He said to Xijiang immediately.

"No matter which dynasty or generation, no matter how many years we have experienced, what human beings yearn for most is to become God, conquer God and defeat God!"

Lucifer had a bitter face.

"Why the hell?"

"Why should we conquer me when we bestow grace, divine skill, and preach the gospel?"

Jiang Chen laughs.

"Do you see the Himalayas, the water supply source of the whole Yangtze River, without which there would be no Yanhuang civilization."

"Now, is it conquered?"

"Human nature!"

Lucifer gave a thumbs up.

"It's a real, thorough look!"

"But then again, have human beings conquered me?"

Jiang Chen showed his hands.

"You devil Lord, who has not shown his face for more than 800 years, who can conquer you?"

Lucifer immediately slapped his thigh.

"That's over! Since I have not conquered me, I have to do him

Jiang Chen thought in his heart that you ran the fastest just now!

Lucifer is very arrogant in finishing suits.

"Let's go, Jiang Chen, the ace agent applies to fight!"

Although Jiang Chen didn't know what was going on outside, he was not afraid at all.

Even if EVA's power supply system can't be destroyed, the Arlene sisters will be able to walk out of that maze sooner or later.

At that time, Jiang Chen can directly black into EVA's system, all the data are transferred out.

They put on their suits and sunglasses.

Lucifer slammed open the door of the office.

Outside the door, a ferocious and terrifying mechanical face stretched out from the broken wall, searching the corridor carefully.

As soon as they went out of the house, they immediately turned their eyes on the giant mecha.

The figure flashed, but rushed out of the cracks in the wall.

Jiang Chen and Lucifer landed slowly.

Under the high wall, the soldiers who came first for the main defense were gathered.

Seeing the abnormality, they immediately surrounded Jiang Chen and Lucifer.

However, Jiang Chen and Lucifer showed no fear.

In full view of the public, Jiang Chen and Lucifer were extremely excited and even chatted with each other.

"Wow! The mechanical technology of trump League is really strong!

"Is this armor or a robot? How can we make such high-precision humanoid armor? "

All the soldiers around were confused.

"Will these two fools be our enemies? Why does it look like a kid who saw a toy? "

"So much nonsense, shoot!"

Soldiers around take advantage of Jiang Chen and Lucifer are watching the mecha, relax their vigilance moment after another shot.


For a moment, Jiang Chen was surrounded by bullets!

As time went by, Jiang Chen's body immediately turned into a virtual shadow. When he reappeared, he had come to the center of the soldiers.


There was a sudden burst of anger from the crowd.

A silver clawed warwolf suddenly pounced from behind Jiang Chen.

Originally, this warrior wolf was keen to find out Jiang Chen's abnormality, and immediately ran a few steps to rush up.

Between the electric light and flint, a dragon tattoo suddenly appears behind Jiang Chen.


A song of the Dragon resounded through the sky.

Purple scale foot auspicious clouds, two extremely long dragon whiskers natural and elegant.

The soldiers of Chuanmu group were suddenly confused.

"It's the dragon of Yanhuang! My God

The soldiers chose to flee.

At this moment, however, a burst of scarlet color broke out in the eyes of purple scales.

Endless shadows burst into the sky in an instant.

In the sky, a sickle of blood red moon is floating slowly!

Such a strange scene immediately attracted the attention of all Chuan Mu soldiers.

However, at their feet, the dark red light gradually covered everyone.

In an instant, purple scale absolutely controls the launch of the field.

Two dragon eyes tightly closed, big dark sky, red moon coming!

All the soldiers of Chuanmu can only stand where they are and let Jiang Chen kill them.


Suddenly there was a long song from the sky.

I saw the overwhelming shadow sweeping the headquarters building in an instant.

Between the high walls suddenly dark down, like mountains of high strength is immediately covered by this shadow, black hand can not see five fingers.

When the wind blows around, the soldiers in Sichuan wood feel the sharp sound of breaking the air.

Looking up, I saw that the sky was full of clouds.

In the clouds like fairyland, there is a continent floating!

No! That's a giant bird!

Just when the soldiers of Chuanmu were surprised, the sound of breaking the air swept in.I saw countless scales falling from the sky, like thousands of blades.



With the sound of body tearing and heart rending scream, countless soldiers of Sichuan wood broke their arms and separated their hands and feet.

The blood burst out like a fountain.

The original neat attack formation instantly turned into a sea of blood!

A strong smell of smell rose from the sky.

Not far away, the humanoid mecha has found the existence of Jiang Chen!

The mecha holds a laser thermal knife, and the thruster under his feet explodes into layers of air waves. His huge body turns into a metal wall shuttling rapidly and suddenly bumps into Jiang Chen!

Jiang Chen eyebrows a twist, the eyes immediately covered with a layer of golden color.

Clean skin, slowly covered with a layer of fine dragon scales.

The purple scale is forced to fall in the sky, turning into a purple and golden energy vortex, and merging into Jiang Chen's body.

Between electric light and flint, mecha has already attacked.


A violent thump was heard in every survivor's ear.

Sichuan soldiers suddenly found that their bodies can move, and immediately back away.

When they think they are safe, they can't help but look up to the battlefield.

I saw the huge mecha's laser thermal knife dancing like a gust of wind, the blade forming a virtual shadow, crazy cut to Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen's whole body was dark, as if he were a demon.

The body is covered with mysterious armor like machine armor.

There were huge black and white ripples floating overhead.

The force of endless chaos poured into Jiang Chen's body, which reflected on mecha. Although Jiang Chen's stature was small, he had a more powerful and destructive pressure.

The laser heat is dancing wildly. Jiang Chen is suspended in the air, and suddenly meets the blade.

A pair of dragon claws suddenly pop up, as powerful as two pincers, and seize the blade.

Mecha tried to continue to wave his arms, but Jiang Chen, with his own strength, clamped down the biggest hybrid kinetic mecha.

Just then, the huge roar broke out.

It turns out that Jiang Chen and his two dragon claws have clipped the electro-optic thermal knife!

The soldiers of Sichuan wood were suddenly shocked!

"No! The sword of Lord Ajan is broken

At this time, the driver in the huge mecha can also realize that Jiang Chen is invincible.

Direct arm bending at the same time, block in front of the chest.

Blue light bursts out from the arms, forming a huge energy shield.

The scene became funny.

The huge mecha was so powerful and domineering that it shrank behind the shield like a coward.

Jiang Chen, with a halo on his head, is small, but he rushes to the left and protrudes to the right in an attempt to find the defensive space of the shield.


Jiang Chen's two fists gather the power of chaos, and suddenly swing out, forming a dragon shadow between heaven and earth.

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