Chapter 329: Do you believe in retribution? 23┃Jin Yuanfei's retribution

Huang Wei squeezed three cups of juice for Xu Liangliang in one night, dragon fruit, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, took turns, and occasionally helped Xu Yong wipe the wound on his forehead.

She did it very naturally, and Xu Liangliang never doubted it at all.

"I'll go out." After nine o'clock in the evening, she put on heavy makeup again and was about to leave the hospital.

Xu Yong glared at her in bed, but because his lips were scorched, he couldn't say anything against it.

Xu Liangliang knew that her father would not allow it, and that her stepmother would definitely not do a good thing by running out at night, but she readily agreed: "Go, my father will take care of me, don't worry."

Obviously, she is creating conditions for Huang Wei to fool around. It was all planned by her!

For a moment, Huang Wei really wanted to rush into the kitchen to grab a fruit knife and stab the witch directly, but in the end he opened the corner of his mouth and smiled stiffly, "Then I'll be leaving, I'll be back at eleven o'clock at the latest."

"Well, let's go." Xu Liangliang waved her hands with disapproval on her face.

After leaving the hospital, Huang Wei went to the man who was infected with AIDS and bought a new mobile phone on the way. She is not afraid of anything now, wishing her daughter would come and kill herself.

"I decided to continue to take care of you, but you can no longer contact Xu Liangliang, let alone tell her that I already know her plan." Huang Wei threw a check into the man's face.

The man agreed without thinking. Whose money is not money?

"From now on, you will be honest with me and don't harm others again." Huang Wei added in a cold tone.

The man raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Yo, I didn't expect you to have a good conscience."

This sentence hurt Huang Wei.

After leaving the man's residence, she wandered the streets for a while, then sat in a secluded corner, covering her face and crying. If she had found out with her conscience earlier, she would not have suffered what she is now. When her daughter was spoiled by that beast Xu Yong, she should have stabbed her to death!

But what exactly did she do? Why did she stab the knife again and again into her daughter's stomach?

She deserves it! This is her retribution!

Huang Wei cried and trembled, almost fainting.

But it was all too late.

At the same time, Xu Liangliang hired several nurses to help take care of her father, and then left the hospital herself.

All the people who had hurt Xu Yaya were hit by ghosts, but Jin Yuanfei was silent. His methods are so vicious, doesn't Xu Yaya dare to go to him? So the rumor that "ghosts are afraid of evil people" is true, right?

Based on this guess, Xu Liangliang, who had long been tired of staying in the hospital, ran to Jin Yuanfei's house in the middle of the night.

Naturally, Jin Yuanfei could not ask for it, so he took out many props to play with Xu Liangliang.

In the severe pain and extreme happiness, Xu Liangliang forgot the fear of being entangled by ghosts, the embarrassment of being rejected by her first love, and the frustration of framing Zhuang Li but being accused in court, and found a carefree Garden of Eden .

She couldn't help but fall in love with this cruel game.

Jin Yuanfei pinched her neck and whispered, "Baby, you are awesome!"


"Darling, you are amazing!" Zhuang Li put down the exercise book and looked at Bai Ming with a half-smiling smile.

Bai Ming showed a surprised expression: "Did I get all the twenty questions right?"

Zhuang Li restrained his smile and shook his head indifferently: "No, you did everything wrong."

Bai Ming: "..."

Zhuang Liqu lightly tapped the table with his knuckles and said after deliberation: "I found that my education method was wrong. I only formulated a reward mechanism, but not a punishment mechanism, which would have a chain reaction of high energy and low efficiency."

He clicked on the exercise book and said: "In this way, every time I get a question wrong, you will do twenty push-ups for me."

Although Bai Ming, who had been nervous for a long time, breathed a sigh of relief, he still explained honestly: "This is not a punishment, I can do hundreds of push-ups in one breath."

"You do it." Zhuang Li was too lazy to answer him.

Bai Ming immediately took off his coat and made one very standardly.

However, Zhuang Li suddenly lay on his back, his hot lips pressed against his ears, and chuckled lightly, "Go ahead and let me count for you."

Zhuang Li was 183 centimeters tall and looked thin, but his weight was not light, so Bai Ming almost fell to the ground.

But just for a moment, Bai Ming held on. Because he suddenly realized that he was no longer alone, and he still needed to shoulder the weight of another person. This family needs him to run and guard, so he must become strong.

This thought filled Bai Ming with strength, let alone doing forty push-ups behind Teacher Zhuang's back, even a hundred push-ups would not be a problem.

So he quickly started doing it.

Zhuang Li lay on top of him and counted: "Two, three, four, five..."

Realizing that Bai Ming didn't feel any difficulty at all, Zhuang Li rolled his eyes and said with a chuckle, "That won't work."

"Okay, I like you on my back." Bai Ming said without breathing.

Zhuang Li got off his back and got into his arms, smiling badly: "How does it feel to do this?"

Bai Ming: "..." A layer of sweat appeared on his forehead, not tired, but hot.

"Let's do it, there are twenty-seven left." Zhuang Li poked Bai Ming's cheek.

Bai Ming didn't want to do it anymore, his originally strong arms were trembling slightly at the moment. He really wanted to put this person on the ground and kiss him a few times. He left all the tutoring, competitions, earning money, and becoming stronger.

"I can't do it!" He said aggrievedly: "I can't get up if I lie down, I want to kiss you!"

"Don't kiss, do it for me! Otherwise, I'll sleep in separate beds tonight!" Zhuang Li made a more terrifying threat.

Bai Ming: "..."

