not slaves."

The actions of the imperial court were immediately known to all parties. The larger forces can still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and are still observing, but the weaker forces can't sit still. Can they be stronger than the empire no matter how strong they are. Therefore, with a fluke, they seized the opportunity before the empire succeeded. Get Xu Haotian.

No matter what the outside is. Xu Haotian in the resident was unusually calm. Just on this day, I deliberately learned about the points situation of each country after the first round. Especially the princes of various countries, and let people prepare a list of the princes of each country most likely to become the next monarch.

After all, he just triggered the main mission. And it is still possible to upgrade the system. He will naturally take it to heart. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and one another is never end.

"Amitabha! The little monk descends to the dragon and Arhat see His Royal Highness."

This day,

A small and hard working monk came to the resident. As soon as he saw Xu Haotian, he prayed with a smile on his face.

"The dragon descending Arhat of the eighteen arhats finally appeared. Although only one appeared, but with the addition of the first Fuhu Arhat, there are now two Arhats. After gathering the remaining sixteen Arhats, he can complete another one. The main task is now."