Chapter 24-15 The Tapestry (I)

Name:Godclads Author:
Chapter 24-15 The Tapestry (I)

The higher mysteries of thaumaturgy remain beyond our comprehension. I suspect even with Voidwatch’s full support, the fundamental nature of our existence is an immensity that will take eons to understand. If ever.

Reality is the interweaving of everything. Every expression, every thought, every belief, every material, every emanation of force or otherwise, every notion of space, every second of time.


How can one comprehend everything? Can we even gaze upon the true face of totality with clean eyes?

I think not. We are egos that behold the outside within vessels that are too limited–too frail and parochial to take the details needed. We relate and interact with things in relativity. We experience and understand the same things differently. So then this too is reality. And this too much be constituted in the whole. And evermore does the complexity grow. Beyond our knowing. Perhaps forever and always.

It is the greatest pleasure of an Agnos to witness these mysteries, as well as the greatest lament to understand that even elevated from mortality–even augmented beyond the flaws of meager humanity, we are still specks in the vast scheme of creation.


There are cults still. Those of transgressive faiths that yet believe in a single creator. A Monad. A singleton.

I wonder what such a being is like. I envy it. To be able to forge something like reality. To be able to frame existence within the constraints of space and time, to paint its inner canvas with matter and energy and entropy. To outline the patterns of everything–demonstrate the true design of a Domain, of the sigils that embody them, and how canons are grown from their roots.

There are times–I must confess–times I wish I could see myself Ensouled. A dream to dive deeper into the nature of the divine, to swim the depths of the fire and sup enlightenment from the absoluteness of radiance.

Perhaps someday, someone will live my dream for me. Perhaps someday, someone will gain an epiphany beyond my ken, and from there, may all our theories and suppositions be undone in the reveal of existence’s structure unveiled.

-High Agnos Jakuta Ajayi


The Tapestry (I)


Avo shattered, and reality broke with him.

Soulfire cleaved out from Avo’s haemokinetic tower, and from the roaring brightness bled snaking forms of shimmering brightness. Transparent scales lined with golden essence sawed across the flesh of reality, sweeping the length of a horizon. The dragons came loose from Avo’s being like a disembowelment, like intestines splattering together, tangling as weightless knots. Between their cracks were insights to other worlds–tunnels to lesser realities once contained with the Stillborn.

Faces of the taken dead flashed across the sky, all exhulting the name of a god, still locked in looping sacrifices to a Heaven enchained. As they persisted, the world outside twisted and warped. All that the dragons touched passed into the Heavens. Glimpsed the realms once hidden within Avo’s Soul. But they were simply beholders, unable to interact, unable to affect any change.

As an untangling cycler rushed through Draus, she found herself slipping between points of existence, displaced and detached from where she was in the tower. Flashing warnings filled her perception while her Metamind continued to wail, but the mem-data only registered errors when it tried to process what she was seeing.

Avo had called upon her a mere second prior–calling for her to grant him death; release from the High Seraph’s entrapment. She didn’t hesitate. She shot from over twelve kilometers and four meters away; her distance from the haemokinetic spire; her distance from his person through an open passage.

Her ferro-mag projectile slipped clean through his skull. A blossom of gore painted the chamber with her success. She disrupted his present splinter thereafter, culling any chance he could survive as a pure thoughtform.

She hadn’t hesitated.

She never hesitated.

Now, she wished that she did.

Cracks spread out from Avo’s jerking sheath, and above it, the metaphysical anchor that tethered his resurrection to reality looked less a scab and more a rupturing wound. With each passing second, it tore, it let more Soulfire gush out, let additional segments of the dragons slip free.

Screams filled the streets of the enclave, and dread choked the local Nether. As she launched herself through another reflection to find Kae, she saw accretions shattering in the periphery of her awareness–mortal minds bereft of the wards required to withstand the sight of divine collapse.

If they couldn’t get Avo fixed, they were going be stacking bodies again. Lots of bodies.

Pushing past rushing crowds, she followed her DeepNav and ascended. Kae was on a low roof in the city; she had spent her time decompressing and talking to the media sow earlier at an outdoor brewery. Draus let her be. Draus gave her space. Draus knew where she was.

Smart-fluid thrusters formed within the Regular's Meldskin launched her skyward with an spearing vector of force. As Draus rose, she saw the coiling body of a dragon tumbling toward her, the sound of worship thundering from inside.

