"Sister Bingqing, what should I do if I suddenly feel a little nervous?"

About to enter the banquet hall, Su Tong said nervously.

Wei Bingqing said with a smile: "what's so nervous about? You're the president of oswelli, or the top one. If you want to, you can beat everyone in the banquet hall with your hand. It's others who should be nervous."

"Oh, I don't mean that..." Su Tong blushed and whispered, "I just can't help being nervous when I think of going to stage to receive awards in front of so many people in the future, and to make speeches about awards."

Every award-winning entrepreneur has to give a 3-5-minute speech on the stage. It is inevitable that people who have not experienced this kind of thing will be nervous.

"Don't think too much about it. Just think of it as a press conference. I believe you can. Come on." Wei Bingqing clenched her pink fist and cheered Su Tong with a smile.

Su Tong took a deep breath, nodded, and then led Wei Bingqing's hand into the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was full of guests, and the media reporters were in place. As soon as the two women came in, they immediately murdered a large piece of film, and the clattering sound continued.

The guests also couldn't help but put their eyes on the two girls, and almost all of them showed a startling color in their eyes.

Two women are unique, a single appearance has been enough to attract the eye, two people hand in hand to appear a little old people.

Fortunately, the guests who attended the award ceremony were all famous people in Mingzhu city. Most of them had met two women on other occasions, so they recovered their composure after a brief surprise and then said hello to them.

After the two women responded with a smile, they took their seats in the first row under the leadership of the staff.

Shortly after the two women entered the banquet hall, Xiao Lingya took LV Xiujie's arm and walked into the banquet hall.

"Well, who are they? They have some eyesight."

"I haven't seen them either. They're not pearl natives, are they?"

"Certainly not. If the Pearl had such a beautiful woman, it would have spread all over the upper circles."

"That man is also very handsome. Compared with the small fresh meat in the entertainment industry, he is not bad at all."

"Since they can enter here, it means they are invited by the organizer. We will find out their identity by asking the staff later."

The guests at the scene murmured and guessed the identities of LV Xiujie and Xiao Lingya, while the media reporters in the venue quickly pressed the shutter in their hands.

No matter what their identities are, it's worthwhile for them to take more beautiful photos.

They even thought about the news headline, "mysterious couple appeared at the award ceremony. Who are they? 》"See what is a beauty that can go straight out" and "shock! Golden boy and jade girl appear! 》……

Now is the era of traffic king, as long as it can be used to attract traffic, it is worth their pursuit!

"Well, it feels good."

LV Xiujie, who had his hair cut short and wore a white suit, walked on the red carpet and looked at the curious or astonishing eyes cast by the guests around him. He felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never felt before.

Since he was born, he has been living in the Sanxian sect, isolated from the world. Although LV Xiujie, the biological son of the leader of the three immortals sect, has a high status in the three immortals sect, and he can act almost recklessly. However, the three immortal sect is still too small, far less prosperous and interesting than the secular world.

Just like now, these shining lights and interesting eyes make his self-esteem get great satisfaction.

At this time, a staff member came over and guided them to the second row and sat down.

As a result, the curiosity of the guests grew stronger.

In China, seats are asked by universities, and who sits in what position is particular.

For example, the people sitting in the first row today, in addition to the Ten Star entrepreneurs, are some relevant leaders of Pearl City.

And sitting in the second row, are the boss of the top enterprises in Pearl City.

The young couple can sit in the same row with these bosses, which shows that they have a great future!

If not for the occasion, other guests would like to get to know them at the first time.

Time passed slowly. At 7 o'clock in the evening, the award ceremony officially began. The host came on stage, and then a person in charge came on the stage to give a speech.

At the end of the speech, an award-winning entrepreneur came to the stage to receive the award and delivered his acceptance speech.

When Su Tong came to the stage to receive the prize, LV Xiujie, who was sitting in the second row, adjusted his sitting posture. His expression suddenly changed from cynicism to seriousness.

"General manager Su, congratulations." The person in charge of the party takes over the trophy and certificate from Miss etiquette, and she has to hand it to Su Tong.

Su Tong kept a polite smile, slightly bowed to take over the trophy and certificate.

The media reporters in the venue began to press the shutter in their hands to record this precious scene.At this time, a sudden voice sounded: "I object!"

The sudden voice was like thunder in the ears of everyone. The person in charge of the party shook and almost dropped the trophy to the ground!

Then they followed the voice and saw that the speaker was the unknown man in white.

Now people are fascinated, not This is an award ceremony, not a wedding ceremony. What are you against?!

Why should you object!

"Who are you and what are you against?" The person in charge of the party took a deep breath and forced to suppress his anger.

Lu Xiujie cocked his legs and said with a smile: "of course I am against Su Tong winning the prize."

The media reporters on the scene all had a green light in their eyes, just like the wolf who had been hungry for three days saw the single prey!

Why is he against Su Tong winning the prize? Is it because there is a black screen in the selection, or is oswelli's marketing in the dark?

No matter what kind of possibility, this is a big news, the traffic attracted is absolutely explosive!

The person in charge of the party frowned slightly: "do you have any reason to object?"

LV Xiujie smiles: "I'll talk about the reason later, because I want to oppose not only Su Tong, but also Wei Bingqing."


this sentence is like a stone thrown into the calm lake, which makes all the guests at the scene in an uproar.

This man even included Wei Bingqing. Who is he and what hatred does he have with the two girls?

Su Tong and Wei Bingqing both frowned slightly, half puzzled and half vigilant, looking at LV Xiujie. They did not know LV Xiujie at all, and did not understand why Lu Xiujie wanted to trouble them both.

"This is the award Party of Pearl's top 10 star entrepreneurs. You'd better give a reasonable explanation, or we have the right to ask the security guards to drive you out." The anger in the party leader's heart was almost out of control.

There are many heavyweight media here today. He can't afford to lose his face!

In the public attention, LV Xiujie shrugged: "the reason is very simple, because I don't want them to win the prize."

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