Chapter 105 Saving Marin! Teacher-Student Reunion! 1

Name:God Of All Systems Author:
Within the now chaotically destroyed ancestor hall of the ancient fairies, Athena, Anna and Thalia stood in different spots within the enormously spacious hall as they each maintained their overbearing demeanors. Standing on the squashed head of the ancient fairy, Anna turned around and began walking away from the corpse with her mini self following her; the mini version of Anna also had the same expression as her. Anna then casually threw the severed head in her hand to the side as she spoke.

"So much for Saint Ancestors."

"When Marin said on the message that these people can control time, space, and reality, I was expecting a little entertainment; how pathetic. It almost got me excited."

Thalia's voice sounded at the other end of the large hall as she hovered over a melted pile of meat. The melted pile of meat seemed to be the liquified corpses of the three ancient fairies she fought. The multi-colored wisp casually floated on her left shoulder as it radiated with vibrant and endless godly energy. Turning around slowly, Thalia steadily drifted towards the center of the hall, where the black book was before it was absorbed into the void. The wisp drifted with her.

Being the only Goddess who didn't bloodily and mercilessly obliterate her targets, Athena levitated in the space with the long, intricately designed 'Death Impending Spear' in her right hand pointed downwards. The long spear beamed with the 'Death' and 'Chaos' essences like a beating heart. Athena slowly began drifting towards the center of the hall as the spear instantly vanished from her hand. Athena then held her left index finger as the void at the center of the hall willingly opened instantly, revealing the black book. Athena then spoke.

"What an interesting book. With this, the fairy race could be the most powerful race in its galaxy, or possibly in this entire universe; but why would Marin tear a page from it? And since there is another missing page, I'm assuming there must be another runaway or outcast like Marin trying to hinder the goal of the ancient fairies."

Listening to Athena speak, Anna and Thalia steadily approached her as they stared at the black book hovering in the space. The book was completely black; there weren't any magical or runic designs on the book like one would expect from an item or object owned by magical beings. The book didn't emit any energy or essence; it was like any ordinary book if one didn't know any better. The ordinary-looking book floated in the center of the hall opened, with there only been a single attached page to it.

Athena, Anna, and Thalia approached the book as their system interfaces displayed the book's information. Even though they didn't necessarily need their systems to tell them the book's information as they could see the verity of everything with but a glance, the three Goddesses still used their systems interfaces.

[Item: The Pages of Akashic (Incomplete); Borrowed by the God Tribunal of the Magic Multiverse twelve trillion god cycles ago using his 'God Tribunal soul' as an exchange from the 'Omniscient Ruler,' AKASHIC, the God Tribunals of the magic multiverse used the three pages of akashic to research the past, present, and future of anything in existence - But to activate the book, one would need the power of a God Tribunal - Can only predict for existences lower than the user]

The three Goddesses read the data on their system interfaces. Athena waved her hand, canceling the interface from her view, speaking after.

"For leaders of their race and maybe their universe, these ancient fairies were simply a bunch of delusional idiots. Even if they managed to obtain all three pages, they still wouldn't be able to utilize the book as they can't provide the power to manipulate such an item. I think I know why Marin and the other fairy took the pages; it was mainly to prevent these fools from bringing imminent doom on the fairy race and this miniature magic universe."

"Well, that's interesting; now we have to find out what caused the whatever Tribunal of the magic multiverse to seek the aid of akashic; more adventure for us either way. And it looks like Marin's little fairy race is more deeply mysterious than we thought."

Thalia humorously expressed as the multi-colored wisp floating beside her slowly transformed into a bracelet and attached itself to her left wrist.

"Well, I think my teacher Marin would be the better interpreter for her people's actions."

Anna spoke. Then, she looked up as she saw past the destroyed ceiling of the hall and into the dark lightning clouds in the sky. Then, Anna flashed at light speed*, followed by Athena and Thalia as they flashed directly into the dark luminous lighting clouds. (*Their slowest walking speeds)

Within the dark clouds in the sky, one could see thousands of thick black lightning bolts descending in series as they heavily smote a person, causing the person to bellow out in excruciating pain. The person being struck by the black lightning bolts was a woman, and one could barely decern the sex of the person because of their exposed figure. Yes, the person being smitten by thousands of lightning bolts every second was a naked woman with very long blue hair; the woman was hard to describe as she was completely naked, and her long blue hair covered her face, breasts, and private parts in a scattered fashion.


Another series of lightning struck the woman again as it had been doing, causing another excruciating cry. The blue-haired woman was chained to four gigantic iron pillars; the chains were on her wrists and ankles, but they were long enough to move around. The woman was kneeling with her arms stretched on both sides, looking like a cross. Slowly zoom in on the woman's face; one could see the desiccated and dehydrated lips of the woman, indicating she's been here for a long time. Her asking was withered, her hair spiked out and in a rough condition. The woman was in a very tortured state.

But just when another series of lightning was about to strike the woman, everything instantly cleared out, revealing a bright sunny light. The woman, already expecting another lightning to strike her and scream in agony, reacted; noticing the bright light, the blue-haired woman slowly and strugglingly raised her head with her disheveled hair covering most of her face, leaving her to see with one eye. Staggeringly raising her head, the woman first slowly stared into the bright sunlight in the distance as she struggled to properly look into the blinding sun, causing her to blink continuously.

After struggling to look at the blinding sun for a few seconds, the woman returned her head to the bowing position, showing how exhausted she was even to raise her head. As if already knowing who was visiting, the woman tirelessly opened her dried-up lips as she spoke in an exhausted tone; it was as if she lost her voice box due to the ceaseless screaming in pain. She spoke.


The woman asked in an exhausted yet unwelcoming tone, but what she heard next caused her to have a shock, as if electrified in an instant.

"Ms. Fairy!?"

The woman widened her eyes.