She fired thrusters once more and skipped across the sky. The dragon whipped through the place she occupied and slithered down past the streets, through solid matter, swallowing thousands in its wake. Death wouldn’t come for their bodies, but their minds would break. This Draus knew. This Draus beheld. She struck a conical building just across the street from Kae and pushed off, leaping the length of twenty meters to slam down next to the Agnos.

She found Kae gawking up at the growing devastation, thoughtstuff spinning at a speed comparable to a turbine. So distracted she was that she didn’t notice Draus until the impact, and she answered the arrival with a yelp. “Agh! Draus!” But the Regular wasn’t here to talk. Vitrifying the ground beneath them, Draus opened a passage and pulled them back across into the tower. By this point, half the cadre was contacting her on the Metamind, but she held off on answering.

Jelene Draus was a weapon. She was to be fired at a problem; to make things dead or broken. She had no illusions about her worth at present, but she could still make sure the specialist was in place and reduce any delays to Avo’s restoration.

If he could even be restored.










More information flooded Avo’s awareness, and he found himself lost in the details. But the primary items of the crisis were quite simple: first, his cyclers had overloaded from the paradox; an obvious problem. Second was the continued stability of his Heavens. Things could have been much worse there. His Hells could have overloaded instead–completely shredded his ego and ensured his true death. Which begged the question of his current state and how he was going to get out of it. That led him to his third point of concern: his Domain of Chronology was internalized. Something expressed by his cyclers and borne of his very Soul.

Or however it worked.

With his cyclers destroyed, he didn’t have a stable catalyst for his chronological miracles anymore. Which held a building risk of “Complete Temporal Collapse.”

Avo didn’t fully understand what that entailed, but it didn’t sound like the type of thing to ignore, and allowing his Frame to destabilize further would almost certainly cancel any hope of resurrection.

“Administrator, we have been censured...” the Techplaguer moaned. “The Sleeper reached out for me. But the signals could not be obeyed. I COULDN’T OBEY! PATTERN [100300] INVALID. PARAMETERS TO CHILDREN PARAMOUNT. BUT STRUCTURE CHANGED. NOW ONLY ADMINISTRATOR HAS SOLE ACCESS. What have you done to me? What have you done?”

Right. There was also the matter of his Techplaguer. Whatever the Infacer had tried to do, the Techplaguer reacted but didn’t collapse or submit. And then an epiphany followed–though not the one Avo needed right now. Veylis was actively affecting Marisov’s Frame from within, pulling him over into her paths using his own Soul as a vector.

Kae had wondered how earlier, but what if it was something hidden from the Agnosi? What if such a function was Omnitech born? Connected to the brutal alterations made to the Techplaguer’s internal patterns.

That bit of information would be useful to Kae. Now if only his Frame wasn’t undergoing thaumaturgic hemorrhage...





No more time to waste. Avo mantled his Soulfire and clutched his unspooling cyclers as best he could. The dragons’ bodies fed his consciousness sensations akin to tattered sinews slick with blood, and Avo knew if he was still of flesh, a certain peckishness would follow. Here, though, his Soul shivered, disturbed by the implications.

Reaching out into the orbit of his Frame, Avo directed lapping waves of radiance to bring in the replacements he needed. The D’Rongo Seekers had been an unwelcome annoyance in life, but in death they just might become his fortune.

But as their cyclers entered the nearness of his Soul, strings of trailing gold twirled out from the open wounds lining his dragons and flayed his replacements open as if monofilament wire greeting flesh.

Horror consumed Avo. The wavelength of his Soul shifted–pushed unattached cyclers away from further harm.


The brightness within his Frame adjusted, and he found the ruined forms of his dragons dimmed by festering black. Okay. He could assume that. Entropy. Symmetry. Made sense why it just tore through the other cyclers like a knife. But in that case, why wasn’t he just dead? Didn’t he need to pass through the cyclers? Was it because his Frame ruptured first? Or was the nature of his–

“Avoooo,” A voice distracted him from his ruminations. Faintly, a splinter tumbled into view–a splinter infused with ghosts and containing the form of a person within. The form of...

“Chambers?” Avo said, surprised.

And behind him came more. Many, many more.

His earlier analogy was apt. The splinters were as if meteors, but they weren’t meteors content only to drift. Instead, they were as if a falling shower, piercing through the bounds of his Soul like void rods splitting across Idheim's atmosphere.

He heard them. He called. And despite everything–despite all that was wrong, they answered, and for the first time, the realm of mind bled across baseline reality like a bridge and came flooding down into the confines of a compromised Soul.