"I think" to Liu Shi Han "and" midsummer "are rare masterpieces in the history of Chinese music. There is no difference between the superior and the inferior. It is better not to discriminate between one and the other."

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat oppressive, Ren Kang quickly stood up and said.

Shi Fei is the treasure of Jinyi. Anyhow, Ren Kang can't let Shi Fei get angry.

However, what Xue Qing said was also very reasonable. Ren Kang could not find any reason to refute it for a moment. He could only keep a bowl of water level, and no one would be partial.

However, Shi Fei didn't appreciate it: "teacher Ren, I don't agree with you. Zhongxia is more than zhiliu Shihan in terms of artistry and appreciation."

"And there is a voice on the Internet. The winner of the Golden Melody Award in 2003 should be" midsummer ", not" Tianxiu ". It was the people of H who bribed the judges with despicable means to let" Tianxiu "win in the final selection

"Although the jury of the Golden Melody Award of the world has been silent, silence is equivalent to acquiescence."

"That is to say," midsummer "has won the prize, but" to Liu Shi Han "is only shortlisted. How can it be as excellent as that

"Besides, my grandfather not only wrote the piano piece" midsummer ", but also five pieces of his own creation which were selected into the university textbook. What about Beethoven? There is only one poem "to Liu Shi Han" that has been circulated

"So my grandfather has achieved far more than Beethoven, and that's my point of view."

At first, Shi Fei only compared Shi Han to midsummer. Later, he went up to the comparison of the achievements of composers.

Shi Fei's words sound a little abrupt, but if you think of a recent statement in the Chinese music industry, you will find that his words are not abrupt at all.

Because "to Liu Shi Han" was shortlisted for this year's world piano Golden Melody Award, some people said that Beethoven's future achievements are expected to surpass Shi Xingde.

As Shi Xingde's grandson, how can Shi Fei admit this view? So during this period of time, he has been arguing with others on the Internet, and with the opportunity of debating with Xue Qing, he said his own ideas.

"This What Shi Fei said is still very reasonable. " Ren Kang made a ha ha and was about to come out.

However, Xue Qing said, "I don't agree with Shi Fei. Although Mr. Beethoven has only one poem" to Liu Shi Han ", I believe that with Beethoven's talent, more excellent works can certainly be created."

"Why do you think so? Have you ever seen him?" he said

Other students also looked at Xue Qing curiously.

Beethoven's name is spread from the mouth of leandr Saroyan and Wei Mingcheng. According to their description, Beethoven is a Chinese in his twenties. This poem "to Liu Shi Han" is just Beethoven's improvisation.

Apart from nationality, gender, age and good looks, there was no information about Beethoven.

With the passage of time, some people even suspect that Beethoven is just a fictional character created by leandr Saroyan and Wei Mingcheng. This poem "to Liu Shi Han" is actually a joint creation of two people.

After Andrea restaurant officials came forward to refute the rumor, the suspicion did not spread. It was just that people were better equipped with the identity of chebeethoven.

Li Feng was able to hide his identity well, naturally there is a systematic credit. At that time, all the customers present knew his real name. Under the interference of the system, his real name was not spread on the network.

"I haven't met Mr. Beethoven, but my intuition tells me that he is a genius for piano composition." Xue Qing looks forward to the color in the eye, says slowly.

The corner of Li Feng's mouth puffed, and the strange feeling in his heart became more intense.

Look at Xue Qing's manner and tone, she is obviously a fan of Beethoven, and she is very fanatical. If she confesses that she is Beethoven now, what will Xue Qing do?

It's exciting to think about it!

"Intuition..." Shi Fei shook his head and said, "OK, please listen to this piece of music."

The voice falls to the ground. Sfy goes back to the piano and sits down. After a few deep breaths, he begins to play.

"Ding Ding Dong Dong..."

The beautiful melody reverberated in the piano room. With Shi Fei's playing, all the teachers and students including Ren Kang fell into a sluggish state.

"This This is an original piano piece

"Oh, my God, this is a wonderful piano piece!"

"Is it a piano piece by sfy? It's amazing

"Hush! Silence! Don't disturb sfy Ren Kang was so excited that he almost trembled.

Five minutes later, after one song, there was a silence in the piano room.

After a long time, warm applause rang out!

"How are you, sfy!"

"What's the name of this piano piece, sfy? Did you write it?"

"It's a piano prince, Shifei. You're so crazy!"

Under the eyes of a group of students, Shi Fei got up, raised his hand and pressed down. When the piano room was quiet again, he said slowly, "this piano song is called autumn, which I created with the help of my grandfather. I hope you can enjoy it."Originally, he was going to wait until this year's Jinyi New Year's party to play, to achieve a stunning effect, but Xue Qing's praise of Beethoven angered him.

He wants Xue Qing to know that Beethoven is not a genius, he is a genius!

He wants to smash Xue Qing's arrogance. Only in this way can he take the initiative in pursuing Xue Qing!

"I like it. I like it very much!"

"This piano piece is better than midsummer. You are a genius, sfy."

In the public praise, Shi Fei looked at Xue Qing and asked modestly, "classmate Xue Qing, do you think Beethoven can create such piano music?"

"This..." Xue Qing looks a little ugly.

It has to be admitted that the piano piece "qiuyinong" can be regarded as excellent in terms of its structure, artistry and expressiveness, and it is no different from the poem to Liu.

The key point is that Beethoven is really the only piano piece to Liu Shi Han, and she can't talk about it even if she wants to insist on her own opinion.

Seeing Xue Qing's silence, Shi Fei was even more proud: "Xue Qing, intuition can deceive people. Unless Beethoven writes another piano piece of the same quality as the poem to Liu, I will never admit that he is a genius."

"If you have to insist that Beethoven is a genius, then I have to say that I am also a genius."

As soon as this word came out, it immediately caused a burst of laughter from class 04 students.

Xue Qing's face is even worse!

"Well, everyone has the right to choose. There is nothing wrong with Xue Qing's liking of Beethoven's works. As long as Xue Qing does not stand in front of me and insists that the poem to Liu is better than midsummer, Shi Xingde is my grandfather, and I have the responsibility to protect his reputation."

Shi Fei knows that he has smashed Xue Qing's arrogance. Next, he should ease the relationship with Xue Qing.

But Xue Qing didn't appreciate it: "sorry, I still insist on my point of view, because I believe in my intuition."

When this was said, people's faces changed dramatically!

At the same time, Zhiling sister's voice suddenly sounded.

"Ding, host, you have a new task. Would you like to check it now?"

"Check it out!"

"Mission: save the goddess Xue Qing (2)"

"mission objective: to play a Beethoven work on site to prove that Xue Qing's intuition is not wrong."

"Task reward: 3000 experience points, 150000 system points."

"Note: according to the humanitarian principles formulated by the system developer, the system provides the host with one of Beethoven's representative works, symphony of destiny, which will be retrieved after the task is completed."

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