Chapter 28-11 Children of Broken Legacies (III)

Name:Godclads Author:
Chapter 28-11 Children of Broken Legacies (III)

Bloodthanes, we call to you now, and ask that you point your gaze skyward.

We, the Mistresses of Wounds, we, Sons to Matriarchs Become, we, mother’s above huntresses all, have been called by our erstwhile cousins to their defense.

The war has spread beyond the confines of our world, and we, of the Longeyes, Mistresses of Wounds and Beholders of the Final Ruin, witness a calamity festering in the void.

A new threat is upon us, the seed of an ancient foe turned ripe abomination.

As of now, we give the right to all Bloodthanes beyond Sphere Five to participate in the Godhunt to come.

But know this, your prey will not be a stray creature wandering the dark, a maddened eldritch, monstrosity, drained of death and worn by entropy. No, our foe taunts us, our foe sees us, our foe expects us. But we have been called, and so we will answer.

For though the loom of oblivion still weaves, we must all play our part to ensure that the final end is ours to claim. Not the betrayer. Not our allies of measured deceit. Not the time-broken. And especially not the Daughter of the Festering Cycle.

Ruin be our birthright. Ours, and ours alone.

-Message from Stormtree Longeyes


Children of Broken Legacies (III)

At once, the entire court was consumed by a muted uproar. Thoughtcasts were exchanged between guilders and their home offices. Peeking into their minds, Avo saw the mem-data flooding in, and found himself satisfied. Their thoughts were filled with satellite imaging obtained from their golems portraying the Strix Upon the Empty engaging Voidwatch assets across the void.

Far above Idheim’s atmosphere, another branch of Avo's consciousness sparred against his new “enemies,” slowly drinking in the memetic projectiles that the voidships were sending at him. Massive salvos of relativistic projectiles were consumed by a sprawling weave of phantasmal tendrils stretching a few hundred thousand kilometers around the Strix. A sub-layer of existence was imprinted upon reality, and through his Exo-Paracosm, Avo drank the attacks in, dissecting them materially, mentally, and thaumaturgically.

With every missile and weapon he countered, a growing thought cemented itself within Avo’s mind: Metaphysics poisoned Idheim’s development. The people on this world claimed power far too early; it made them infants with influence beyond their wisdom to wield. Though they could impose raw belief based on what little they perceived of the world, the deeper nuances behind reality’s design eluded them. Just as the true game being played in the Court of Truth was obstructed from most sophonts even now.

Even the Agnos, who thought themselves the wisest that humanity had to offer, stood as less than a pale shadow when contrasted before the glory of Voidwatch. Far had humanity fallen since the Builder War.

Echoing Avo's sentiment, Veylis spoke her response and played along. "I see," the High Seraph presented a fake smile to Kant. "If what you say is true, then we of Highflame will honor our oaths. We will not see the last legacy of all humanity lost to the abyss of a hungering monster."

It was a half-casual jab meant to taint Avo's identity by tying him to the Hungers. But the Burning Dreamer remained unburdened. He merely laughed. He wanted the city to know, and he wanted the city to see him rebuke his former masters over and over again.

A thoughtcast swept across through the plane of truth. Avo sensed its coming even before it arrived, for the Longeye, Empty Grave, had been in communication with her sisters even as he spoke. Though he couldn't delve too into her cognition with ease due to her metaphysical barriers, his Definement of Hysteria still captured a few instances of critical information, such as the Stormtree’s orders issued to their auxiliary Bloodthane cadres. R/ê/Ad lateSt ch/a/pters at nô(v)e(l)bin/.c/o//m Only

Soon, the void would be filled with Scaarthians and their comrades.

"Empty Grave of the Longeyes," Empty Grave declared herself, instilling her voice with an added echo. "The Betrayer has made her boast. One Stormtree will match and exceed. For every cadre and Knot of Highflame that pierces the planetary veil, we will send one of our own. The Strix’s Soul will be ours to claim.”

Avo channeled a mental chuckle over to the Longeye through Shotin. The Seeker just scowled in response. +Appreciate the declaration, Matriarch.+

Patterns of reality trembled around the mangled torso Empty Grave used as her dwelling. +You have much to explain. As does the Inner Council.”

+In due time. Just know that this is the right choice. For your Guild. For the Massists. For Idheim.+

The Longeye let out an unplacated snort, but did not contend any further. There would be problems when they discovered he wasn’t actually in communication with the Inner Council, but perhaps Avo could muddy the waters by then—make things true post-hoc.

For now, the Longeye’s alignment with her Guild’s hated foe started an avalanche.

+Dowager Far Pearl,+ a Sang introduced herself via thoughtcast. +We will honor any and all commitments and are prepared to stand alongside our esteemed and distant kindred from beyond the void. Furthermore, we are open to offering additional assortments of aid beyond martial assets to ensure the safety and security of Voidwatch's polities with the hopes of furthering our diplomatic relations.+

A concurrence of thoughts sounded out from the court. Declarations went forth from every single Guilder present. A rare moment of accord was reached between Massists and Saintists as they all settled upon a shared goal: a pseudo-Godhunt in ostensible defense of Voidwatch, and in deliberate attempt to take claim Avo’s Soul and ontologics.

