Chapter 36 Dormant affinity

Chapter 36 Dormant affinity

"Do you really think I summoned you just to convey that? You're quite naive. I have better things to do than summon you for just a few words. The only thing the soul mutation did was force me to summon you earlier than planned," Ark said

Elian, lost in his thoughts, didn't even acknowledge Ark's words. Despite facing Ark, his distant expression hinted at his mind being elsewhere. Ark picked up on Elian's state, delving into his thoughts out of curiosity, only to realize his misstep.

'How could I forget that?'

He realized the impact of El's revelation cut deeper into Elian's being than initially anticipated. Elian, merely eleven years old, lived within the sheltered confines of privilege, but his situation was far removed from the typical, indulged children of his stature. Instead of reveling in luxury, Elian sought solace within the seclusion of his home, attempting to heal from the invisible wounds of his past. This self-imposed isolation would typically pose a significant threat to one's mental well-being, but Elian's reality diverged from the norm. Amidst the quietude, he found solace in a constant presence-his confidant, partner, and brother residing within the chambers of his thoughts.

It's an inexplicable sensation, the profound connection shared with a sibling who understands you in a way that surpasses even the depth of maternal bonds. Even Zero One was El's idea, an attempt to provide Elian with another companion. But that was just one facet of El's involvement in Elian's life. Every counsel offered by El was regarded with utmost sincerity; to Elian, El transcended the role of an elder brother, swiftly becoming an emblem of authority and admiration. At a tender age of six, El became the guiding force behind Elian's moral compass, instilling discipline and values that shaped the very fabric of his existence. El's significance in Elian's life equaled, if not surpassed, the influence of his own parents.

But now, he discovered that El was essentially enslaved by unknown forces due to some absurd mutation. Elian refused to accept this reality. His earlier words had been a calculated response, a logical choice in the moment. Yet, a few fleeting seconds later, their weight settled heavily upon him, fostering deep regret. Cease lending his body to El? Essentially trapping El within? Absolutely not. That was an intolerable notion for Elian. However, what gnawed at him most was the anticipation that if El caught wind of this, he would willingly retreat forever. Their shared memories meant El would swiftly learn of this situation. Instead of plotting ways to conceal it from El, Elian's mind raced, seeking methods to persuade El that departing together wasn't as dire as it seemed. The idea of living without El was inconceivable to Elian.

"Elian," Ark called out, seeking to draw Elian away from his contemplations. Initially intending to grant the child some mental space to gather his thoughts, Ark abruptly realized the gravity of the situation. Elian seemed genuinely convinced that death was preferable to living with his brother confined within his mind. What struck Ark profoundly was Elian's unwavering composure in the face of contemplating his own demise. Typically, any living being would instinctively recoil at the thought of death, driven by an innate survival instinct deeply ingrained within. Yet, Elian appeared devoid of this instinct or had somehow transcended it-a feat that astounded Ark, knowing how deeply entrenched this survival drive typically was. Elian's ability to surpass it demonstrated an unimaginable strength of will.

"Hm?" Elian responded, still taken aback by the unexpected call. He was certain it carried a hint of enchantment, for his thoughts abruptly halted, coercing him back to the present moment.

"Don't fret about your brother. I've got a solution," Ark stated frankly. He recognized that unless he reassured Elian, engaging in any conversation would be futile. His initial oversight of Elian's deep affection for his family, especially his brother, had led to underestimating the emotional impact this revelation would have on the young man. Hence, he aimed to capture Elian's attention, knowing he was about to delve into a crucial topic.

"Seriously?" Elian's excitement was palpable, barely contained. His eagerness nearly prompted him to stand up; the urgency for a resolution was evident. Given the current circumstances, he anticipated an impending heated debate with El, something Elian earnestly wished to avoid, hence welcoming any potential solution.

"Yes, it's true. Yet, this solution comes with its own risks," Ark cautioned, his voice and demeanor tinged with wariness.

"I don't care" Elian said while shaking his head. Put him in danger? What a joke, he was ready to die to avoid locking up his own brother. What was danger compared to death? So he readily said "Just tell me."

Ark shook his head in disbelief. This wasn't the expected response. Elian should have shown some reluctance, but instead, it was the complete opposite. Ark attributed it to his own mention of Elian's brother initially, prompting this fervent reaction. Nonetheless, he pressed on.

"Okay, I already warned you. The solution I just mentioned involves awakening your affinity."

"So I have to wait until I'm twelve?" Elian asked worried that he would wait too much and that his brother would have already decided to never come out again by then.

"No, we are not talking about the same thing. What you're thinking about is what you humans call 'awakening'." Ark said

Elian said he had to wait until twelve simply because it's at that age that everyone go through the awakening. A process that allow humans to manipulate mana and particularly the one in which they have the most affinity in.

"However, I'm referring to something entirely different. Put simply, your affinity lies dormant, asleep, and it needs to be awakened. Normally, you should have been able to tap into your affinity years ago, much like El did with lightning," Ark explained, his tone growing more serious as he continued.

"Regrettably, your affinity is exceptionally unique-so unique that it would have remained dormant, had it not drawn my attention," Ark conveyed solemnly. n)-OvelbIn

"So, you can help me awaken it?" Elian inquired, his excitement lingering, understanding that the affinity might aid him in his brother's predicament.

"Yes, I can. But I must caution you yet again. There's a reason your affinity slumbers. Your own soul is safeguarding you by maintaining this state," Ark warned.

"Why?" Elian inquired, his excitement dimming slightly as his thirst for knowledge was piqued. What did it signify to have a dormant affinity? How did it pose a threat?

"It's because your affinity breaks the rules; it's considered rebellious. Consequently, all the souls in the universe are programmed to suppress it once it surfaces," Ark explained.

Elian found himself at a loss, grappling with the weight of this revelation. The essence of the problem became clear with the mere utterance of that sentence. It hinted at a lack of universal governance over affinities, implying their existence might be entirely arbitrary-assuming such a thing as true randomness existed. In the infinite expanse of cosmic existence, it seemed plausible that, occasionally, an affinity categorized as 'rule-breaking' would surface. Acknowledging this, the universe, in its wisdom, had pre-programmed all souls to prevent the awakening of these rare, nonconforming affinities.

"What exactly are the dangers?" Elian inquired, certain that the universe must have devised some safeguards in case a soul succeeded in awakening these unusual affinities.

"Death, undoubtedly, and your soul won't undergo reincarnation to prevent a recurrence," Ark stated matter-of-factly.

Elian nodded in comprehension; the concept made sense to him. However, the idea of reincarnation didn't hold much significance to him, considering he would already be deceased. What purpose did it serve then? Yet, he harbored another concern.

"Will you provide protection for me?" Elian asked, recognizing that without Ark's assistance, he wouldn't have made it this far.

"Don't worry. I've already made arrangements," Ark reassured him with a smile.

"If that's the case, what's the actual danger?" Elian inquired, taken aback.

"Well... I fear that you might end up destitute," Ark replied with a serious expression, devoid of any hint of sarcasm.