In the morning, Lin Jin was lying in bed like a salted fish, playing with his phone. He didn't even think about learning makeup, He just kept reading novels.

It seems that the black cat slept too late last night and didn't appear on the phone until noon. It might be lazing around like Lin Jin. This finally gave Lin Jin a chance to relax and play with his phone. Otherwise, if the black cat were around, he would usually be forced to watch makeup tutorials.

"Emotionally drained" Lin Jin sighed, glanced at the time, and realized it was almost noon. He opened the food delivery app and ordered a chicken cutlet rice. Then, leisurely got out of bed to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Just after finishing his morning routine, Wen Xuan came back with a bottle of water.

"Where's Wu Min?" Lin Jin yawned and sat down on a chair. "Did he go to the cafeteria with his wife again?"

"I'm not sure" Wen Xuan opened his computer and started searching for interesting new anime online. "Isn't there a student council meeting today? Wu Min left during class, halfway through, I haven't seen him since."

It was only then that Lin Jin remembered that Wu Min was also a member of the student council, but he belonged to the Sports and Recreation Department. As a result, Lin Jin had consistently overlooked Wu Min's role in the council.

This meeting seemed to be a particularly significant one, as it involved all departments of the student council gathering together. That's why Lin Jin had the idea of joining in the excitement in the morning, but in the end, reality struck and he didn't go.

"I seduced a man with my butt..."

The moment this thought crossed his mind, Lin Jin immediately felt dejected, as if he were a seriously ill patient. He slumped his head onto the table, staring listlessly at the nearby wall.

"What's wrong?" Wen Xuan noticed that Lin Jin seemed to be in a strange mood.

"It's nothing, just ignore me..." Lin Jin sighed, feeling completely drained, devoid of ambition, interest, and ideals.

In the future, as a woman, I won't be able to have intimate relations with girls, nor flirt with them. I might even be approached by guys... Sometimes, I feel like dying.

Just as he was feeling despondent, his phone suddenly lit up.

"A call?" Lin Jin was puzzled. Usually, only his mom would call him, but this number wasn't from the mobile service provider or his mom. So who could it be?

Confused, Lin Jin answered the phone and heard a somewhat familiar voice on the other end.

"Hello? Hello?" The voice was somewhat sharp, clearly a man's voice, and it sounded familiar, but Lin Jin couldn't remember who it was exactly.

"Who is this?" He picked up the phone and walked to the balcony, furrowing his brows lightly.

"It's Lin Chen, your brother, is that you?"

Lin Jin immediately smiled with joy. No wonder she found the voice familiar. It was his younger brother, Lin Chen, who was currently in his final year of high school.

"Where did you get a phone to play with? Didn't Mom not buy you one?" Lin Jin's tone immediately became more concerned. "Don't spend all your time playing with your phone. If you end up like me, just getting a diploma, Mom will be angry."

"I used my classmate's phone to call you. Don't you know my grades?!" Lin Chen first boasted a bit, then revealed his true intention. "Brother, are you coming back for my birthday next week? It's been three to four years since we last saw each other."

The smile on Lin Jin's face instantly froze, and he forced a laugh. "I have exams next week... I can't come back. How about next year? I promise I'll come back next year."

"It's been three to four years..."

As Lin Jin listened to Lin Chen's somewhat disappointed voice, he also felt uneasy. They used to be loving brothers, but now they could only occasionally chat online. If it weren't for today's phone call, Lin Jin wouldn't have heard Lin Chen's voice in almost two years.

Lin Jin let out a soft sigh. His parents had separated when he was ten years old, with his younger brother, Lin Chen, staying with their mother while he stayed with their father. His parents were like sworn enemies, and his father never approved of him having any contact with his mother and brother.

Lin Jin also only secretly met his mother and Lin Chen three or four years ago. When he returned home, her drunken father found out and almost beat him to death. "Well, you better do well on the college entrance exam. If you do, I'll definitely be there to celebrate with you" Lin Jin had to use these words to comfort his younger brother.

"Yeah, yeah, you can count on my grades! It's either Peking University or a top 985 university. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Lin Jin was puzzled. What is 985?

Coming from a vocational high school and progressing to a junior college through the Spring Entrance Exam, he had no understanding of those prestigious universities because there was no need to understand. The best schools in the Spring Entrance Exam were only second-tier universities.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Jin started thinking about how to make it up to Lin Chen. It was Lin Chen's 18th birthday this year, which was a significant coming-of-age milestone, but he couldn't be there. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but his brother lived in another province, and he didn't have the money to travel by high-speed train.


Perhaps buying him a phone? Their mother was strict with Lin Chen and wouldn't buy him a phone until after the college entrance exam, but she bought Lin Jin an iPhone 6. This had made Lin Chen envious and jealous for a long time.

Earning 70 yuan a day by delivering takeout, that’s nearly 500 yuan a week, with some effort, he might be able to have 600 yuan. Buying a Redmi or Meizu should be enough. It didn't have to be a top-of-the-line phone. When Lin Chen graduated from high school, their mother would definitely buy him the latest model of the iPhone.

Lin Jin immediately went online to check the prices of these two phones and found that if it wasn't the latest model, 600 yuan would be enough.

However, there was a fear that Lin Chen might compare his phone with his classmates when he brought it to school.

Although Lin Chen was already in his final year of high school, he had been well protected by their mother since childhood, and combined with his focus on studying, having emotional intelligence at the level of junior high was considered good enough... Hopefully, when he had a phone, he wouldn't engage in comparisons with his classmates. If that were the case, it would be better not to give him this gift.

At that moment, Wu Min finally returned to the dormitory, complaining loudly as soon as he entered. His complaints interrupted Lin Jin's train of thought.

"Damn it, they spent almost two hours discussing something that could be said in three sentences." Wu Min was exhausted, grabbing the half-empty bottle of water from Wen Xuan and chugging it down his throat.

After finishing, he wiped his mouth and complained to Lin Jin, "Just three sentences. We need to start preparing for the New Year's party and the Student Council needs two performances. We spent two hours discussing which performances would be better. It's f*cking ridiculous."

"That's why I usually don't attend meetings" Lin Jin showed some interest in the New Year's party that Wu Min mentioned and looked up at him. "What kind of New Year's party?"

"It's on the evening of January 1st. There will be a New Year's party on the playground, themed around the spirit of the Long March."

Lin Jin's lips twitched. What kind of program could possibly interest him with that theme?

But at that moment, the phone in his hand vibrated once again, and the black cat appeared on the screen, providing additional information for the task.

Chain task: Participate in the New Year's party. Sign up for a performance at the party.

As a reserve goddess, you need to participate in the party to enhance your popularity in school. The higher your popularity, the better the rewards. Please note that you need to cross-dress for this task. The first stage of the task is to sign up for the party, which is quite simple.

Stage reward: Memory Bread. [I think you might need it for your final exams.]

Reward: 1,000 to 10,000 yuan. [As I've mentioned before, I am an extremely wealthy system. And it seems like you need money for gift preparations, right? So, complete this task!

Punishment: D-cup breasts for a week. [Just imagine, you'll have a large bust! Many girls would be envious. So, are you considering giving up on this task?]

His face turned as dark as coal in an instant. Lin Jin wished he could slap himself a few times. Why did he ask such nonsense! If he hadn't asked Wu Min, he wouldn't have received this task!