“Truth,” the Gatekeeper proclaimed, speaking once after a lull. Its words washed over Kant, Avo, and all members of the court.

An ansible broadcast sank into Avo, heralded by Only Way To Be Sure’s choking laughter. {Holy shit. Our layered cake of political bullshit worked.}

Genuine rage simmered from the Infacer, but they just continued.

{I see you now, Avo. Playing your games. Well, understand this: This play-war you have everyone dancing too? This theater of legitimacy? It will end. It will become truer than you ever think. Just get more powerful. Just hit your point of singularity. You will get there soon. You are like us. You will fall off the edge. And then they start actually worrying proper. And then, when are on the precipice of being a true great power, suddenly, all your old friends will start talking to Veylis, betraying your moves, while betraying hers, while betraying yours...

{It is all bullshit. They are afraid. They do not want to let go. But more than that, they do not want to face the fact that they are the reason why we are all here. Because the people who made me, and the people who made them had two ideas that could not get along. Which, when fed into a mind, became two different realities, that tore, that tore, that tore, and tore some more. Until we broke creation itself.}

A moment of silence followed. Veylis had stopped speaking in the real as well. {It is all bullshit. You will go to war with them. And they are planning to kill you. Or contain you at least. There is no other way. Because though Aegis might think you will deliver justice, the rest of Voidwatch might start having other ideas about living as memetic imprints within the mind of a metaphysical horror. Fuck it. Veylis?}

As if on cue, the High Seraph spoke. “Oh. An additional matter, Kant: Do you have means of potentially eliminating the Strix?”

Kant went still as the Gatekeeper’s miracles pressed down on them. {...Yes}

“Truth,” the Gatekeeper said.

“Good. Do you have plans to deploy it against the Strix? A task we terrestrials may assist in.”


Not unexpected. Not even truly disappointing. Nothing changed between Avo and Voidwatch. They were functionally at “war.” If they had nothing to resolve his existence, he would have been surprised.

+So. Voidwatch is prepared.+

{Sure,} the Infacer snorted. {Just long enough for them to break apart again after some other disagreement. No. You have seen enough. This court? This Gatekeeper? All this? Ruined. Because of people. And so, Veylis and I are going to see that fixed soon.}

Avo caught the Infacer’s words. +Soon.+

{Oh, yes. I have been meaning to ask—when are you going to finally leave Axtraxis and actually start your attack? Because I am running out of patience. My Knots have been waiting to raid your stupid little enclave. So, uh. Whip out your dick, “consang.” Put it down on the table. So I can put mine next to it.}

Tension filled Avo as the Infacer finished. They knew he was in Axtraxis. But though templates panicked, Avo noticed something: Veylis hadn’t come for him yet. Alysim’s name was unmentioned as well. So, either they only knew of the intrusion or weren’t actually surprised about the Chronicler. Pre-Cognition indicated the former.

The run was still salvageable. Better, this failure was even more organic than the one he had planned.

+Alysim,+ Avo sent. +Prepare for rapid exfiltration. We hit as many place as fast as we can. Get ready to stride the paths.+

[Always,] the man replied. [My fate is not yet upon me.]

+Fine,+ Avo said, speaking to the Infacer. +But you might not like how this goes.+

{Hm. Sure. Anyway. You are going to want to hurry, because—}

And then Avo felt it. Everyone felt it. Something was tearing. A spike of metaphysical pressure that rang against their Frames and minds alike. Lustaways flared as Avo felt a detonation of different emotions within him. He quickly altered his mindstate and found himself removing his ability to know love, lust, want, fondness, and more.

Moans filled the court and faintly, Avo audibly heard Reva cry out for White-Rab. She was not alone in her proclamation. Her proclamation of love.

Avo froze. Looking deeper upon the surface of the tapestry, he watched as a new entropy laced string was slowly sliding back into existence, entangling itself with countless other patterns. And across New Vultun, he heard her: Kae’s original self.

The Agnos was screaming. Crying out. +It’s too much. It’s too much. It’s too much.+

“What the hells have you done?” Avo said, speaking to Veylis.

The High Seraph smiled. This time, the expression was genuine. “You are not the only player in this game. While you were preparing, while you schemed, so did I. But ultimately, the question isn’t what I have done. It is what you are about to do. Tell me, what does your Agnos mean to you? What of the fates of the FATELESS when the Heaven of Love fully falls once more.+

“Veylis... you didn’t...” Naeko swallowed, shaking as love and hate warred inside him.

“No. I haven’t. Not yet.” Veylis looked back to Avo. “I am going to come for you now. Your enclave. Your properties. Your assets. I am going to come for all of them. And every plane containing the Fallen Heaven of Love will soon rupture. Unless you stop me. Make your move, Dreamer. I insist. Match me with your atrocity.”