"In the future, I will definitely check the questions carefully, I will never dare." Bai Ming admitted his mistake while doing push-ups, his voice trembling.

When he lay down and his lips were only a few centimeters close to Mr. Zhuang's, he could kiss him.

7480 tsk tsk sighed: "Master, you are too good at torturing people."

After doing forty push-ups, Bai Ming was soaked with sweat. He was about to fall to the side, but Zhuang Li grabbed his neck.

"It's so good." Zhuang Li dragged him to the ground, kissed his forehead and the tip of his nose with red lips, and said in a low voice, "Do you need to study hard in the future?"

Bai Ming, who was stuffed with two sweet dates, immediately forgot the pain just now.

He couldn't restrain a smirk and nodded vigorously: "Got it."

"Go take a bath." Zhuang Li rubbed his sweaty hair and continued to stuff sweet dates: "I'll accompany you."

Bai Ming immediately picked up the person in his arms and carried it on his shoulders, happily looking for clothes.

7480: "...Stupid! I didn't even see it!"


Xu Liangliang was tamed by Jin Yuanfei, and the two spent the whole day hanging out in the apartment, not going out for five or six days in a row.

Huang Wei accompanies Xu Yong in the hospital every day.

There are many problems in the company that Xu Yong needs to solve. In order not to delay things, Xu Yong had to sign a power of attorney and ask Huang Wei to help with the business when he could not find his daughter.

Huang Wei also obtained Xu Yong's signature, bank card, ID card, share certificate, real estate certificate and other important items locked in the safe.

She was holding this pile of things worth hundreds of millions, her fingertips trembled slightly with excitement, but she didn't show it at all. She handled all official duties very patiently, never bothered in front of Xu Yong, and was only responsible for being a tool person who signed and signed.

Slowly, Xu Yong also let go of her guard and gave her more authority.

That night, Xu Liangliang ended an intense exercise and took a comfortable bath with Jin Yuanfei.

The two of them closed their eyes, ears and temples, but suddenly they smelled a strong smell of rust.

When she opened her eyes, Xu Liangliang let out a scream.

I saw that the faucet was no longer hot water, but thick blood, dyeing the entire bathtub red.

"It's Xu Yaya! She's here!" Xu Liangliang hurriedly stood up, but tripped over the slippery blood and fell heavily out of the bathtub.

She curled up in pain, tears in her eyes, and the long-lost despair and fear struck again.

Jin Yuanfei was also startled, and his eyes, which had never been emotionally fluctuated, were now filled with horror that was difficult to dispel. He's a doctor, so he can tell the difference between blood and paint right away.

The red liquid coming out of the faucet was indeed blood!

"Don't be afraid, someone must be trolling us! There are absolutely no ghosts in the world!" He stepped out of the bathtub and hugged Xu Liangliang.

The two quickly left the **** bathroom.

"Wait for me here, I'll go in and have a look." Jin Yuanfei tucked Xu Liangliang into the bed and warned softly.

"Don't go, I'm afraid!" Xu Liangliang hugged his arm and begged.

"What are you afraid of. If Xu Yaya's ghost is really found, she should be afraid of me." Jin Yuanfei smiled disapprovingly.

His lightness and calmness greatly comforted Xu Liangliang. She let go of her hand and said in a trembling voice, "Then come back quickly."

Jin Yuanfei quickly walked into the bathroom, turned off the faucet, and took out a test tube, filled with a few milliliters of blood, and prepared to send it to a friend for testing the next day. He didn't believe it was human blood, and he didn't believe that tap water would turn into fresh blood. Someone must have remodeled the pipes in his house and brought in the blood.

But he's not a plumber and can't read the criss-crossing water pipes, so he can only give up.

Fortunately, the water in the kitchen and another bathroom is normal and still works.

"It's okay, I'll take you and take a shower." Jin Yuanfei went back to the bedroom and took Xu Liangliang, who was covered in blood, to the bathroom outside to take a shower.

The **** appearance of his girlfriend greatly stimulated him, and he couldn't wait to start another game.

The two quickly immersed themselves in it, forgetting all their troubles.

Zhuang Li, who was enjoying this scene with his laptop in his arms, sneered in his heart: "A little story of pure campus crush, eh?"

7480 threw the script on the ground and stomped on both feet hard, spit, "Bah, the Lord God is also a headliner!"


After a crazy night, Jin Yuanfei took the test tube to his friend's hospital.

"What animal's blood is this?" He was very sure of his own judgment.

After testing with the reagent, his friend looked at him with a strange expression: "This is human blood, don't you know it yourself?"

Thinking of the blood that filled the entire bathtub, Jin Yuanfei finally realized what a ruthless character the person who abused him was! Where did the blood of so many people come from? If he stole the blood from the blood bank, it would be fine, but if he killed someone for bloodletting...

He clenched his fists, feeling the mortal threat for the first time.

"Are you sure it's human blood? Not adulterated with animal blood?" he asked reluctantly.

"I'm sure, this is indeed human blood, type O." The friend nodded.

Jin Yuanfei had investigated Xu Yaya in detail, so he knew that the person had type O blood.

This tube of blood is also type O, is it a coincidence?

For the first time in his life, Jin Yuanfei felt a chill in his heart. He stored the test tube at a friend's place and ordered, "I'll bring a hair over in the afternoon, and you can test my DNA for me. I'll pay you more, and try to get the results as soon as possible."

"The expedited fee is 8,000, and the result will be available within six hours."

"Okay, no problem." Jin Yuanfei paid and hurried away.

At this moment, he has lost the calmness of yesterday.