Chapter 91: vs Aizen 2

Chapter 91: vs Aizen 2

*Clang*A loud sound echoed over the forest Yuna and Aizen were currently in as the duo's swords collided, resulting in a powerful shockwave. Surprisingly, after the duo's attacks collided, Yuna slit backward a few meters while Aizen held his position.Unbothered by that, Yuna continued attacking, this time synchronizing her sword swings with the movement of her tail, resulting in a total of eleven attacks flying toward Aizen, who still showed a calm demeanor.He swung his blade at lightning speed, blocking Yuna's sword while dodging her tails, allowing him to counterattack.

Yuna blocked the powerful strike with her own blade, but due to Aizen's overwhelming strength, she yet again slid back a few meters.

"Hahaha, what power! This is going to be fun!"

Hearing Yuna's crazed words, Aizen could only shake his head as he prepared himself for the next clash.

"How pitiful. I assumed you to be someone who fought calmly with every single move being calculated, but it seems like you are similar to that fool Kenpachi, who only knows how to charge his enemy like a wild beast.

Honestly, by now it should be clear that you can't beat me, so why do you continue fighting? Are you truly just a crazed animal, incapable of discerning the truth?"

The moment Aizen stopped speaking, Yuna couldn't help herself but start chuckling in amusement. However, said chuckling quickly turned into full-blown laughter as Yuna did her best not to fall to the ground due to laughing too hard. Obviously, Yuna laughing about his words caused Aizen to frown, clearly unhappy with Yuna's reaction.

"What are you laughing for? You are about to die, yet you laugh? Can you not comprehend the situation you are in."

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, it's just so funny how unaware you are of your situation."

"Unaware of my situation? What do you mean? I'm fully aware of my situation, and no matter how I look at it, you stand no chance against me."


Yuna laughed even harder, and the more she laughed, the angrier Aizen became. He was just about to continue fighting when Yuna took a few deep breaths, calming herself down.

"Phew, that was a good laugh. Anyway, since you don't get it, I might as well explain it to you. Clearly, you are rather proud of what you have achieved, and I have to admit, your current level of power isn't too bad.

However, why are you so smug about it? Why are you proud that you are stronger than me? What's so great about that?

Hehe, if you didn't have the Hogyoku, an external item that you didn't even create yourself, you would currently be groveling on the ground, begging for forgiveness, and yet here you are acting all smug.

Additionally, even ignoring the matter of the Hogyoku, why do you think you are so special? Do you think it's amazing how you can barely overpower a young woman not even a fraction of your age?

In front of my existence, the talent you have and are so proud of is meaningless. You are just a big fish in a small pond."

As Yuna continued speaking, Aizen anger increased, while the strength behind his Spiritual Pressure grew in tandem with his anger. It was clear that the Hogyoku was reacting to Aizen's anger as the more furious he became, the more it started glowing.


The Hogyoku started shining even more as Aizen's Spiritual Power climbed to unapprehended heights, resulting in another transformation.

This time, the wings on Aizen's back fused into a single pair of leather-like white wings, while the single Hollow hole he previously had turned into three.

Additionally, it looked like the skin on his face was peeled back, revealing a grotesque face with a huge face-splitting smile.

Feeling himself getting even more powerful, Aizen could help but laugh out loud as he was now certain that Yuna stood no chance against him.

"It's finally time for you to die, human."

As he said that, he vanished from his position and appeared in front of Yuna, who barely managed to block the sword that was descending on her, resulting in her being sent flying away.

As she was flying away, her back crashing through multiple trees, she felt a spatial fluctuation behind her before something started shining behind her.

She quickly scanned the situation and immediately got what was going on, turning around and blocking yet another attack from Aizen, who had just teleported behind her.

"Hahaha, sorry, but I'm rather adept at reading spatial fluctuations."

Realizing the situation, Aizen gritted his teeth so hard they almost shattered. Just how many decades had he put into his research? Just how many people did he sacrifice? How many outrageous things did he do to reach his current level of knowledge? Just how much time did he invest in Ichigo's growth?

Yet, now that Yuna stood in front of him, showing a better state of being than Ichigo, whom Aizen had invested all his time into, how could he not get angry? All his efforts over the years were utterly disregarded and surpassed by a single human woman, not even a fraction of his anger.

"Hehe, what's wrong, Aizen? Shocked that a little girl like me surpassed you in everything you have ever done? Not only did I improve one of your Arrancar beyond what you thought possible and gain strength that the normal you could only look up to, but I even surpassed your years of research by unveiling this hollowfication transformation that surpasses everything you have ever seen. Hehe, are you angry~"

The moment Yuna stopped speaking, veins appeared on Aizen's forehead as he gritted his teeth in utter fury. Realizing that he had been surpassed was one thing, but the other person rubbing it in was a whole different matter.

"SILENCE!!! Are you proud of what you have done? Are you proud that you evolved one of the Arrancar I kept as toys even further? Are you proud of the measly strength you developed despite it being no match for me? Are you proud of your Visored form that surpassed the toy I have been grooming?


Finishing his little speech, Aizen raised his left hand into the air as powerful Spiritual Pressure started covering the battlefield, going as far as distorting space itself. While Yuna was watching him curiously, wondering what he was about to do, Aizen started chanting.

"Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness. HADO 90: KUROHITSUGI!"

The moment Aizen finished his chant, black Spiritual power rose from the ground around Yuna, slowly covering her as she only looked at Aizen in indifference.

"DESPAIR!!! A fully chanted Hado in the nineties in my current form is enough to twist even time and space! Not even you will be able to get out of this!"

As space continued closing off around her, Yuna only shook her head as she readied her blade. The moment the black Spiritual Power had fully surrounded her, seemingly trapping her in place, she swung her blade.

Space itself trembled as her blade cut through the cage that was supposed to trap her, shredding it to pieces.

"Playing with space in front of me? Courting death!"

Feeling satisfied that she could use that line after quite some time of not being able to do so, Yuna wore a smug expression as she pointed her blade at the dumbfounded Aizen.

"H-How is that possbile."

Seeing Aizen's face twisting in disbelief and confusion, a shudder of pleasure went through Yuna's spine as a sloppy smile appeared on her face.

'Haa~ I just love crushing the confidence of arrogant people~'

[Your degeneracy is showing.]

'It can't be helped~'

Not minding her little conversation with Kurama, Yuna looked at Aizen, her face twisted in glee as she resumed mocking him.

"That's it, Aizen? An insignificant space lock? Let me give you a little warning: There is nothing that I can not cut, space included. That being said, come, god, show me more of your arrogance so that I can crush it even further."

Although Aizen was initially dumbfounded by Yuna so easily getting out of his Kido spell due to Yuna continuously mocking him, that feeling quickly faded as it was replaced with seething fury.


Yet again, Aizen started transforming, causing Yuna to smile in excitement.

'Ohh, another form~ I'm looking forward to it~'

[Just let that man die and end his suffering.]

'Oh~ Is it just me, or is his chest getting bigger~'
