Chapter 10-6 Gathering

Name:Godclads Author:
Chapter 10-6 Gathering

+Alright Can someone explain to me just what the fuck why the fuck did we null our own? What the fuck is going on? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU HALF-STRANDS GET FUCKING CONVEX KILLED? HOW DID WE END UP NULLING EACH OTHER?!+

-Mirror-Concave debriefing surviving members of Incubi Cell Peregrine and Dagger-2



Avo expected additional hassle to follow the extraction of the twenty survivors alongside Essus.

Expected it, but found himself pleasantly mistaken.

With the presence of the Exorcists, Conflux was forced to take a more qualitative approach to their operations, eschewing the gaze-attracting mass of quantity for the intimacy of quality survivors.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Behind the metal sheets of the ramshackle maze burst experienced gangers and two squires. They eyed Essus' chrome with wary respect, confused by his ramblings of freedom and Artad. All of them had armed themselves with crude shivs crafted from glass and rusted shards of metal, and instead of being ignorant to the nature of things as most FATELESS upon first arrival, those standing within sight of Avos cog-feed were seasoned to the ecosystem of the Warrens.

Conflux desired a close and bloody affair to be harvested from their minds. As Avo unlatched the few surveillance phantasmics installed in them before the Syndicate Necro went down, he found most of them were sold together from the Omnitech-dominated district of Theta-12 under the Kzvinsgad Sovereignty. Checking the DeepNav, they mustve come from eight hundred miles up.

Seemed topside smuggling was still operational with the Exorcists choking down the gutters right now.

Entertainment found a way.

After unsequencing any unnecessary memories from the twenty, Avo had Chambershalf-delirious from pain and blood lossburn a series of openings through the blocks layers leading up and out. He put a final measure in place against any straying eyes by seeding the memories of the local lobby with instances from various vicarities donated by Chambers.

It would make the Crucible seem still in session for any straying eyes, long enough for none of this to matter once the day passed.

+Essus,+ Avo said. +We need to+ His thought trailed off as he realized what the father yearned for. As the man groped behind for the holojectors protruding from his deltoids, the servos of his thick biceps were not flexible enough to afford his desired reach. He was a marionette trying to cut his own strings, but failing.

The wings. He couldnt tear off his wings alone. Every channel of his mind began to wail with the rawness of swelling trauma. The act of tearing the last vestige he had of the boy off his body would unmake his ego entirely; a self-mutilation too great to bear. Yet, he couldnt just let them taunt him endlessly, let his sons presence haunt him like a shroudso too would he be eroded down to nothing.

In both cases, it was a choice of self-destruction. The only difference if he should plunge the blade down deep or whittle himself down over time.

+Not yet,+ Avo said. +Stop.+

The man shuddered. He clenched his teeth and tried to flex strength into his will. Failure greeted Avo as whatever determination evaporated before it could settle upon the seat of lingering hurt. I need to I cannot face him cannot live with him over my shoulder

+Mind will break if you do it. Not ready. Kill Mirrorhead first. Then decide. Boy deserves to be there for that too.+

And where strength failed, hate prevailed. The spreading softness of Essus thoughtstuff calcified into a dome circuited with coursing loathing. Mirrorhead. The one who inflicted so much on him, who destroyed so many for reasons petty and unfathomable. I dont want my son to see

+Your son doesnt see. He is gone. He is for them to see. He is behind you. They should know what his life cost.+

Like a wick touched by the caress of flame, a new fire ignited in full within Essus. He needed to kill Mirrorhead. He needed to kill Mirrorhead like one thirsting in the heat of a desert needed water. Every second the Guilder wasnt dead, Essus suffered.

I must ask you the father swallowed. To guide me I have not the sense anymore. I have not the sense.

They departed through the opening made by the Blockcrawler.

Walking through the gleam of a fusion-burned exit, Essus watched as Chambers tumbled out from the bottom hatch of the infiltration vehicle. The former enforcer came out yowling, thoughts raw with pure agony. Pulped aratnids painted his fingers with a thick ichor, while his bodily disfigure swayed on dangling sinews.

For all the trauma that boiled within Essus, the sensation of surprise within him remained strong. You were not lying.

