King was stunned.

It wants to shout, but unexpectedly, these tiny insects have invaded his vocal system.

All electronic components are completely damaged!

Daikin is now too slow to speak.

At this time, in the shadow of a piece of ruins, suddenly came out a horrible smile.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"I can't believe that I, the imperial beast, can completely restrain you!"

Dajin looked up.

I saw a shadow, slowly out of a wretched and rickety figure.

The man was wrapped in protective clothing, and dense black insect swarms flew out of the protective clothing.

It was Dr. Fitz, head of the Los Angeles headquarters of Chuanmu group, who had already escaped in advance!

He walked slowly out of the shadow with a look of pride and pride on his face.

Dajin reinforces his decadent body to retreat.

Dr. Fitz looked up and laughed.

"Ha ha! Chen can't beat him! I also took the opportunity to get him a royal beast first

I saw Dr. Fitz's body suddenly shocked, suddenly burst out an amazing electromagnetic pulse.

Countless blue electric current crazy around, instantly scattered among the insects.

Buzz! Buzz!

The insect's wings vibrated and made a deafening roar.


The electromagnetic ring suddenly dispersed, and an energy vortex burst out in an instant.

I saw that in the insect swarm, unexpectedly continuously sends out the astonishing power which destroys the heaven and the earth!

Da Jin knew it immediately.

It's these insects that invade your body.

I didn't expect it was the old man's beast!

Look at the size of these insects, at least tens of thousands of them.

Floating in the air like a cloud.

To be able to collect so many royal beasts of the same species is really a wonderful flower of the Royal animal division!

Dr. Fitz didn't plan to give Kim a chance.

With a big wave of his hand, countless swarms of dark insects gathered into a sharp knife and attached to his wrist.

Said Dr. Fitz with a chuckle.

"Goodbye, little friend! Your two confidants will be mine

With that, Dr. Fitz moved slowly towards Dajin, covered with a layer of swarm armor.

With his left hand raised high, he would swing his knife.

His right hand actually took out his old skin and rubbed it until he stood upright.

Da Jin was furious!

Actually in front of his friends so obscene, is a man absolutely can't bear!

"Smelly old man! How could you bring out a stick in front of me? You don't want to know your grandfather monkey's name

I saw big gold will head a Yang, dark gold iron bar immediately from the ear to the air.


Dajin resisted the pain in his throat and burst out a roar.

The dark gold iron bar suddenly grew more than ten times and became as thick as an iron barrel.

A black gold light came down from the sky.

The dark gold and iron stick, with the endless power of Shura, is smashed in the sky!


The ground is full of dust, and the bricks and stones are broken.

However, when the dust dispersed, Dajin suddenly found that there were countless dark insects blocking the dark gold iron bar.

Dr. Fitz actually took advantage of these insects to translate one meter when the dark gold iron bar fell.

But he's still too slow to direct the insects.

Dajin swung his stick and hit Dr. Fitz's stick again!

You know, Dajin has already ascended to the dominant level.

When the stick went on, Dr. Fitz's stick was smashed to pieces.

Between the flesh and blood, even the shape of the stick can not be seen, only a few tendons across the outside.

King burst into laughter.

"What's the use of this iron bar?"

Dr. Fitz was furious.

With a big wave of his hand, countless electric lights and thunder gushed out of his hands.

The insects immediately obeyed the orders and suddenly turned into a black cloud and attacked Dajin.

By this time, dagin's eyes had opened.

The movement of the swarm could not escape his view.

But Dajin's arm is still corroded by heavy poison and can't make quick evasion action.

I can only watch the insect getting closer and closer, and the mouth organ on his head reflects cold light.


These insects, like miniature bullets, instantly hit Dajin's body, and a row of neat insect teeth began to secrete corrosive venom, and frantically tore at all the metal parts of Dajin's body.

Dr. Fitz covered his crotch and laughed.

"Ah! I can make up for my broken stick, but if you lose your life, you can't make up for it! "

At this time, Dajin was bitten by tens of thousands of insects, all of which stuck to the cracks in his skin and the surface of his body. No matter how Dajin released his dominant power, the insects could not feel it.King was furious.

I can see the internal electric light flow of its mechanical body.

Endless energy converges between muscles and bones.


Dajin suddenly erupted into a thunderous roar, and his body burst out with endless thunder light.

In order to block these insects, Dajin directly releases the energy in his body!


There was an explosion outside the Sichuan headquarters building.

a fire blaze up, and suddenly aroused the attention of Jiang Chen and trump chief.

asked trump.

"Are you in the building?"

Jiang Chen sneered.

"Of course! But you can't control the war in this building! "

After that, Jiang Chen made an instant move.

in all the audience's screams, Jiang Chen peddled the ROC bird, and instantly moved to trump's back.

In the hand, a gun of killing God reflects the chilling light of people's heart!

Jiang Chen gave a violent drink.

"Die for me!"

The magic gun in the hand suddenly stabbed out.

Behind the flash of gold, Kabala virtual shadow instantly gathered together, endless magic power swept over the gun tip!


Jiang Chen gun out like a dragon, the point suddenly burst out a fierce light!

's edge extended to reach Trump's vest.

But the next second, Jiang Chen dumbfounded a scene happened.

saw the light shining, Trump's body seemed to be worn through the general, suddenly appeared a huge gap.

was in a face of Jiang Chen's face. Trump's body was shining black and black, and the gap on his chest slowly healed.

Jiang Chen exclaimed.

"Did you use the power of space to transfer your body?"

laughed at trump.

"Yes! I will instantly transfer your target to another space, and then move back when your attack disappears

Jiang Chen suddenly felt confused.

trump chief of alliance didn't even call a beast, but he could get away from his attack. If

can't understand his routine, then trump is almost invincible.

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart.

This move deserves to be owned by the alliance leader. Its ability is really amazing!

trump chief smiled.

"Hum! The spear in your hand is interesting. Why don't you give it to me? "

Jiang Chen looked at the gun of longjinus in his hand and looked back at the burning Chuanmu headquarters building.

"Want it? Do it yourself

With that, Jiang Chen's feet were shocked, and the ROC bird disappeared in place.

trump first was a little surprised, then looked up, Jiang Chen was hovering over his head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!