Chapter 39 Meeting (1)

Chapter 39 Meeting (1)

Somwhere in Kamer Kingdom.

A meeting of six prominent individuals unfolded within the grand walls of a lavishly decorated chamber. The room was adorned with exquisite tapestries depicting scenes of valor and triumph, their intricate designs woven with silken threads that shimmered under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. Thick rugs, imported from distant lands, muffled the sound of footsteps as the six individuals, each possessing a physique that bore the marks of a life of indulgence, settled into their plush velvet chairs. Their attire, though tailored from the finest fabrics and adorned with jewels that sparkled like distant stars, did little to conceal their protruding bellies, a testament to their penchant for the finer things in life.

Amidst the group of corpulent individuals, one, visibly struggling to catch his breath, interjected, "Couldn't we have discussed this over a Yoom conference? I've been traveling for three straight days just to attend this meeting." His voice, laced with exasperation, echoed through the luxurious chamber, highlighting the absurdity of the situation.

A sardonic chuckle escaped another individual, his expression betraying a hint of sarcasm and thinly veiled disdain. "My apologies for any inconvenience caused," he remarked, his voice dripping with irony. "Perhaps you would have preferred to await your demise in the comfort of your castle, rather than make the arduous journey to this gathering." His physique, notably the least corpulent among the group, though still exceeding the average waistline, exuded an air of authority. None of the other attendees dared to meet his gaze, recognizing him as the undisputed leader of their circle.

"Why couldn't we simply utilize teleportation stations instead?" The first individual to speak interjected, his voice trembling slightly. "It would have reduced my travel time to a mere two hours."

"Why not simply surrender yourself and avoid wasting our time here? At least in doing so, you might serve some purpose." The leader exclaimed in exasperation, having heard a series of foolish suggestions. He couldn't believe he was forced to explain the obvious, but it seemed he had no choice, lest this dim-witted individual commit further blunders.

"Listen carefully, Ariel," the leader continued, calming his anger. "We avoided using teleportation stations and organizing an online conference for the same reason: we needed to maintain secrecy. The teleportation stations throughout the Kingdom, including those in your city, are under royal control. Due to security concerns, all teleportations are logged and accessible to all royals and high nobles. The same applies to online conferences. Your mystilink provider is also the Kingdom, so if they so desired, they could access the contents of our conference."

He fixed his eyes on Ariel, his voice laced with a hint of exasperation, and asked, "Surely you understand the importance of maintaining discretion?"

Ariel's voice trembled as he hastily agreed, his nods betraying his apprehension. The leader's fiery gaze left no room for disagreements, and Ariel knew that any further contradiction would likely result in severe consequences. Opting for silence for the rest of the meeting, Ariel's mind raced with the implications of his words, dreading the potential repercussions of his earlier misstep.

"Without wasting any more time, let us commence this meeting," he declared, his gaze sweeping across the assembled individuals. "We gather today to seek a solution to our impending executions."

A collective gasp rippled through the room as the harsh truth sank in. Despite the lack of an official pronouncement, they were all painfully aware of their precarious situation a?? they were mere walking corpses, their lives hanging by a thread. Some, like Ariel, clung to the desperate hope that the Kingdom would never dare to execute such a large number of nobles in one fell swoop, fearing the social upheaval that would undoubtedly follow, particularly in the Southern region where the six nobles' cities were located.

Bound by the grim reality of their impending doom, these six nobles, once strangers or even adversaries, found themselves united in an ironic twist of fate, mirroring the idiom 'misery loves company.' Despite their past differences, the prospect of death forced them to set aside their animosity and forge a common front in a desperate bid to escape their grim fate.

The prospect of evading their imminent executions seemed as elusive as grasping a wisp of smoke, yet they were compelled to attempt the impossible. Although the odds of success were stacked against them, they refused to succumb to despair without a fight.

"Why don't we strategically place bombs throughout our cities and threaten to detonate them if any of us meet an untimely demise?" suggested one of the attendees. He reasoned that the Kingdom couldn't bear the substantial losses, whether in resources or lives, and thus would likely be compelled to ensure their survival. n/.o))V..E--l..b(-I/-n

The room fell silent as the weight of the proposed plan settled upon everyone, a palpable sense of shock spreading among the attendees. The nobles, faced with the prospect of their own executions, were nonetheless acutely aware of the potential consequences of such a devastating act. The idea of unleashing such destruction upon their own cities and their own relatives was simply inconceivable.

The leader, recognizing the deep anxiety that gripped the room, spoke up, his voice resonating with authority and reason. "Such a plan is not only morally reprehensible but also strategically unsound," he declared, his gaze sweeping across the gathering. "Threatening mass destruction will not secure our freedom; instead, it will only serve as a catalyst for our swift and merciless eradication."

He elaborated on the futility of such a plan, explaining that the Kingdom, with its vast resources and extensive network of informants, would swiftly locate and disarm the planted bombs. The influential nobles, whose interests were deeply entwined with the prosperity of the cities, would not stand idly by while their investments were threatened with destruction.

"The moment these bombs are discovered," he warned, "you and your families will become targets of relentless pursuit. The Kingdom will not hesitate to make an example of you, sending a chilling message that such acts of defiance will not be tolerated."

Edited by Moonsterdark.