+I dont lie. Lyings inefficient. Just change the memories. Give him the Woundhoud.+

After Chambers ceased his whimpering about his castration, Avo charted a new path in his mind and directed him after the fleeing survivors. They spat their thanks at the father, but moved quickly, each of them long scarred by a lifetime in these Warrens, their faces hard and ashen as they passed him, basking in the neon glow of his wings.

He took three trudging steps closer to Avo. No one spoke and no sound followed besides the screaming of glitching servos.

I must confess Essus swallowed. The height between him and Avo was near negligible now. Both of them had changed in mind and sheathe, but where one was slaved and dimmed in spirit, the other was risen with hunger ascending. When we first met, I envied you for your height. My wife. She she often teased me about being so tall. I wonder what she would have said about you. His face darkened. Im glad she did not survive the journey. Im Im glad

Essus choked. A sob broke from him as he collapsed, falling against Avo as he slid down to his knees with a resounding crash.

Briefly firing his Celerostylus, Avo only calmed his reflexes when he realized the father was clinging to him in the form of a hug and meant no violence by it.

Tearlessly, the father sobbed, and Avo stared, mind stunned with more than a note of philosophical horror rising in the corners of his awareness.

A flash of sonder sparked inside him as the pain of the fathers thoughtstuff overflowed. This was not how the world was supposed to be. Avo was made to eat people like the father, to serve as bandwidth and trauma dump for a phantasmal civilization bound between realities in perpetual exile. An instrument to be used against New Vultun itself. A plague.

Yet, here he was: A monster comforting a man against the city as if he was the savior and the world around them was the horror.

Uncontrollably, Avo grunted a low and deep laugh. How did things become like this? How did Jaus vision of a future become this parody? What were they doing here?

He felt Kae moving then, her mind finally catching up to the scene unfolding before her. Turning, he watched as she mimed for him to hug Essus back. Rantulas coat rustled and he found Chambers motioning to do the same thing a second later, mirroring Kae. There was also a questionable glint in the former enforcers eyes as he looked between Avo and Essus with a broad grin.

Whatever rash-courting filth the man was imagining, the less that was known about it the better.

Awkwardly, Avo patted the father with his claws. The man was clasped and coated in layers of armor by this point, but the fragility he emanated made caution seem proper.

Can I have a hug too? Chambers asked. "After him of course." He looked down and forced a quiver into his lip.

Avo glared. Come close and I eat your eyes.

Fuck me, consang, a 'no' would suffice.

Standing from her seat at the table, Kae hummed. I-Ill be willing togive give a hug.

Chambers spun and beamed. Alright! I knew someone

A squeak came from Kae. She inched back and put her hands over her mouth in shock. Ohoh, Jaus! Where where are youryour pants? And why uh why is there so much blood.

The enforcer looked down and winced. I was ambushed by a fuckin aratnid. And he fixed Avo with a side-eye. And whoever sold me back to Conflux didnt include clothes. Let this be stated: Chambers is not a nudist. Chambers likes clothes. Chambers isnt trying to start the rash.

And just as he said that another voice crackled in the back of Avos mind.

+Avo. Open gate forty-five. Make it fast.+ Draus voice told him all he needed to know. He sent the order and the George Washington answered, redirecting the shadows to create a new tunnel as the previous doorway vanished and another appeared.

As the pathway opened, a single figure shrouded in fire and ash came marching through, a new gun shouldered over her right side while dragging a corpse in using her left hand.

Draus Incog was off and she was drenched in bloodnone of it smelling like hers. Distrant rattles of gunfire and the sound of a structure collapsing in the smoke behind her told Avo her little scouting run had not turned out quite as anticipated. As soon as she came through, she released her hold on the body and hissed: Close it. Now.

Avo obliged.

She opened her mouth but found herself rendered speechless first at the sight of Essus hugging and crying against Avo, then Kae covering her eyes, and then Chambers trying his best to hide his nakedness using his coat.

The fucks all this? Draus asked. She looked Avo and the kneeling chromer up and down. Whatre you, tryin to start the rash? Get em off you.

The ghoul grunted. No risk. Not intimate for either. Just hurt for him.

She shook her head. Yeah, no, dont Essus? She trailed off as she realized who it was. Hells. You got him back.

Didnt get my cast? Avo asked.

Draus shrugged and looked down at her kill. Things were messy. I was gonna read your message after. With that said, she kicked the body of a Scaarthian clasped in a warg-styled spinal exoskeleton over to the center of the room. Right, now, it seems like Stormtree wants in on this party too.