Chapter 113 An Unbearable Presence!

Name:God Of All Systems Author:
Deep in the Sword Saint City, within the previously mentioned private realm, Gong Tieshan sat inside an opened view hut as he casually sipped from a tiny wine cup; opposite Gong Tieshan was the young man, Jian Mun, who, from his previous statement, is a friend of Gong Tieshan. Unlike Gong Tieshan, the young man, Jian Mun, gulped an entire jug of wine as he unethically chugged the liquid down his throat. Then, with a slam, the man sat the emptied wine jug on the table as he simultaneously wiped his watered lips with his right hand.

"I know you aren't someone who visits just to bond, so you care to tell me what has brought the 'great!' Gong Tieshan to our Sword Saint City?"

Jian Mun spoke jokingly but with a hint of seriousness as he stared at Gong Tieshan with an expecting gaze. But with a calm and unbothered expression, Gong Tieshan placed the emptied wine cup on the table as he expressionlessly stared at Jian Mun; he then asked casually.

"What do you know of the Desolate Realm?"

"Hmm? According to the records, it's one of the six continents of the Immortal Realm, except it has an extremely chaotic environment where Saints even dare not venture lightly. But this is common information, so why are you asking such a basic question?"

Jian Mun asked as he doubtfully stared at Gong Tieshan with a frown. But ignoring Jian Mun's facial expression, Gong Tieshan held his right hand as a red crystal the size of a fist appeared and hovered above his palm. The red crystal was a foot long and was boxed in a golden dew with several small chains wrapped around it; the golden dew seemed to be a law, more precisely, the law of 'Restraint,' one of Gong Tieshan's cultivated laws.

Seeing the emerged item, Jian Mun assumed a shocking expression as he unconsciously pushed the wine jug from the table, causing it to break.

"Is that what I think it is?"

"Yes, Jian Mun, this is a 'Blood soul crystal' from a desolate beast; with this, the chances of one ascending the Saint Realm becomes ten times faster. But it's hard to control; as you can see, even I struggle to restrain the killing intent constantly radiating from the blood soul crystal. There are a few more of this in my possession, and I think possessing this blood soul crystal in exchange for a little favor from brother Jian will be nothing but a reality in the future."

"Hahaha! How expected of you, Gong Tieshan? You still are unpredictable as always. Starting a conversation with such an ultra-expensive and priceless item like the Blood Soul Crystal, I know very well your request won't be any less proportionate. So, let's hear it; what request is worth you exposing such a life-changing item to me?"

Jian Mun asked with folded arms and a wide and exciting grin plastered on his face; he stared at Gong Tieshan as he awaited the preposterous request that would be equal in value to the Blood Soul Crystal.

'Jian Mun may be less intelligent, but his intuition and actions are mostly unpredictable, I may be able to entice him with the Blood Soul Crystal, but I don't think he would fall for the same trick twice. But that should be enough.'

Gong Tieshan instantly thought as he passionlessly stared at Jian Mun.

"Yes, the Desolate Realm is undoubtedly a realm with indefinite chaos and mysteries; for such a treasure like the blood soul crystal to be the core of the lowest chaotic beasts in the desolate realm explains how little we know of its vastness and secrets. But more importantly, it also demonstrates how powerful the cultivator who sealed the desolate realm was. But I'm not here to explain things you already know.

The ancient Gong grand ancestors have decided to use this cycle's desolate reopening to decide on the next patriarch; being the eighth prince and being noticed won't easily impress the grand ancestors this time-"

"So, you want me, Jian Mun, to become your henchman?!"

Before Gong Tieshan could finish his words, Jian Mun interrupted as his body immediately burst out with rigorous gold sword Qi, his outburst of energy distorting the surrounding qi. Again, Gong Tieshan kept his composure as he stared at the triggered Jian Mun expressionlessly.

"I wouldn't use the word 'henchman,' how about a mutual and trustworthy collaboration? After all, when you absorb the Blood Soul Crystal and boost your cultivation speed ten times, it would only be a matter of cycles before you are a full-fledged 'Saint,' what do you think of that?"

