"Jiang Chen! Where is Conger? Is he fighting? "

Wang Gang asked.

Jiang Chen looked up into the sky and saw two royal beasts in the snow storm!

"Don't ask so much! It's hard to protect yourself

Wang Gang listens to Jiang Chen so say, oneself also embarrassed refute.

"Jiang Chen! Mr. Jiang, Conger's strength is much worse than Wang's! Go and help him

Wang Gang cried.

Jiang Chen sneered.

"Hum! Don't look down on Xiao Cong! "

"A king millet next door just, most is to rely on the grade advantage, suppress Dabai in the early stage!"

"Don't forget, XiaoCong has already reached the level of being able to control the two royal beasts."

Jiang Chen is also too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly waves his hand to let Wang Gang step back.

"Step back quickly. If I hurt you with this blow, it's hard to deal with it!"

Then, Jiang Chen was covered with purple light!

The sonorous scales immediately appeared on Jiang Chen's body surface!

Wang Gang was so scared.

Once the whole body is dragon, Jiang Chen's body shape and appearance will be like a monster!

It is totally different from the energization of the imperial beast. Dragon transformation is the essence!

Jiang Chen fiercely straightened up his waist and put his foot on the prison door!


The deafening crash was heard all over the dungeon.

It's firm, but it's just a little crooked.

Jiang Chen exclaimed in his heart that the prison door was so strong!

You know, after Jiang Chen Longhua, all his strength is no less than that of an excavator!

Is it possible that this prison door can withstand the force of a thousand?

It's too late to think about Jiang Chen to mobilize his strength!



A terrible power, quickly spread around!

On Jiang Chen's arm, the black energy flame burns wildly!

Then, the shadow of Titan suddenly appeared behind Jiang Chen!

Clench your right fist and hold up the purple gold dragon scale!

Jiang Chen aims at the prison door and punches hard!


The luxurious appearance of the prison door suddenly broke!

The tough prison door was directly hit by this blow to bend and deform, revealing a gap!

Jiang Chen saw this situation, suddenly again.

I saw on the right foot, the energy flame is also excited, burning!

Torrential to suffocating energy concussion in the dungeon!

Wang Gang guessed Jiang Chen's idea!

"No, no, no! Don't use too strong attack! "

"Jiang Chen! This dungeon is specially made by the king family's animal warden! "

"Its interior space is very special!"

"If you push too hard, the whole cell will be directly squeezed into cakes!"

Jiang Chen just want to kick out of this foot, quickly stop.

"Hi! What a trouble

Then he saw Jiang Chen's fist and fist, carefully chiseling the door.

At the same time, Dabai is covered by a terrible avalanche!

For a moment, Wang Shushu laughed wildly!

"Ha ha! waste material! Choose a coffin for your beast

Wang Sicong hears it, but his mouth shows a sneer.

From Wang Sicong's expression, Wang Shushu realizes that the situation is not right.

It turns out that after using a lot of ice elements, there is no frost accumulation on the ground.

There is no pit below. How can it be so smooth after an avalanche?

Just then, the silver light was shining on the ground!


A huge wave rose in the air, and a white figure came out of the water.

Everywhere you go, it's frost!

Looking at the big white from the water, Wang Shushu was surprised to open his mouth, full of doubts.

Wang Sicong sneered and waved his big hand from his sleeve robe. The ice blue light suddenly bloomed!

Ice field open!

The surrounding temperature began to drop madly!

The huge sense of oppression made Wang Shushu feel powerless and suffocated immediately!

The curse put his brain into a state of dullness, and all the frost began to erode his body.

Hair, eyebrows, pen tip, as if falling snow at the same time!

Even his lips began to turn white!

"No! I can't hold on Wang Shu Shu thought subconsciously.

"Frost lion! Release the birth sacrifice


The huge four winged white lion gave a long roar, and the whole body suddenly burst out a shocking pressure!

It opens a big mouth, countless water elements gush out, in the low temperature quickly into ice crystal!The sand is blowing in the wind all over the sky!

Then, the ice sand begins to circle regularly with energy.

In the mid air, a huge ice and snow hurricane began to agglutinate gradually!

At the same time, a 10 meter high huge prismatic crystal slowly emerged!

Suddenly, the hurricane changed the direction of the wind.

From the ground to the sky, energy with the hurricane crazy surge!

Wang Sicong was about to explore the crystal when he heard a boom!

The surging ice breath spreads out from the crystal and smashes on the surrounding ground!

The energy is so huge that the ground is shaking!

At the same time, the rolling frost hit, Wang Sicong jumped to his feet, fell on Dabai, and rose!


In that ice crystal, a burst of energy again!

Wang Sicong stares at the huge ice crystal in silence and finds that it is greedily absorbing the surrounding ice energy.

Zheng! Zheng!

In the crystal, the light shines with rhythm.

Wang Sicong seems to feel the heartbeat of some powerful beast!


He slapped his head!

This is not a lump of ice crystal! This is an egg!

That Zheng Zheng Biao shoots the light, is the heartbeat!

And roar and energy explosion, it is very much like a giant beast breathing!

There is such power between one breath and another. What kind of monster must be hatched?

Wang Sicong quickly controls Dabai to dive past, intending to destroy the huge dynamic ice crystal!

But the frost Xuantian lion immediately rushed over, and the two giant ice beasts fought hard together!

Wang Sicong was thrown off the big white back!

He quickly rolled on the spot to avoid the fight of the Royal beasts!

But the big white and the frost Xuantian lion even bite each other, from the ground into the sky!

In the middle of the sky, the battle between big white and ice frost Xuantian lion has completely turned white hot!

There is no attribute restraint between the two royal beasts. It is a fight between strength and skill!

From energy to skill.

The elements of ice in the air are stirred by them, just like waves, ups and downs!

Finally, a burst of energy suddenly erupted in the heavy snow. Behind the big white, the shadow of Baize slowly emerged!

Huge and vast pressure is coming down in the sky!

As soon as this virtual shadow appeared, the icy Xuantian lion seemed to have seen some nemesis, and immediately turned into a frightened cat!


The originally powerful frost Xuantian lion suddenly shuddered and turned to fly down into the sky!

Wang Sicong thinks that it is a good time to strike while the iron is hot!


The magic ice gun badge flashes, and the cold current sweeps across the battlefield in an instant!

The cool and indifferent ice Baron stands on the ice and snow.

Wang Sicong, with his eyes shining, whispered.

"Frost Baron! Come on! Go up and steal their crystal

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