Listening to Gong Tieshan's words, Jian Mun unintentionally expressed a grin as he pondered on the word 'Saint.' Being a Saint in the immortal world means you are almost a god; laws and Daos will bend and fold at your will, and you get separated from the constant flowing of space and time, making you physically unkillable and eternal. (Of course, that's only if they don't fight Patrick or his family)

The more Jian Mun thought about the potential power of being a Saint, the wider and more vibrant his smile and eyes became. The next second, he enthusiastically stared at Gong Tieshan as he smiled; then,

"Haha! hahaha! I don't see any reason to decline such an offer now, is there? Very well, my instinct tells me you want my Jian family to support your ascension to the patriarch position. Fine, I accept the mutual collaboration!"

Jian Mun loudly and unrestrainedly laughed as he spoke with an exciting tone.

Suddenly! As if it was a drawing, the entire world changed to black and white, followed by,


Gong Tieshan and Jian Mun felt their hearts coherently beating in synchrony as both parties felt their hearts almost trying to burst out of them. Simultaneously raising their heads and staring at the other, Gong Tieshan and Jian Mun could see the fear and panic on each other's faces as both held a hand to their chests, signaling how unbearable the experience was. Then, as if reading each other's thoughts, Gong Tieshan and Jian Mun instantly vanished from their spots.


Exactly thirty seconds ago, within the chaotic space-void, Patrick, his three wives, Raleigh and Marine, occupied a tiny portion of the endlessly widespread space-void as their magisterial ambiances made their portion of the space-void to be colored golden. Patrick sat on an extremely luxurious wide classical throne that emitted sun radiances. Below Patrick was Athena, Annastasia, and Thalia, the red-haired Raleigh below the Goddesses, and lastly, the fairy Marine below Raleigh.

The group floated in the space-void, completely unaffected by the chaotic particles as they stared at the Jian family's Sacred realm like an opened window through the space-void.

Patrick wore an all-black attire; he had a black long-sleeved long robe, long black trousers, and pearl black high boots. But contrary to his black attire, Patrick had his watch's color white, his ten rings of Omnivastance, and even coupled it with a white neck chain and two white bracelets. Looking at Patrick's current appearance, it's impossible not to acknowledge it as fashionable. (Lol, Drip GOD)

Patrick sat on his sun-light radiating throne with his right hand supporting his chin as he stared into the sacred realm of the ancient Jian family with his unimpressed golden absolute infinity eyes. In Patrick's eyesight, Grace displayed and read data about the Ancient Jian family as she explained the history and background of the third most powerful ancient family in the Immortal Realm.

'Grace, in summary, the ancient Jian family has significant influence within the Immortal Realm, to the point the Immortal Gate won't ignore their downfall, just like the Gong family. And seeing they are within the top five families, it must be true that the Jian family is collaborating with the Gong family, correct?'

"Yes, Master. So, it is perfectly reasonable to associate the destruction of the Jian family with the Gong family since they are allies, as one wouldn't let the other be destroyed without them interfering. Also, it perfectly aligns with our objective to punish the Immortal Gate."

'Yes, when I attack the Jian family, they will request assistance from their allies, the Gong family being one of them, and since that spoiled brat, Gong Tieshan, is here, it will compel the Gong family to interfere regardless. And like that, I will have the Immortal Gate come to me. Then, let's start by introducing myself to the ancient Jian family.'

All of Patrick's interactions with Grace happened in fifteen seconds.

With Patrick's final thought, an enormously wide opening appeared in the skies over the Jian sacred realm; the skies over the entire realm turned golden as the golden rays pierced through the clouds. From the wide opening, Patrick's group slowly descended into the sacred realm like Gods descending to the mortal realm. Fairy Marine was the first to appear through the opening, and second was the red-haired Raleigh, whose descending demeanor was befitting his title as an Eternity as he had his hands behind him.

Followed behind Raleigh were Athena, Annastasia, and Thalia; the three Goddesses descended with their mere breaths causing the space barrier around them to ripple like water. Everything about the Goddesses, be it their transcendental dresses, body accessories, and feminine godly presences, can be described as nothing but the very concept of perfection, even though they surpass that.

And lastly, the God Master, The All Absolute One, Patrick Martin Alexander King, descended into the realm of the ancient Jian family. Finally, completely descended, Patrick closed his eyes as he deeply inhaled; with a steady but composed exhale, Patrick opened his golden omega-symbol eyes as he slowly raised his right index finger. With a gentle tap on his throne, every living organism in the Jian family's sacred realm experienced the unbearable loud synchronizing heartbeats.